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lol, My 1.1 Experiance Thus Far


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  • Load in, graphics settings screwed up, set to correct setting and hit apply.
  • CTD
  • Load back in, run to Ilum, get 5k valor in about 5 min.
  • CTD
  • Load back in dead, make it back into the rebel base, last 10 min, get another 10k valor.
  • CTD
  • Load into warzone, yay huttball for the millionth time.
  • Realize that they changed all of my icons so they're not grayed out while on CD. No setting to go back to the old visual setting which was just fine.
  • Warzone ends, deciding who to vote MVP.
  • CTD
  • Turn in Ilum daily, receive 7th champion implant
  • Recieve tells from other Marauders that were in my warzone asking how the tank class doubled their damage with the same tree and gear.
  • Turn all graphical settings to low or off, gain 3 FPS.
  • Come to forums, lol at dev post.
  • CTD
  • Laugh for 20 min on TS with guildies about how this game is being mis-managed just as much as warhammer.
  • Wonder how Mythic still hasn't learned.
  • Check date, 18th, sub goes through tomorrow.
  • Wonder if I should just spend the $15 on beer.


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I'm sure that CTD is Crash to Desktop. right?


Yeah. In the beta I was getting a few CTD's a day, however up until today it's been extremely rare. Having an I7-920 and 5850 which isn't a bad rig, yet with all settings on low barely sc****** by at 30fps in an empty room is pretty epic too. This engine/client is a joke.

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Yeah. In the beta I was getting a few CTD's a day, however up until today it's been extremely rare. Having an I7-920 and 5850 which isn't a bad rig, yet with all settings on low barely sc****** by at 30fps in an empty room is pretty epic too. This engine/client is a joke.


not defending them but thats odd, I am on i5 2500k gtx 560 and i get 60 fps everywhere but the fleet.. you should definitely have over 30

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Man, if only there was some sort of ...test realm... that was ....public... that people could have tried out to check for bugs like this!


Sir, you speak common sense.

That is alien to these who lack patience and understanding to comprehend such things.


They deserve their fix NOW!

And if they don't get it, they will LEAVE!


They talk about their hard earned 15 bucks but they waste more on crap that provides less of a service or a return without batting an eye.


It would be useless for a DEV to come into these forums, if even to appease those who are demanding it.


They would descend on him like a bunch of zealots wanting to drown the woman to see if she is a witch.

Edited by Fraxture
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uhhh try upgrading your computer? Seriously, these problems I have never ever experienced. Ok, go ahead post your 10 gig ram triple vid card specs.....no go ahead....:p


I said I don't have a super stealth bomber system. However it's not terrible either and all of my drivers are up to date. Post launch I was only experiencing a CTD every now and then, no big deal. With this patch my game keeps going back to the loading splash screen and in 2 hours of game play I've experienced 15+ CTDs.


Doesn't logic dictate that if I wasn't CTD'ing, changed nothing in regards to my hardware/drivers, game patch is released and my CTDs go up by over 9000%, it's the game not my computer?


H2O Cooled I7-920 at 4.2ghz, 6 gigs of ram and a 5850 running at stock.

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I am still at work but I will say that since beta I have had zero issues with SwTor I even upgraded from a GTX 295 to a GTX 570 2gb and haven't looked back. I am curious to how many run ATI/Nvidia and how many have UAC turned off and are running with no firewalls or antiviruses installed, not disabled not installed at all.


I have zero issues, it leads me to believe that hard drive or windows in some way is causing all the issues everyone is having.

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i5 2500k

8Gb Ram

Windows 7

Nvidia 560Ti

SWTOR installed on a standard Sata2 HDD.


Anti-virus set up to exclude the SWTOR folders (so to keep performance maximised).


No CTD's experienced (probably because the surplus performance is managing to overcome any "glitches).


Even on my old system, I rarely saw CTD's:


AMD 2400+ Dual Core

4Gb Ram

Windows 7

Nvidia 8800 GTX

SWTOR installed on a standard Sata2 HDD.

Edited by Tarka
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Not only have they torpedo'd swtor with this patch, they then decide to depth charge any hope of salvaging the situation by closing threads.







Reid insulting customers on twitter

Reid saying perfomance issues are users fault

Massively buggy game (ability delay etc)

The "high ress graphics" ********

Now: PATCH 1.1 Voyage of the TORtanic.


Right before people have to sub or not and you release this ****?

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