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**FRAUDALERT** Cancelled yet billed.


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The burden of proof is on you as you were the one asserting something. It's a logical fallacy to ask someone to prove the lack of something.


If you wanted proof, you can look at the history of the company and this thread that was posted 9 days ago.






I'm tired of defending myself when I should not have to do it. If you kids want to argue it's fine, but please don't be stupid and make up stuff like, "you said so and so" when I did not.

Edited by Meluna
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It tells me that she still had time to play before the account was closed?


No that is not the issue at hand. Go look at your account, look what it says if you cancel. Look at what it does when it is not cancel. You can figure it out right?

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I never said that in my other threads, is it really that hard to read? I said that we could have been charged. Please don't act like a child because you guys got proven wrong.


I said that they did not have her account canceled like she told it to do. They would have billed her tomorrow.



What do they teach you guys at school?


More lies.


You proved nothing.


Remember when you said there was magically 30 days on her account? That doesn't happen. Mine is active due to be billed tomorrow. Still says 0 days.

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Yeah right. Lame debate tactic. Put words in my mouth.


What's your agenda?


Hey Dirty ... you joined this community in 2008, yet have never started a thread.


Somebody keeps deleting , not closing mind you : straight up deleting, threads.

Including the tread that asked if any of you are EA paid employees.


Can I ask you what your agenda is ? I assume you know the forum mods a bit better then I do :)

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I guess you are slow in the head also? ugh I hate stupid people.


You must hate yourself. You want us to believe some random person on the internet, who by this point has already been proven to be lying. Because you seem to believer people with no proof I suggest closing all your bank accounts and making origami out of your money because starting tomorrow the new currency is pink bunny paper. Oh wait you only believe people with no evidence if it something you agree with.

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More lies.


You proved nothing.


Remember when you said there was magically 30 days on her account? That doesn't happen. Mine is active due to be billed tomorrow. Still says 0 days.


I think you have me and the op mixed up. I took over this thread because when I posted about my issues with them going to charge. They kept removing the threads like they did not want people to know.



this issue has happen before, and if you want more proof.



Posted 9/1/2012 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=151221



9 days ago same people had the same trouble as we did.

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We don't know if the OP is lying or not, but even if he is, this thread has put some dangerous information in the hands of Bioware/EA.


This thread has shown Bioware/EA that they could get away with exploiting peoples credit card info (even if they aren't doing it now) because most of the community are such zealous fanboys that they refuse to believe any wrongdoing on the part of the company.


I am not saying that this guy is telling the truth, but even if he was, the responses would be the same.

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Hey Dirty ... you joined this community in 2008, yet have never started a thread.


Somebody keeps deleting , not closing mind you : straight up deleting, threads.

Including the tread that asked if any of you are EA paid employees.


Can I ask you what your agenda is ? I assume you know the forum mods a bit better then I do :)


Well Teladis... I mean Humus, unlike you I don't view the forums like my Facebook wall and start threads at every random thought.

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hey Dirty, I'm not the actual OP.


I mean, this is not a bad game and all, but im not going to make (and pay for) two accounts just to talk to you :)


And please just answer the question, and stay respectable and all :p

Edited by Humus_
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We don't know if the OP is lying or not, but even if he is, this thread has put some dangerous information in the hands of Bioware/EA.


This thread has shown Bioware/EA that they could get away with exploiting peoples credit card info (even if they aren't doing it now) because most of the community are such zealous fanboys that they refuse to believe any wrongdoing on the part of the company.


I am not saying that this guy is telling the truth, but even if he was, the responses would be the same.


OMG you are so right!


Becuase none of our credit cards are protected against ACTUAL FRAUD.....they could charge us all and make a run for the Mexican border!!!

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Make sure to remove your card infomation! My wife had it try and resub her even though she told it to cancel last week. Thank god we checked again today.


I cancelled my wife's and my own account 2 weeks ago. I bought a gamecard and added it today since my gametime ran out.


For the hell of it I checked my wife's account and lo and behold, she now has 30 days of playtime again.


you claim the threads do no harm,but it is slander to make up lies about a company...if they show proof that none of this has happened,they can sue you in the court of law.

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You knows whats funny is the guy argueing all this has a long history of trolling, just look at his post history, here is a highlight for ya:


"All the hate posters and people leaving is going to be a huge cut into biowares funds. First month will be ouch, second month will be *** and anyone who stays after the second month will be either a moron, or a woman who does not care about game play."


-If the guy has a wife (which I doubt) a $15 credit card charge is the least of her problems.


If fact Telendis you keep saying how much you hate the game and how much you want to leave but how glad you are you are around to the 19th so you can troll the forums.


How about this. I will send you $15 just to go away, send me your address in an IM and leave and never come back. Buy yourself a lollipop, or a puppy, or something that else that brings joy to your otherwise obviously miserable existence.


Yay!!! You are my hero!

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This thread has shown Bioware/EA that they could get away with exploiting peoples credit card info (even if they aren't doing it now) because most of the community are such zealous fanboys that they refuse to believe any wrongdoing on the part of the company.


Oh, give me a break. We aren't all up in arms over an obvious lie, and somehow that gives Bioware license to rip people off?


You need a reality check, stat.

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you claim the threads do no harm,but it is slander to make up lies about a company...if they show proof that none of this has happened,they can sue you in the court of law.


I never posted about the game time card. The reason I posted my info on what happen to me is because the devs kept removing the thread. They let this one live because people can tell it's a lie.







Is the issue my wife and I had.

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you claim the threads do no harm,but it is slander to make up lies about a company...if they show proof that none of this has happened,they can sue you in the court of law.




checked my account AGAIN and it still says 0 days. Even though it's active and will be billed tomorrow. Teladis claims his wife's said 30 days even before billing.

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you claim the threads do no harm,but it is slander to make up lies about a company...if they show proof that none of this has happened,they can sue you in the court of law.


And we could hope the event to make it into the news. *daydreams about it*

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We take reports of this kind of issue extremely seriously and are investigating the reports from the few individuals who are claiming to experience this. We will be closing this thread temporarily as we investigate and will provide more information when it becomes available. Thank you for your understanding.
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