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So, bout that 50 bracket.


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I shudder to think of how much damage you would have done with three pocket healers.


I solo que'd, the healers on my team were in the same guild so i wasn't getting much of the love, vanished and rushed to the health buff as often as I could.

800k+ would've easily been possible. Other team was a premade, 2 tanks and 2 heals that had perma guard on them, quite annoying.

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Me gusta.



So much for us only being good at tearing up lowbies. Would've had a few good hutball ones where I'm pretty sure I was near or over 500k but my client has been flat out closing with no error message a couple times right as the match ends.


Ok so youre good at tearing apart 50's and everyone else in that WZ are only good at tearing up lowbies. See what i did thar?

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no he has pretty low amount of kills for that amount of damage so its probably mostly smash aoe - not really effective damage since it didnt kill anyone D;


Uhh did you look at the protection and healing for the other team? I'd hope I don't have 80 kills against tanks and guarded healers. Seemed effective as I had the most kills and kb's on my team.

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Looks good to me, well done. Regardless of what anyone posts someone will find something wrong with it. That's what forums do. :p



I'm currently loving my Mara despite what everyone is posting here. Sure, it's not perfect. The game is what, a month old? What game is perfect the first month of its existence? They'll work it out.


PS: Grats on Battlemaster.

Edited by GrifOrion
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Looks good to me, well done. Regardless of what anyone posts someone will find something wrong with it. That's what forums do. :p



I'm currently loving my Mara despite what everyone is posting here. Sure, it's not perfect. The game is what, a month old? What game is perfect the first month of its existence? They'll work it out.


PS: Grats on Battlemaster.


Survivability even without a pocket healer is pretty great. Battlemaster is kinda :(, no reason to pvp once dailies are done. Really hope they add a way to get a bag through wz or merc coms.

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I leveled a marauder alt after hitting 60 with my sorc just to see what the QQ was all about.


It was rough till I got force camo, and a little difficult till I got annihilate. Now I am 41 and I have absolutely 0 issues in pvp against other 50ies or (since today) against others of my level.


I mean I die like everyone else, but I don't see what the hell all the QQ is about. A perfectly viable class (at least Annihilation spec, haven't tried others). I also played my fair share of huttball, and while it is frustrating, it does not invalidate marauders by a long shot.

Edited by Ashnazg
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Is Rage the way to go in PvP ? I been Carnage since day one, I always cheer when I hit 75k Damage since that is a medal and I never get past that. My gear is ok, but I am starting to think the Carnage spec is garbage for pvp. I see in your sig you say RAGE. Maybe that is my problem?
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Is Rage the way to go in PvP ? I been Carnage since day one, I always cheer when I hit 75k Damage since that is a medal and I never get past that. My gear is ok, but I am starting to think the Carnage spec is garbage for pvp. I see in your sig you say RAGE. Maybe that is my problem?


I just prefer rage, mobility survivability and burst are pretty amazing. Been mainly rage spec since i was 40.

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Is Rage the way to go in PvP ? I been Carnage since day one, I always cheer when I hit 75k Damage since that is a medal and I never get past that. My gear is ok, but I am starting to think the Carnage spec is garbage for pvp. I see in your sig you say RAGE. Maybe that is my problem?



If you have trouble reaching the 75k medal, the spec isn't your problem. Reaching 75k shouldn't be a problem as any spec as a marauder. If you use massacre -> force scream every 9 seconds you're bound to get to 75k damage in any given game.


(I'm saying this assuming you're 50, if you're not, it might be harder but it still shouldn't be a problem)

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Is Rage the way to go in PvP ? I been Carnage since day one, I always cheer when I hit 75k Damage since that is a medal and I never get past that. My gear is ok, but I am starting to think the Carnage spec is garbage for pvp. I see in your sig you say RAGE. Maybe that is my problem?


Recently went from rage to anni. The overall damage done might drop a little bit but nothing to worry about. Annihilation can also reach the same numbers as rage in my opinion. Altough you shouldn't read too much into those numbers. What means anything is how you play!


Altough from the looks of things carnage might be a bit lacking compared to rage and annihilation. I'm not sure, but atleast thats seems like a opinion a few people are sharing. So if you really only want to score high on the damage done, you should probably consider rage, as that spec lets you do at least decent damage without trying too hard(not trying to bash on op or anything or anyone using the rage spec, just how I found the build).

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It is really easy to break 75K as rage because you can just stack up shockwave, charge into a group and hit slam on 5 plus people. In lvl 50 gear you have after you finish questing it hits for 2 - 3 k each person so do that a few times and you get the medal. As Carnage however you need uptime on targets.


Like the above said. Spam scream on cooldown after massacre (make sure frenzy is up at least) and you should be easily on your way to 75k medal.

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Good job OP! You're kicking *** (there, Bioware, I censored it for you! :p) and taking names. And you're giving me hope too. I'm a Marauder, around the 30s I was starting to lose faith and considered re-rolling Jugg (not least of which because they get all the cool gear ;-; )


But you're giving me faith that all the QQers crying we're underpowered are just too stubborn to learn the class properly. I just hit 40 and the talents deep in the trees made a HUGE difference, I'm starting to feel pretty cool.


Keep on rocking man \m/

Edited by miliways
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It's pretty straightforward to rack up high damage -- simply requires high opponent healing and sustainability, while your team has at least passable sustain.


Shrug ... nice screenshot for people that simply don't comprehend that Marauders don't suck though.

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What is with all the defeating posts. You making people jealous of big your e-peen got after breaking 600k lol.


Can't we all just clap and be happy for the guy. Why do you people have to troll him and bring down his achievement trying to sound smart on your theories of where his damage was allocated.


Let's not turn this into a Blizzard forum aiight :)

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its just funny that people want to make arguments when everyone else in that warzone had the same opportunities that he did, whether it be healing, guard, whatever. But oh wait they didn't put out nearly as much damage as him. Oh and I also forgot that smash, probably a marauders single most damaging ability among any of the 3 specs, is just garbage aoe damage.
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Uhh did you look at the protection and healing for the other team? I'd hope I don't have 80 kills against tanks and guarded healers. Seemed effective as I had the most kills and kb's on my team.


I'm not sure what this proves. That you were able to sit there and beat on healers spamming on each other for 15 minutes? The kill count is low, which means you weren't able to burst through them. Damage numbers dont mean a damn thing, I might actually be impressed if you had 50 kills, or heck, even the 30 kills you have now, with 200k damage. That means you actually were able to dps through healers.


I also don't think this brings any sort of resolution to the debate on Marauders. Noone disputes that Marauders bring the heat, for dps. What we lack are durability mechanisms, and utility (hell, you could even say we lack mobility as well). You can post a screenshot of you doing 1,000,000 damage if you want, it still doesn't solve the problems of Marauders being squishy, with a huge lack of utility.

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Lol, so many people either don't understand game mechanics or didn't look at anyone else's stats on the screenshot. I giggles.

Go ahead tho, try to take down a battlemaster healer who has 2 other healers with him, oh and he's being guarded. Lemme know how that goes.

In fairly balanced games where both sides are geared and have people healing who are being guarded you won't see insane kill numbers because ya know, healers are healing. The level of intelligence on these forums is hilarious.

Edited by Kricys
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This isn't meant as a dig but with any team that runs 3 healers you will break 500k on VoidStar..


My server is devoid of any Pug healers in any WZ so for me breaking 300k as solo with no heals is usually my aim. I break 300k in all 3 WZ's regulary and thats good enough for me, having even 1 healer I can protect we can generally take down 3-4 reps without problem.


Healers are so OP in PVP now, in my experience the majority are on Republic which is a crying shame :p

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