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1.1 easy fix!do this bioware!


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diminishing return of a sort!

first 30 kill are on normal repair cost ladder in ilum or whatever place

then each 30 kill after the first 30 kill goes to something like this


1 30 kill= regular repair cost

2 30 kill= regular repair cost +5000

3 30 kill= regular repair cost +50000

4 30 kill= regular repair cost +500000 etc etc etc


you get the idea beasicly if say a person is on farm and lack credit to pay repair cost after first 30 kill he is booted automaticly


lot of issue fixed and as far as i can see no more issue


i love this game and this issue have been plaguing various world pvp game for years i hope this help bioware!great game aside from various beginner error


and of caurse this would reset with the daily (wouldnt want to crash the economy )

Edited by drbaltazar
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so if you kill people your repair goes up? I have not been to illum but that sounds backwards




How 'bout just get rid of the daily completely until they can come up with an actual solution?


Well, looking at the lovely battlefield of Illum (8 back alleys to get to 1 objectives, umm... bad planning?) this won't be possible. =/

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How 'bout just get rid of the daily completely until they can come up with an actual solution?


Well, looking at the lovely battlefield of Illum (8 back alleys to get to 1 objectives, umm... bad planning?) this won't be possible. =/


I would support this. The daily is a decent idea, the implementation though is just horrific.

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no this is the beauty of this the penalty wouldnt affect the gear it would be more like

milk cost 10k instead of 5$ because you are in irak instead of usa

the gear stuff would stay as it is now .(inflation of material cost since your in war zone and all that!

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