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No free gear = more QQ


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The writing was on the wall. All the terrible players and casual players are butt hurt that they can no longer get free champion gear. Short of a few extremely unbalanced servers where you can't even leave your spawn Illum has been a huge breathe of fresh air. Multiple times this afternoon there were full Operations of both factions clashing throughout Illum. 16 vs 16 man showdowns where skill was the deciding factor. Did you assist on the healers? Are your tanks taunting? No? then you probably got your Sh!7 pushed in.


But now that you actually have to PvP to get PvP gear the I'm quitting the game threads are abounding. Guess what you won't be missed.


While there are definitely issues that need to be addressed, cap trading is a far more broken system. Diminishing returns on turrets, a system to prevent spawn obliteration and what not do need to be added. But over all it is a huge improvement to the joke Illum was before.


Just because you suck doesn't mean the system is broken. **** and find more Reps to go to Illum with. Organize yourselves and try fighting for a change.

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The writing was on the wall. All the terrible players and casual players are butt hurt that they can no longer get free champion gear. Short of a few extremely unbalanced servers where you can't even leave your spawn Illum has been a huge breathe of fresh air. Multiple times this afternoon there were full Operations of both factions clashing throughout Illum. 16 vs 16 man showdowns where skill was the deciding factor. Did you assist on the healers? Are your tanks taunting? No? then you probably got your Sh!7 pushed in.


But now that you actually have to PvP to get PvP gear the I'm quitting the game threads are abounding. Guess what you won't be missed.


While there are definitely issues that need to be addressed, cap trading is a far more broken system. Diminishing returns on turrets, a system to prevent spawn obliteration and what not do need to be added. But over all it is a huge improvement to the joke Illum was before.


Just because you suck doesn't mean the system is broken. **** and find more Reps to go to Illum with. Organize yourselves and try fighting for a change.


K bounty hunter

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K bounty hunter


Sorry the rep on your server suck?... Sorry the rep on my server don't suck...?


Here's an Idea. Organize an Op at the shuttle landing and all fly out together instead of charging in 1 at a time and crying about server imbalance.

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This is true. I was healing a 16 man raid group this morning and didn't get any credit for the kills unless I started DPSing.


I acknowledged that tweaks are needed. I get nothing for guarding or taunting. But all you have to do atm is throw out 1 AoE and then go back to your job and you get credit. Its not the end of the world while waiting for the next fix.

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sorry the rep on your server suck?... Sorry the rep on my server don't suck...?


Here's an idea. Organize an op at the shuttle landing and all fly out together instead of charging in 1 at a time and crying about server imbalance.


"okay men. I heard on the forums that we need to organize an op. The five of us will form an op and show those 150 sith what the republic is made of! RARRRRR".


Get real. Its okay to be on the faceroll side because you want free stuff. It only becomes sad when you try to excuse it for something else.

Edited by bicuspid
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Don't think he would come up with this post if he had 30 reps camping the imp base while he was trying to pew pew tracer.... tracer ... tracer lol


You aren't required to fly directly into the base from shuttle pad. Organize a team and fly to a diff pt.


People's lack of inventiveness is what kills PvP. Amazing on old school EQ1 and UO where they didn't give you a pat on the head and a cookie for PvPing none of the kiddies complained. People PvPed because its fun.


Now you have to cater to the mediocre or down right bad to keep your sales up.

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"okay men. I heard on the forums that we need to organize an op. The five of us will form an op and show those 150 sith what the republic is made of! RARRRRR".


Get real. Its okay to be on the faceroll side because you want free stuff. It only becomes sad when you try to excuse it for something else.


If there is 5 rep on your server maybe its time to reroll. Like I said reps on my server aren't a bunch of little girls crying about getting killed. They organized a bigger Op and came back in force.


Not the games fault you can't find friends to PvP with.

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The writing was on the wall. All the terrible players and casual players are butt hurt that they can no longer get free champion gear. Short of a few extremely unbalanced servers where you can't even leave your spawn Illum has been a huge breathe of fresh air. Multiple times this afternoon there were full Operations of both factions clashing throughout Illum. 16 vs 16 man showdowns where skill was the deciding factor. Did you assist on the healers? Are your tanks taunting? No? then you probably got your Sh!7 pushed in.


But now that you actually have to PvP to get PvP gear the I'm quitting the game threads are abounding. Guess what you won't be missed.


While there are definitely issues that need to be addressed, cap trading is a far more broken system. Diminishing returns on turrets, a system to prevent spawn obliteration and what not do need to be added. But over all it is a huge improvement to the joke Illum was before.


Just because you suck doesn't mean the system is broken. **** and find more Reps to go to Illum with. Organize yourselves and try fighting for a change.


Huh, wait... wouldn't free gear mean that the playing field is even? Then pvp would be decided by player skill and team coordination. I mean, "terrible" players in pvp gear are still "terrible" right?

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Foundation of my argument is that you fail at getting more reps to Illum. Pretty sure there is more than 10 republic on your server. I'd venture to say there is more than ten 50s. Maybe you should get them to come PvP instead of rushing in solo and crying.
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The writing was on the wall. All the terrible players and casual players are butt hurt that they can no longer get free champion gear. Short of a few extremely unbalanced servers where you can't even leave your spawn Illum has been a huge breathe of fresh air. Multiple times this afternoon there were full Operations of both factions clashing throughout Illum. 16 vs 16 man showdowns where skill was the deciding factor. Did you assist on the healers? Are your tanks taunting? No? then you probably got your Sh!7 pushed in.


But now that you actually have to PvP to get PvP gear the I'm quitting the game threads are abounding. Guess what you won't be missed.


While there are definitely issues that need to be addressed, cap trading is a far more broken system. Diminishing returns on turrets, a system to prevent spawn obliteration and what not do need to be added. But over all it is a huge improvement to the joke Illum was before.


Just because you suck doesn't mean the system is broken. **** and find more Reps to go to Illum with. Organize yourselves and try fighting for a change.


I wish I had that problem on my server. The peak I saw today for Rep in Ilum was 14, Sith wasn't much more i'm assuming because our base wasn't get roflstomped. Wandered around for about 15 minutes and managed to find a couple Sith to fight but the zone was dead as usual.


Went back to WZs since there's actually some fun to it now that everyone on both sides are level 50 and when we queue 4 we usually fight against another group with either 3 or 4 people in the same guild on empire.


Ilum is a ghost town on my server because no rep is there so I'm assuming most of the sith got the daily hand-ins in the middle and pissed off back to WZs, hopefully tonight we can roll out an ops group and there will be people there but i'm not hopeful.

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Foundation of my argument is that you fail at getting more reps to Illum. Pretty sure there is more than 10 republic on your server. I'd venture to say there is more than ten 50s. Maybe you should get them to come PvP instead of rushing in solo and crying.


So you're blaming people for the actions of other people whom they have absolutely no control over? You see why this is stupid right

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