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Fix Marauder!


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You are quite silly if you think Marauders are fine right now, I don't think we are a rogue with no stealth/burst, we are more like a fury Warrior in WoW without heavy armor or the ability to generate rage while getting beat on. Fury warriors can compete because the more damage they take the more damage they dish out, but marauders don't have that luxury.


I'd be much happier if they gave us a base talent that let us generate rage everytime we get hit or just increase our survivibility somewhat.


and why the hell don't we have Force Push? :(

Edited by zyzeast
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It's going to be a very different thing for melee when the resolve system is fixed. The devs have metrics on dps and I'm fairly confident that we're tuned appropriately in terms of damage. It makes sense that we have more sustained dps in comparison to a melee operative, they are a stealth class and typically stealth classes have more burst. The main thing they have going for them is they also have a decent amount of cc.


If anyone has played past the first 3 months in an mmo, they should know that at some point, combat gets fixed and what was once weak is now very powerful. I feel that a lot of people cannot see what is sure to come in the future - balancing, something that has happened in every other mmo on the market. If anything, the community as a whole should be asking for the resolve system to be fixed instead of asking for buffs. Then we'll see how truly "broken" the class is.

Edited by nRGon
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It's going to be a very different thing for melee when the resolve system is fixed. The devs have metrics on dps and I'm fairly confident that we're tuned appropriately in terms of damage. It makes sense that we have more sustained dps in comparison to a melee operative, they are a stealth class and typically stealth classes have more burst. The main thing they have going for them is they also have a decent amount of cc.


If anyone has played past the first 3 months in an mmo, they should know that at some point, combat gets fixed and what was once weak is now very powerful. I feel that a lot of people cannot see what is sure to come in the future - balancing, something that has happened in every other mmo on the market. If anything, the community as a whole should be asking for the resolve system to be fixed instead of asking for buffs. Then we'll see how truly "broken" the class is.


Ya I think a lot of the bugs will be worked out....It just feels like the damage we output in comparison to other classes is kind of gimped in pvp...PVE is a lot different...I put out a ton of damage in full tier 2 with Punisher and the off hand...forget the name...So in terms of pve damage I think we are fine....PVP though it needs some major tweaking....


Like as an example kick needs to work in pvp after you charge... this would be a big help and would add to the damage that we can do....


Second fix would be smash....I feel like it should stun in pvp since we have like what no stuns? I mean basically we have nothing to stop people....we have interrupt which every class has...we have force choke which is channeled and therefore pretty much useless imo I mean ya it does damage but come on...its weak at best....


Another thing they should add is spell reflect...I think that would really even the playing field....

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I hate to break it to you guys, but in any RPG, and with any class that your broken and not viable until you reach a certain level or gain a certain ability (if at all) when every other class works fine and is fun at any level.. ITS BROKEN. You can be in denial about it, but its just a fact. If every class in the game was seemingly broken until a certain point is reached, then you could chalk it up to design oversight, but thats not the case here.


Just because you master a broken system doesn't make it any less broken,


Seriously, if you can play every other class in the game at any level and work as intended, but you get 2 classes that are exactly the same (Marauder/Sentinel) and have them both be as broken as they are, there is something wrong. But hey delude yourselves all you want, thankfully when enough people complain to bioware it'll likely get fixed and you'll see how its suppose to play.

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So I'm a level 50 Marauder, and I still see no difference in pvp. My character has over 1000 in strength, yet he can not hit over a 2k critical hit? Anything with a gun in this game is too powerful. With no knockback moves, and hardly defenses, the marauder s a walking target. The imperial agent has at least two stuns. Out of the two stuns that the marauder has, only one of them works, and I would barely call it a "CC." The Marauder really needs a buff, or something. The gear I get in my quest is utterly reatarded. I get more heavy and light armor items than I do medium. That makes no sense. The juggernaut is clearly a more popular choice when it comes to the warrior, but I can do more damage as a juggernaut than a marauder. That shouldn't happen. I think Bioware was afraid of the marauder being too powerful. Well look at all the healers! They can take on pretty much anything five levels higher than them because they can sit back and heal all day.

All I know is that the Marauder got the shaft in this game. Look at all the classes, play all of the different classes, in pvp and in game, and tell me we are wrong. There really isn't anything for the marauder. Armor, skills, you name it. There isn't anything a marauder can get that someone can do better. I'm a level 50 Sith Marauder, and I love the dual wielding, but I just don't do enough damage to save my life against an elite one or two levels under me?!?!?!?! Red flag! I know how to play my character, and I know how my skills should work. But From what I have seen so far, the Marauder got the shaft, and needs to be amped up.


Darth Sithus Level 50 Sith MARAUDER:p

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I know how to play my character


Are you sure?


over 1000 in strength, yet he can not hit over a 2k critical hit?


hardly defenses


only one of them works


I can do more damage as a juggernaut than a marauder


I just don't do enough damage to save my life against an elite one or two levels under me?!?!?!?!





Red flag!
Edited by Sayc
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I'll throw my two sents in.


In the pvp warzones I get fried. Always have, and I am level 42 Marauder, played it enough to know the class. The odds of me actually reaching a target let alone doing any damage is less than 10%, assuming my leap is on cooldown. They cc me and barrage me with their guns and I'm dead before I can move, sometimes they don't even cc me.


We need to have at least one reliable ranged attack, throw saber, esp. both sabers, would be a great idea. We need to have a push, adding it to scream or smash would be a good idea too. Furthermore we need better cc than what we have, force choke is only useful on one on one situations, and we don't get many of those.


But the best idea that I can think of is that we need to have the unique ability to resist cc. We are dps class, so we have relatively few hit points compared to tanks and cannot self heal like a healer. We are also melee class, we need to get close to the enemy to do real damage. Put these two together and cc is deadly against us. They just move out of range so we can't hurt them or take us down before we can move. If they have guns or any range attack AT ALL they do both and laugh at us.


If unleash is on cool down and we just used our force jump to attack them, we might as well as log out of the game and save ourselves the embarasment. They cc us, and run away doing damage while running. Meanwhile we are trapped for 4 seconds or so, and since we cannot jump at them, we must run after them. All we can do is hope to catch them before they finish use off with their ranged attacks. I don't think there is any way any marauder could survive this encounter against any ranged attack player.

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Marauders with support (queue with a good set up group) are the most terrifying thing you can come across.


It sucks that if you queue solo you're going to die a lot as a non stealth melee, but that's hardly unique to this game or the class. Especially for the sub 50 force melee classes.


It also sucks if you aren't good with the class you wanted to play, but happens.


Marauders don't need buffs, they could use some tweaks but nothing to major. If you want to be the master of solo queue-ing try a powertech or sorcerer (or mirrors).

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i like my marauder a lot. the two things that make this ac challenging are


1. complex class system to dish out damage while staying alive, no matter the spec

2. to apply the possible damage to an opponent that is beyond 4m, welcome to melee dps


ina clean 1v1 situation, where the opponent is aware of us, we are starting the fight in a disadvantage. we have to close the gap. if hes not a melee class too, he will try to stay out of our range. we have some nice tools to close the gap, he has tools to keep the gap open.

luckyly this situation is rare in pvp. not a big pvper, but i find our gap closers like force camo, force leap are nice. the occasional knockback is easily countered though annoying. Ccs can be broken with unleash. we have tools to keep the gap closed like snares or point blank aoe sleep or a spec that has a run speed buff, an extra root and an extra root breaker.

if i get chainstunned in pvp its normally not 1v1. if theres a class that can chainstun and our mezzbreaker is on cd 2 min, we are done. i dont know if thats the case, but iv never been locked down in a 1v1 situation the whole fight. and once we have overcome the gap i find it very easy to do a nice chunk of damage and destroying their chains with interupts. time for revenge.


i stongly belive that the struggle to close a gap, keep it closed, and the high potential of screwing up dps thanks to class mechanics in a fast as hell pvp match, can easily lead to the impression of a broken class. i also think that those difficluties should inherit some benefits to compensate the advandages of classes, that can apply damage from anywhere easier in form of higher melee dps or better gap closers to apply our dps more efficient.


id like to see the channeling removed from choke and ravage. skills that force us to stand still are hurting us. we have to move to live, like sharks.


id like to see a buff for force camo, longer duration, higher speedbuff, lower cd. this should be our main gap closer, and force leap our answer to knockback.


id like to see a lower cd on unleash.


as frustrating as the marauder is some times, as great is the fun i have with it. so BW please dont srew around with our class and please dont "fix" it.


and wheres my hood goddamit!

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I would like to see a few things fixed and/or changed.But for the most part I'm loving my marauder.


1) force charge should provide KB resistance for a brief period of time.

2) fix the ability stutter that happens at times with retaliation.

3) lower CD on force choke and cloak of pain.

4) spamming vicious slash feels clunky, maybe change the animation up a bit on every second or third swing.

5) increase the range of deadly throw to 20 meters

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Seriously people really need to learn how this class works before they start complaining.

I am certain that all these posts must be trolls because I cannot see anything wrong with the class besides sometimes ravage does not work or the target is still moving when force choke is being applied.


I do agree with some points being raised and a lot of them I dont agree with, personally I use an annihilation spec instead of rage (which I think is the superior one), taken a few abilities from rage so I can use that 10% heal when breaking a stun and I am finding my class to be the best one. I can one on one any class, with all the tools required to beat any class:

I can interrupt any stance ability with a close range force charge or using the interrupt ability.

My stun break heals me for 10% health

If I get into trouble I can stealth for six seconds and run or I can even stun everyone near me for 6 seconds.

I can take away 90% accuracy from an opponent, coupled with bleeds and then a force choke I can kill most players in a single rotation. Charge, deadly saber, battering assault, rapture, annihilate after that point I can force choke while my bleeds set in and finish with a vicious throw.


So I cannot knock people down like every other class, I cant solo more than three people and if I stun damage breaks it, do you honestly really think this makes it a gimped class? with a little bit of biochem work you can easily top 300k damage, even at level 30 I could solo must early 50s in every other class, normally I have 7 or 8 commendations a warzone, I know its not that great as some people are getting 9 or more, but that is still more than adequate.

Think a little bit more about what skills you are going to use rather than getting stuck at a distance.

cant get in close? use your six second stealth, if you have the close range force charge even more perfect, for me rapture stops them from running with that minus 30% speed or a minus 50% if I use the other ability, there is always deadly throw to get that little bit of range in when they start running towards the end, or even using the speed ability over berserk, as a annihilation spec it is very easy to build 30 stacks of fury.


Marauders/sentinels have all the abilities to be the top tier class, most players just need to learn to play the class for the class it is rather than the one man army people think it is going to be.

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I would like to see a few things fixed and/or changed.But for the most part I'm loving my marauder.


1) force charge should provide KB resistance for a brief period of time.

2) fix the ability stutter that happens at times with retaliation.

3) lower CD on force choke and cloak of pain.

4) spamming vicious slash feels clunky, maybe change the animation up a bit on every second or third swing.

5) increase the range of deadly throw to 20 meters


:eek: Seriously?!


Force charge grounds the person, that's enough IMO

LOWER the CD on force choke AND cloak of pain? Come on. I get FC enough as it is and Every time I fight a marauder, they cloak.

I'd give you 2 and 5, but not 1 or 3. 4 is an aesthetics problem not mechanics, so you can have that too.

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Listen, just learn how and when to use cooldowns and you'll be fine! I can't believe so many people are having issues.


Here's the secret to being good at PvP on any toon...


are ya ready?



Learn how to choose your battles! If you see a group of more than 3, chances are, you probably shouldn't force charge in there, because you'll get focused. Common sense. If you're having trouble 1 on 1, then you need to re-roll or spend some serious time reading your skills, and remembering hotkeys.


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This is true, CC will break the back of ANY Marauder. I don't care what you're doing, a stunlock will still **** your day up. Marauders need a little more utility, and either a knockback or a harpoon move. (Hmm, I wonder what people would say to adding a talented knockback effect to Force Scream? To Massacre? Hmmm............)


However, Marauder DOES have a TON of damage if done right. I've been both Carnage and Anni, and they're both good specs, they just play differently. Carnage is the burst spec, we all know this, but in order to survive it has an escape in the form of a snare-break cloak which when stacked with Predation can get you out of range of nearly any class. Annihilation is more sustained that Carnage, doesn't have NEARLY the front-end damage of Carnage. However, on the back end you have (When fully specced out) almost 5% healing and 1% party-healing for every tick of your bleeds which can essentially tick forever. Annihilation also hits for almost 1k more than Massacre, even though Massacre makes up for that with Ataru procs.


Comparing Annihilation to Massacre is wrong, respective to both talent tree's you're referencing. It would be better suited if you were to compare Annihilation to Force Scream, since both abilities roughly hit for the same amount in each tree... yet Force Scream in the Carnage tree costs 2 rage, has a static 9 sec cd, and its damage is increased by 'Gore' and 'Blood Frenzy' which makes it on par with Annihilation, if not better.:)

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so you want to be able to be rambo and the terminator all in one?


Non sense. I think you havent read the whole topic and just wrote this comment as you thought "Ah, another whining"..


He didnt want to be a god. A just is needed only.


Marauders go down easily , i agree with that.


Besides, almost every class got push spells. They can push us into fire, poisioned pool wheras we cannot. This must be fixed.


Moreover, we are easily stoppable. CC's last too long and we are getting kited..


Carnage spec is totaly a waste on PVP.


Rage spec is fine but not enough.


A buff is needed, obviously.


As many marauders, i also regret going marauder instead of juggernaut :/ I wish i could change it now.


The only thing i can do is now giving advices to my friends in the way of going juggernaut, not marauder.


I was only talking about PVP btw, i dont care how marauder is in PVE.

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You can stop them, yeah. But do you have any rotation after stopping them ? Or are you getting farmed after you stop them :/


This could be your issue with carnage. Maybe check kibas guide, it has a good carnage section.

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Yes, yes i do have a rotation. Its a priority rotation. Silly questions are silly. :rolleyes:


Yea probably you slow, penterate their armor and 2 massacres then die.


Thats the rotation for sure.


Carnage is for PVE tbh.


Silly users are silly as well :rolleyes:

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Yea probably you slow, penterate their armor and 2 massacres then die.


Thats the rotation for sure.


Carnage is for PVE tbh.


Silly users are silly as well :rolleyes:


Vicious Throw is not a slow, its a snare, whereby rooting said player in place for 3 seconds. And Ravage is also a snare. Neither ability provides pve utility if we're talking about boss fights. But these are just basic mechanics, no need to wrap your head around this concept.. that airplane flew overhead long before you came to your 'conclusion'.


Opinions my friend, everyone has them, doesn't mean they're all right :rolleyes:

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