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Mass Exodus from SWTOR to F2P Star Trek Online!


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well, DCUO is f2p and is probably 1000 times better than swtor, and i'm a hardcore player, i have a 84 skill point villain, and i still have content to end, is a little grindy thing, but swtor is too, so i prefer dcuo because at least the pvp is like x100000 times better and there are no lag between abilities or such, in my opinion dcuo is the best mmo right now and is f2p.


i'll be there til tera open beta is up.

Edited by Nasq
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Most of you people can't handle STO. STO Trolls are ten times more fearsome, some of them pay just to troll. The PvP'rs are the most bitter, hateful, dispirited bunch of people ever, assuming they haven't all quit in rage after being ignored for an entire year.


There's zero content, and everything useful is on the CStore, and the spin from the devs is enough to give you nausea.


SWTOR would literally have to delete half the game and dip itself in raw sewage to sink to STO's level. But at least tehre's no ability delay.

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I only played STO in beta but the ground mission portion of that game was some of the worst mechanics and gameplay I have seen in an mmorpg in years.


Beyond awful.


I couldn't believe they were actually serious about releasing that game. Sure they have improved on it though. Not that improving on that would really be saying much.

Edited by GarbonzotheDude
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Eh, TBH STO's ground combat and space combat are infinitely superior to TOR's.


Oh, and the character creator is obviously way better plus you can visit a tailor to alter your appearance whenever you please.


STO has tons of VO work and cut scenes especially in the new and re-mastered episodes.


TBH I'd still be playing STO if they actually added content, didn't **** people in the C-Store, and added armor and kits to the tailor so they could be customized.


The only reason I stopped playing was because it's been about a year since they added any new content but the gameplay was and is far more enjoyable than what TOR offers. I especially liked Season 4's new ground combat system.

Edited by Cavadus
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