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SWTOR's Launch Has Been "Staggering"


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The only ones angry are those that cannot accept what they've been told all along and instead conjured false beliefs resulting in unrealistic expectations.


It's a maximum of 7 days. Nice perk but in the grand scheme of things, not a big deal.

People level at different rates anyways. There are people who will have one or more days head start on you that you will zoom past in your zeal to reach 50 as fast as possible.


And in three months, when everyone who got in from the 13th to the 20th likely as at least one level 50 char, what will be the difference?


Do you read every EULA you've ever clicked yes to?


Lots of people pre-ordered, put their money down back in July, but never plugged in their code as their wasn't even a release date scheduled back then until months later. What about those people? They had false expectations as well, but bio-ware hasn't done much to change what those expectations were in regards to "early launch". Fine print and some tweets isn't exactlly trying to get it out their that the conventions they were following for early release were changed based on how the industry has been doing it. This was probably a mix up between marketing team initiatives, and live team initiatives... but whatever... it is what it is now.


I don't mind waiting, but the things that article say are very true for a lot of gamers. Sometimes those brand new experiences are "bad" in the moment, but in retrospect they are memorable all the same, and eventually turn into "war stories" with respect to our hobby we belove. Bio-ware has denied that experience for many. Lets hope we at least get server stability out of all this *****-footing though, cause if come the 20th theirs unplanned problems with broken queues, downtimes, or crashes, the nerd rage will blot out the sun.

Edited by kalexkhan
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Then you should have ordered earlier.


Everything was explained to us in advance. You simply weren't paying attention. That's the only problem here.


So because I wasn't sure if I was going to buy this game, I get punished for it? Please. Really has nothing to do with paying attention

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Agreed. The staggering plan doesn't take into account the human factor. It looks good on paper but people aren't robots and don't like being left out because the plan said so and we simply cannot deviate from the plan. Those that preordered half a year ago have recieved their early access and are progressing through the game nicely. The rest of us would like to start playing. Thanks for reading.


The "human" factor would be whining just as loudly with the crashes, long queues, lag, and uncompletable quests due to overcrowding.


Bioware isnt stupid, they considered this proposition quite well, I assure you.



With your method, No one wins. With their method, everyone does, over the course of a few days.

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The post is spot on. Especially the paragraph (That New Server Smell). That is what makes launch special to me, and now only the first wave of invites gets to experience what most of us have been waiting for for literally years now.


Instead of that epic launch we were all dreaming of we get this carrot on a stick nonsense. Its just not the same. I don't think BW meant to slight anyone by doing it this way. I'm sure this is the most stable and cost effective way to launch. From this gamers perspective though...This is BAD...


Sadly, yes I agree. But for future MMOs I will play I will avoid like the plaque any company that tries this staggering method. I don't care if I am first to pre-order. Who cares if I am first on the server. It's meaningly in an MMO community where we all play together not in segemented waves. That "fresh server smell" will not be the same in any MMO that tries this method.


We play and LOVE MMOs to play together, not play it like a single player game. BW/EA really dropped the ball on a game that could of been EPIC in so many ways. Let's hope things will be handled little better in the future of this game. If not it will be one less subscriber to this MMO.

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I love how people post this **** like have any idea how to run an MMO. They always say "In my opinion..." Except that to everyone else your opinion is dumb. Their "experience" is from playing other MMOs when they launched. That's great, but until you design a MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER game you have ZERO clue about what man hours/power it takes, and why doing things based on your opinion doesn't work for them. Quit being idiots please.
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So because I wasn't sure if I was going to buy this game, I get punished for it? Please. Really has nothing to do with paying attention


Do you go to an already crowded restaurant and expect to be served before everyone else just because you couldnt decide whether or not you wanted to go until after the dinner rush?


Same exact concept, and it has *everything* to do with paying attention and being decisive.

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The "human" factor would be whining just as loudly with the crashes, long queues, lag, and uncompletable quests due to overcrowding.


Bioware isnt stupid, they considered this proposition quite well, I assure you.



With your method, No one wins. With their method, everyone does, over the course of a few days.



YOu are right, but at least we would all be doing it TOGETHER as a community. Right now, we're divided. Those that are enjoying a great launch, and those of us that are stuck in the day+ long queue.


Bare in mind, we are not garunteed to be out of the woods either... They could still have major problems come launch day. Then, this whole thing will backfire in their faces, big time. Mark my word.

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Do you go to an already crowded restaurant and expect to be served before everyone else just because you couldnt decide whether or not you wanted to go until after the dinner rush?


Same exact concept, and it has *everything* to do with paying attention and being decisive.


Not the same thing. We all preordered (made a reservation). Now we show up and they claim to have overbooked. So yeah, people aren't happy.

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I totally agree, I thought the purpose of making a guild before game was to get beta testing as our guild did and to all start the same time. leveling is super fast in this game, which could be good or bad. Good if you hate grinding, but bad if you wanted to play with others who already are in.


Not everyone has money to throw around to buy a game before they test it, and this decision just shows how the only people Bioware cares about were the first ones to order, and anyone else who for whatever reason didn't order are left to wait out in the cold.


I remember being in eq2's launch is was great, but then i would get mad at huge game patches that ruined the exp I was used to.


Unless they slow down leveling I can see this game ending very fast which is so sad. I really was hoping star wars would finally get wow fanboys to shut their mouth. It looks like Wow will continue to be the best, because half the community will be 50 before the other half have even played.

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So let me get these jist of the original post:


1> Marketing tricked us and said we'd get at least 5 days early access.

2> I'm complaining about not getting my 5 days of early access a day before that 5 days actually comes to pass. On day 6(or 7 if they wrote that yesterday).


I'm really scared with how many people are so incredibly idiotic and gullible to sales pitches. Do these folks get upset when a movie trailer says "Coming Soon At Theatre Near You." Do they write blog posts the next day saying Soon has come and gone and the movie wasn't at the theatre?

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Do you go to an already crowded restaurant and expect to be served before everyone else just because you couldnt decide whether or not you wanted to go until after the dinner rush?


Same exact concept, and it has *everything* to do with paying attention and being decisive.


If i made a reservation and put 5 dollars down i might. Particularly if that reservation came with small print they wanted me to read.

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Good read, valid arguments. I tend to agree with the post, although we will never know everything that BW/EA knew about their servers and the number of preorders. Oh well. It is what it is, can't change that. Guess we'll have to coordinate rolling our alts with our friends.
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We play and LOVE MMOs to play together, not play it like a single player game. BW/EA really dropped the ball on a game that could of been EPIC in so many ways.


Yeah, lemme tell ya, having 5 levels worth of work wiped out due to server crashes, and sitting in login queues for 6 hours would be real Epic for sure.


They didnt drop the ball, the community did by acting like entitled whiny brats. They have kept their word 100% and even gave us a 2 day bonus.

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YOu are right, but at least we would all be doing it TOGETHER as a community. Right now, we're divided. Those that are enjoying a great launch, and those of us that are stuck in the day+ long queue.


Bare in mind, we are not garunteed to be out of the woods either... They could still have major problems come launch day. Then, this whole thing will backfire in their faces, big time. Mark my word.


Uhmm have you ever been at an MMO launch? We'd be just as divided if we were in it together. Many of us including myself would be harping on why people are going so crazy due to the long queues and in game lag when we all knew to expect this. Others would be the ones whining about said lag and queue times. Have any of you played the game testing? Remember when we had bad queue times some weekends? Remember how many people got angry they had to wait? Any of this sound familiar? My god what happened to civility and rationality!?

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YOu are right, but at least we would all be doing it TOGETHER as a community. Right now, we're divided. Those that are enjoying a great launch, and those of us that are stuck in the day+ long queue.


Bare in mind, we are not garunteed to be out of the woods either... They could still have major problems come launch day. Then, this whole thing will backfire in their faces, big time. Mark my word.



You know who else is divided? The people NOT in the game who aren't complaining, and then the ones ************ about not being in yet. You want to stop the divide? Stop complaining, because BW isn't going to change the way they're doing things.

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If i made a reservation and put 5 dollars down i might. Particularly if that reservation came with small print they wanted me to read.


1. there was no small print, it was big, bold, and plain to see.


2. You made you reservation after everyone else did, why should you be seated before them?

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The gamer's experience should never fall secondary


Yes, as it has been stated, if EA/BioWare had chosen to let everybody in at once, they would have faced server stability problems and long queues. I say, "so what?"

Someone needs to check on the author of this - stat! I'm pretty sure the human brain cannot survive such extreme cognitive dissonance without actually combusting. I fear for his safety.


"The gamer's experience should never be secondary, so they should choose a path that damages that experience!!"



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Looks like the mods of that site lack the reading comprehension skills of 90% of the complainers on the forums.


It has been known a long time that this is how they are doing the launch, and if you didn't like it you shouldn't have pre-ordered.


If you didn't read it and don't like it - shut up and sit down, it's your own fault.

Edited by Iandayen
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I agree.


They sacrificed their customers play experience for their own convenience. Sorry, but any company which does not put their customers first and foremost is heading in the wrong direction. There is no such think as a devoted customer base anymore, abuse your customers and they will move on to better climes sooner or later.


Plus, way to kill a companies reputation right off the bat.

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I agree.


They sacrificed their customers play experience for their own convenience. Sorry, but any company which does not put their customers first and foremost is heading in the wrong direction. There is no such think as a devoted customer base anymore, abuse your customers and they will move on to better climes sooner or later.


Plus, way to kill a companies reputation right off the bat.


DRAMA queen incoming.

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