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SWTOR's Launch Has Been "Staggering"


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The alternative? Well to me it sounds like the launches of Warhammer online and Age of Conan. You'd have 6 hour queue to get in, then after 15 mins you'd get disconnected or crash to desktop and back to queue. First month like that, and after that... well no queue, as no players... and about 20 server merges.


I was there at the launch day for both AoC and WAR and nothing of the sort happened.

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The gamer's experience should never fall secondary to an unwillingness to tackle a technology problem. It was more important that gamers play together than it was for their hardware to stay shiny. Separating groups of gamers causes much more frustration than an occasional server crash or 10-15 minute wait to log in.





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Another thing that people need to realize, is that the few people here on the forums posting do not outweigh the other 1.5 million or more people who are patiently waiting.


Just because you have an opinion and are rude enough to try shoving it down other peoples throats doesn't mean you are right lol.

Edited by Iandayen
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Basicly No one would be in yesterday the 13th.

or today the 14th

or tommorow the 15th.

or the next day the 16th

or the next day the 17th

or the next day the 18th

or they next day the 19th


Everyone would be going in on the 20th If they never even mentioned early access.


Your friends are in...So what, many people will not or do not pre order.If they have friends in game most likely they will help when they can.But I'm sure most want to learn how to F'n play the game for themselves without being shoved around.


If you role a 2nd charactor yes you will be level 1 again, so what?How Awful can life be?Everyone actually Lives long enough to do a #1 charactor, then they role another class, another...ect


So your Guild isnt leveled perfectly, I thought Guilds helped their low levels out or new recruits anyway so wth differance it make?


The Article never took into account that the games officialy released the 20th.

The rest of it is Rudolph the red nosed reindeer ,Cant join in reindeer games BS.

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Uhmm have you ever been at an MMO launch? We'd be just as divided if we were in it together. Many of us including myself would be harping on why people are going so crazy due to the long queues and in game lag when we all knew to expect this. Others would be the ones whining about said lag and queue times. Have any of you played the game testing? Remember when we had bad queue times some weekends? Remember how many people got angry they had to wait? Any of this sound familiar? My god what happened to civility and rationality!?


Those are just differing opinions in a circumstance we all share though (not being able to play).


Right now its polarized into haves, and have nots. These are things that culturally, people don't tend to deal to well with. Rationale gets thrown out the window with this kind of stuff.


And yea, I'd be doing the same as you... I'd be saying "this happens, deal with it, it is what it is, try and laugh". But try and imagine what I said...


If the 20th comes and they have those problems, the hot temperature things are at now is going to boil over and i won't be in that camp anymore of "this happens deal with it" to irrational people, i'll be tossing my hat in with everyone else and blaming bioware for not only denying us all that mad rush, but still mucking up on the stability side.


I hope this is all worth it, cause the article is telling the truth, they're looking out for themselves on this one... And i'm going to hold them to that.

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If you want 1000 people in the starting zone at once, mob camping/tagging, 50 people standing on top of quest givers and lag so bad you are unable to move then go ahead, let all the 1 million+ pre orders in.






except they have several instances of every zone.

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Do you read every EULA you've ever clicked yes to?


Lots of people pre-ordered, put their money down back in July, but never plugged in their code as their wasn't even a release date scheduled back then until months later. What about those people? They had false expectations as well, but bio-ware hasn't done much to change what those expectations were in regards to "early launch". Fine print and some tweets isn't exactlly trying to get it out their that the conventions they were following for early release were changed based on how the industry has been doing it. This was probably a mix up between marketing team initiatives, and live team initiatives... but whatever... it is what it is now.


I don't mind waiting, but the things that article say are very true for a lot of gamers. Sometimes those brand new experiences are "bad" in the moment, but in retrospect they are memorable all the same, and eventually turn into "war stories" with respect to our hobby we belove. Bio-ware has denied that experience for many. Lets hope we at least get server stability out of all this *****-footing though, cause if come the 20th theirs unplanned problems with broken queues, downtimes, or crashes, the nerd rage will blot out the sun.


EVERY ONE? Nope. I often peruse most of them tho, especially the bits about privacy and rules of conduct.


Fine print? It's been all over their site with people commenting on it for weeks/months.

Butchering a Ron White quote, "Ignorance of the law is not a valid defense. And I'm quoting a New York City judge on that." :p


What's funny is the people you're defending whining about this (non) problem were initially told they would get "UP TO 5 days of early access" ... guess what? That 5 days ends tomorrow.


With today's waves carrying through what appears to be most/all of September AND BW's comments about how the quantities of pre-orders went down over time, barring unforeseen problems, the majority folks currently not in will likely have 4 or 5 days of early access if BW continues in the manner they've done so far.


I entered by code on Nov. 18th and at THAT time, reading how it was going to work, I figured anything more than one day would be great. If I'm in by this weekend I'll be estatic.


People really interested in the details about the early access could very easily find information about it. Instead they chose to assume and build up false expectations on those assumptions. Now they complain about it and prove part of that old saying as they make an arse of themselves on these forums.

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They sacrificed their customers play experience for their own convenience.

Seriously? Is this what you people think? That Bioware chose this rollout so that they could make sure to keep nice, clean 6-hour workdays and a lower cooling bill for their data centers?


Bioware chose this to keep the experience good FOR THE PLAYERS. The fact that you're too impatient to take your place in line, and willing to crash EVERYONE'S experience rather than get in does not define their choice.


Yes, that means that some have to wait. Just like when you go to a popular movie, you might have to go to a later show because other people ordered their tickets before you did and it sold out. You might even have to wait until <GASP> TOMORROW!


You know those videos of crazy mobs crushing people trying to get through a door, or cramming too many people onto a balcony that collapses? Yeah. That's you.

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Greatest post that has graced these forums. Whether all the BioWare fanboys(I call them that because if you think people don't have a right to be angry at this you must be a *********** nub) want to say launch would have been terrible, you're wrong. Instanced worlds was what I thought they had came up with to address launch.
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Greetings, all. We know that this is a subject everyone is wanting to discuss, and already have an existing discussion thread dedicated to talking about Early Game Access. If you'd like to share your thoughts, you'll find the thread here:




We're going to close this thread and ask that this discussion continue in the existing thread, so we can keep the conversation a little better consolidated. Thank you!

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