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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Post here if you've unsubscribed and list why!


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Really? Seems like I'm still posting and you're reading what I post. What you have to and have to not listen to is up to you, you're obviously still reading my "garbage". Gee, you're incredibly intelligent aren't you?


I am indeed.


This is awfully funny coming from a guy who is bitc*ing and crying about a video game he doesnt even play any more..


Who really wins this convo?

Edited by Wheelerific
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Still wouldn't fix it, even if you had to queue and you capped how many of each faction could participate. It didn't fix Wintergrasp, and it won't fix this.


Even if Bioware was to implement an elegant, effective, and altogether masterful fix within the next week, the repercussions of feeding the faction imbalance in this way will be felt months from now.


though i hate the idea of a server reset, IDK what else they could do to to balance out the valor whoring.

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I'm definately done with this game. Altho it was glorified as the gratest most expensive mmo to come, it met its doom early. Everyone has atleast 10 things they dont like about it, and its not just mmo players comparing it to other mmo's, no. Bioware has an epic fail on their hands, and it all starts by trying to fix what is not broken and not fixing anything broken.


Has anyone noticed the door stays in the imperial flashpoint black talon? is this a joke?? something beta testers like myself noted and reported is still there? makes you wonder who the dev department head is and who is in charge of managing what bugs need fixing now and what bugs need fixing "later".


Dear Bioware, your pvp fails, your pve as fancy and flshy as allllll those voice overs are nd how much work you put into them.. unless we are unemployed and have all the time in the world, to listen and view them all, they fail aswell. "SPACEBAR" ftw.


I have a decent computer and your patch 1.1 has crashed. not only did it crash hard but it crashed my windows to the "blue-screen-of-death" for the first time ever. and it still currently only loads to 80%.


I'm not going to bother with this game anymore, I rolled 2 lvl 50 characters, enoyed the first 5 rounds of hutball and I am hanging the towel.


While the excitement is well over, I hope months from now I read somewhere that a miracle has happened, that Bioware has fired their useless programers and devs, and implemented a staff or real mmo gamers, to help them out with pleasing the community instead of figuring out ways to start paying bills and release versions of teh game which are still broken.


Thank you and Good bye.


Mind Trick Server Ex-Player

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This thread is for posting why you have unsubscribed from this game! I'll start:


1. Lottery Bags


This gearing system is atrocious. A Valor 59 could have 0 pieces of Champion gear meanwhile a Valor 20 can be decked out. Just terrible design here, I mean honestly... shouldn't even have to be brought up. When I was told that is how you gear at first I sincerely thought the person who told me was joking around.


Make bags reward commendations only, but a greater number of them or increase the rate at which you can get bags outside of weeklies/dailies (which hardly update on wins - another issue altogether though)


2. Glaring Faction Imbalances


Ignoring the vast overpopulation of the Empire, Republic players have to deal with gross and glaring imbalances between "mirrored" classes and warzones. On Alderan the turrets start off pointing towards the Republic ship, thus Republic has to capture the first node a good 10 seconds before Empire captures their first node in order to win a match that boils down to a stalemate at the middle turret.


Secondly, there are some glaring class imbalances. Scoundrels being rooted on their stun for a good second and a half, Mortar Volley applying it's damage later than Death From Above, Project's damage applying later than the Inquisitor's equivalent. Bladestorm's damage applying later than Force Scream's.


3. Bugs, bugs everywhere!


Half of the warzone wins do not count towards the weekly or daily missions. This has been an issue for a month now. Unacceptable on Bioware's part that this hasn't been fixed. Does not even need to be stated how annoying this is.


Then, we have the crippling ability stuttering issue. Ever click an ability and it does half of the animation and nothing happens multiple times in a row? Sounds like you play The Old Republic, have fun. Oh, your Force Camo doesn't want to go off? Good luck.


Players can sit on top of the Huttball pedestal in the center and be invincible while holding the ball - and they can attack players to top it off! There are numerous other bugs involving charging on Huttball near the launch pads. Have fun in Hutball purgatory if you play a Knight or Warrior!


Last night, I encountered a bug on Void Star where we were winning, I died and respawned laying face down at the respawn area unable to move, /stuck did nothing and I was promptly afk booted out of the warzone. Thank you again Bioware.


After this recent patch, many people have horrible graphics tearing issues. Thank you Bioware.


4. Ilum is a gigantic piece of poo doo.


Play on Empire? Ilum is great, congrats on free Battlemaster you earned it by winning at the character creation screen. Play Republic? You have 3 options, reroll, quit pvp or quit the game. Ilum is laggy and favors the biggest zerg (gee I wonder who wins that battle). I built a new PC for this game and run at 80 fps+ except Ilum it's a laggy crap fest. I suggest making Ilum pop up every few hours and adding a queue to it of some sorts. Only way Republic can dream of participating.


Those are my main beefs with the game and it's why I've unsubscribed.



Adios. Vaya Con Dios. Go play WoW. You will definitely not be missed.

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Until this morning, I figured I'd be playing this game for many months. Enjoyed the PvP and was working my *** off toward battlemaster. Now, with this farce of a patch, it makes me realize Bioware doesn't know what the hell they are doing, at least with PvP. I'm unsubscribing because I'm not going to invest my time in a game run by idiots.
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unsubed for all the reasons listed, really just looking forward to TORTANIC, along with Bioware going down for this one. i've never been one to cry "wow clone" but if you just look at warrior/priest class talent trees/abilities, and compare them to swtor warrior/inquisitor talent trees/abilities, you will see that nearly all of the abilities line up directly next to each other, some even word for word copy from wow.


this game was the biggest flop of any mmo in history, and bioware managed this with a 300m$ budget.


p.s. bioware storytelling is terrible.

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Here's the list:


Broken World PvP

No healer rewards for PvP

AA still not working

No Hi Res graphics

Huttball over and over and over.

Sever Lag in groups larger then 4

Sever PvP Lag

Ability activation feedback is poor.

The new fix for the ability was to make it not go grey, failure.

Buggy Operations and unfinished bosses at endgame.

No craftable PvP Gear except for Biochem. No starter PvP sets in the armortech.

RNG Loot bags just reward for Luck and not skill or time.


I am sure the list is actually much larger then this. Overall the game is just not enjoyable.

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I have no intention of cancelling at this time. After having played WoW for so long, I have come to appreciate that Bioware is at least attempting to fix things and it taking less than 2-3 years to do so.


If you are really upset enough about a bug in a MMO that is only 2 months old that you are actually going to cancel your account then perhaps this type of game isn't for you. Of course, it is always possible that you are simply a sycophant of another developer who is making such a large fuss in a pathetic attempt to generate negativity because you somehow believe that someone else's failures will translate into your favored developer's success. Who's to say?

Edited by Darth_Philar
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I didn't unsubscribe yet, but I did change my subscription from 3 month to 1 month.



At this point, about the only thing that will keep me beyond this next month is for them to fix all the pvp issues and open up a few new pvp servers so I can start on a level playing field where there isn't millionaires and top valor rank players that either exploited or used methods to get there that are no longer available for the rest of us.

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I have no intention of cancelling at this time. After having played WoW for so long, I have come to appreciate that Bioware is at least attempting to fix things and it taking less than 2-3 years to do so.


If you are really upset enough about a bug in a MMO that is only 2 months old that you are actually going to cancel your account then perhaps this type of game isn't for you. Of course, it is always possible that you are simply a sycophant of another developer who is making such a large fuss in a pathetic attempt to generate negativity because you somehow believe that someone else's failures will translate into your favored developer's success. Who's to say?


Are you high? I mean really, are you actually high? Do you sniff glue in your spare time? Upset about "a bug"... did you even read the OP? There are numerous issues, many of which are not even bugs - outright intentional game designs by Bioware.

Edited by TheRealBrave
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If you really were going to quit I doubt you would waste your time posting on the forums, seriously just go quit. What are you trying to prove?


Secondly, I do hope the illum pvp is changed, I play imperial, and was mad when I found out people could farm valor so easy while the repubs are at a sever disadvantage. I want pvp, not a giant spawn camp.


Anyhow, these posts make me sick. Seriously just go quit, stop whining on forums hoping you'll get more attention about unsubscribing, we really don't care.

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