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Everything posted by Lorren

  1. Weekly limit is way way too low ... I turned in 3 items & hit the weekly cap ... Now this wouldn't be so bad if it was just for turn ins , but this also counts for daily & weekly missions too
  2. Proposed fix for Ilum population imbalance: Upon taking the speeder to your base in the Ilum war-zone (Republic or Empire) … the game will check the numbers of players in that area to see how many Republic & Imperial there are, if one side has a greater number by a certain amount (say 5 players or so max) & you are of the faction of the side with greater numbers you are auto-flagged as the opposite faction & the speeder takes you to the base of the faction you are now flagged as. For example: If you are a Republic player zoning into the Ilum war-zone & the Republics out number the Imperials, you will be flagged as an Imperial Sympathizer & the speeder will take you to the Imperial base. If you are a Imperial player zoning into the Ilum war-zone & the Imperials out number the Republic, you will be flagged as an Republic Spy & the speeder will take you to the Republic base. You keep this flag until you either take the speeder out, quick travel, or fleet pass away.... You can still Que for PvP war-zones & play on you original faction's side but upon returning from a match you will be reflagged back to the opposite faction if you where before entering a PvP match. Also I would highly suggest turning the speeder bike tunnel between the Ilum war-zone & the rest of Ilum into an exhaustion zone so people can't sneak in that way to try to mess with the balancing etc.. Thank you
  3. Canceled ... not paying a monthly sub just to be a valor farm mob for the Imperial side
  4. Stephen the art is ALREADY in game & LIVE ... the art for Twilekk breastplates, tunics, & robes are hood down by default.... How hard can it be to add an hood down check box option to call for the game to display the Twilekk version of the BP/tunic/robe art instead of the default hood up option of the same armor ?
  5. They REALLY need to up the spawn rates on these .. I have spent the last 3 days, around 20-25hrs doing nothing but searching for these & ONLY found 2
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