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I went gunnery straight up through to 40, used Elara as soon as I got her and never looked back. Got to 50 exactly 31 days after launch (real time days, not play time days). Not the quickest but I never felt like I was leveling slow.



I will say that after you get off coruscant, leveling starts to FEEL a lot slower cause you aren't getting 5-10 levels a day, but make sure you're doing all the quests in an area (maybe skip the heroics, but they have some decent rewards sometimes) and you should have no problem leveling.

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Definitely make a point to do your bonus missions because I didn't do them for a LONG time and when I finally did, I realized I was probably leveling up an extra level per day because of it. Also, do your daily PvP mission. Sometimes you can get lucky and get 2 at once and earn about 20K xp collectively.


Oh and Gunnery is absolutely the way to go.

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It is slower than the other classes I have played since early on it is about fast damage as the mobs are weak or stealth to get around the trash. That will change as you close on 40 and beyond though so I suspect it will even out somewhat. Another advantage is this is one tough class to kill in PVE. Things have to go very very wrong for this character to die with all the control it has.


The warm up time for most abilities on this class make it feel a bit slow early on, early class mission XP is a bit less than other characters it seems and the first companion relies on a really slow ability to start a fight. Had this class started with a melee companion, the synergy would be much better but as it stands Aric is only good for a big fight when you can have him start it. He rarely does more than 20-30% of total damage in boss fights and virtually none in trash fights


Switch to the healer companion and mix in PVP/space missions is the best way to level solo early on I am finding. Even with those this class is leveling a good 20% slower than my marauder and 50% slower than my scoundrel but it is hard to beat stealth for fast leveling in this game.

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I was gunnery until I hit the class missions where Elara was incapacitated, I think it was level 30, might have been 40 though.... maybe it depended on who you sent where on that certain mission to end the chapter, anyhow, Elara was down for me for like 5 or 6 levels, and I switched to Combat Medic.. and I like it better, I use 4X as my companion, I completely **** big guys, get 4x buffed, and get my 30 stacks of support cell before we aggro, then I start off with grenades, full auto, and hit super cell, and go nuts with 1.3 sec charged shots, for anywhere from 800 to 2k crits, by the time I run my ammo down to half, the mob is 2/3 dead and 4x is prolly aroudn half or so, I heal him up quickly and easily, then go back with full autpo, etc....


I will tell you, the elites( the guys around 30k health at my level) seem to go down faster than they ever did as gunnery.

I ran out of ammo way too fast as gunnery, now, with supercell, I can spam charged shot at 0 ammo cost, for 10 secs, then at 2 ammo for a while after.


I was all crit/surge gear as gunnery, I am all power/alacrity now, and love being able to squeeze 6 or 7 charged shots in for 0 ammo cost during the supercell buff.

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So many of the quest mobs are small trash packs that you just AoE down, and none of our trees boost AoE...so a Combat Medic quests just as fast as a Gunnery Commando. Elites might die a little faster to a Gunnery, but an elite can't dent the health of a Combat Medic.


Combat Medic, all the way.

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I did not plan it this way but I hit 50 on my last class quest, lol. I leveled as a Combat Medic with M1 as my companion. I did every quest I could find. I stopped doing the Bonus quests after Tatooine. I didn't do any PvP and I only did my Space dailies when I was changing planets. I probably did half the Heroics and I've only done a few Flashpoints.
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