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Battle for Ilum Fails as Predicted


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It's looking like this is true, A LOT.

Ask any veteran WoW PVPer if Illum was a good Idea and 9 out of 10 will say it was not, and 1 will troll.



Wintergrasp, Baradin Hold, Tarrin Mill, Strand of the Ancients. I mean Jesus the only good WoW pvp was Alterac Vally.

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GW2 is designed from the ground up for PvP. And they already have a record in designing one of the best PvP games ever.. GW.


GW2 will have it's issues to be sure but they will not be as monumentally idiotic as SWTOR's are. SWTOR's problems can not be fixed because the basic design is flawed and only meant for PvE.


You are the one and only person i have ever herd say GW was "the best pvp game ever."


Kinda hard to believe your case here.

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How it works on my server


10 republic vs 30 imperials


10 republics attack 30 imperials


10 republic kill all 30 imperials


10 republic leave the zone with quest complete.


On my server its 30-30... We are pretty evey balanced but we have more hard core pvp guilds empire side

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tarens mill vs south shore is legendary any one that has been in one knows this

it can go on for hours


The TM/SS wars were also fun. Sure, on Proudmoore (my server) there we like 3 Alliance to every Horde. But that fight was still fun. Simply cause it was open world. Since I was a rogue, I'd sneak around to the back of the Alliance lines and pick off the wounded. And get chased half way across the zone. ;)


And the Alliance would eventually storm TM and destroy it. Only to leave 5 mins later, and the fight would start anew.


Fun times.Until it all ended with cross realms everything. Now world PVP is a ghost. ;(


And that's what we need in this game. Not only is is fun, it also builds the server community. Which is something BW says it wants.

Edited by cagthehack
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I bet you folks felt like accomplished heros too didn't you?


It is this kind of mindset and behavior that is the problem. No self control, no sense of play, just gank, corpse camp, and brag about it.


IF imperials actually want balanced open world PvP, make a sport out of it, not a gank fest and corpse camp. No imagination.


Too bad all people want is get their daily done ASAP. I actually get it as 15vs15 will give major delay thus making the pvp unplayable..

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The armaments are even worse than the PVP. They spawn sporadically, there is only one per box and only the person grabbing it, not the entire group, get the update.


YAY for running around in circles with my dick in my hand waiting for a Republic to show up to fight while picking up boxes on the ground.


YAY for sitting outside the Republic base waiting for people to come out and play.


Whoever thought this was going to be fun needs to be taken out behind the barn and put down so we don't have to suffer through any more of their good ideas.

Edited by Scritchy
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Guild Wars 2 has the right idea. Three factions...the factions will change every two week and pair the best servers vs the best and the scrubs vs scrubs. Everyone will be the same level in pvp


I guess that will probably not work though. MMO players tend to not want even and fair fights. They want to out-grind the other guy and kill them based one gear and levels.


I guess we can't blame any company for failure when we are the problem. Sorta like Congress.

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NO to instanced. Instanced is NOT open world PvP. They just need a bolster effect in place to fix the imbalance.


No bolstering does not make up for numbers. A 5v1 scenario is bad no matter how you look at it. Even if you give me 5 times the attack power, hp, or whatever stat, I will still spend most of the time stunned or mezzed to death.


Population balance has to be established. Period.

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Wintergrasp, Baradin Hold, Tarrin Mill, Strand of the Ancients. I mean Jesus the only good WoW pvp was Alterac Vally.


Alterac Valley good pvp? Lol you're funny. You remember that whole bit with the alliance boycotting AV? And what are the win rates like for av now? The majority of the wins go to the alliance because enough cry babies whined about it...


Believe it or not, but Baradin Hold is absolutely balanced pvp. 1-1 ratio of people allowed in. BALANCED.

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The current objective of Illum encourages zerging. Have all the players pile up on one part of the map for one object, what do you expect to happen?


BW needs to add objectives to the map that spread the action out and encourages multiple groups working simultaneously.


Come one now, it's common sense. Please use some in the future.

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Not only do we get to spawn and not even get out of the base before die because its so heavily camped, but dont even try going in as a healer cause you get nothing for extra valour. Not to mention they even made the weekly FAR greater in numbers that implied when you look at other weeklys, its 5 times the daily as opposed to everything else being 3 times. Edited by paspinall
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Sounds like you guys (or gals) are surprised that most of the munchkins out there play Empire. Should not be surprised... In WoW it was all horde.


I never liked PvP, not to my tastes, but to each his own, I say.


However... and this may have been said before, I would say it sound and looks pretty much like Wintergrasp was at the beginning... the later fixes... did not change much.

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This game is starting to remind me so much of Warhammer. Same faction imbalance, same people screaming at the developer for allowing such a huge faction imbalance to persist, same fanboys defending the faction imbalances as "fault of the players," as if blaming the players is going to keep PvP'ers from unsubbing from a game that has terrible PvP. Like all the PvP'ers are going to say, "you know, you're RIGHT! It's all my own fault..."


Fanboys and their feeble efforts at Jedi mind tricks...

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Sounds like you guys (or gals) are surprised that most of the munchkins out there play Empire. Should not be surprised... In WoW it was all horde.


No it wasnt. Horde was almost always out-numbered... There were even server metrics that spoke to that.

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I'm curious to know how it's a "bioware fail" if more people decide to roll Sith than Republic?


Because Bioware needs to take that sort of possibility into account. ESPECIALLY since they are the ones with the actual numbers about faction populations.

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