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[Suggestion] A SWTOR Style LFG Tool


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A plausible SWTOR LFG Tool



SWTOR's community is split, and the devs have taken a side and stated their reasoning. However, I have come to the conclusion that they are just looking at one game's integration of the LFG and thinking they would have to do it exactly the same to be functional.


I have a different idea. . .


Let's give those Cantina's more use than filling up our rested XP bars, let's have them serve one of the purposes they do in the actual star wars universe. Let's hire bodyguards and mercenaries over a round of drinks.


The interface is simple, you would go to a cantina and talk to the bartender. This would open up a classic LFG tool where you designate your role and desired goal. Once you've "placed your ad" you can go about your business as normal. Should a group be found for you, you would be contacted via holo-recorder, and offered a shuttle back to the cantina.


The entire group would come back to the cantina to finalize their outing. Giving all members time to stock up on stims or last minute repairs. Once ready the group leader would be able to talk to the bartender again, and shuttles would be dispatched to carry the group to their desired group activity.


While the details are sketchy, and perhaps a bit convoluted, a system like this could encourage community interaction


Personally, if this method was used I feel that the tool should be planet specific. While flashpoints would be available from all planets and the fleet station. Meaning that to find a group for a heroic quest on Tattooine you would need to visit a cantina on the planet. However, to get a group for Maelstrom Prison (or any other flashpoint/op) you could go to any cantina in the galaxy.



  • Cantina based LFG
  • Shuttles to gather groupmates
  • Server based to preserve community
  • Brings life to empty cantinas around the galaxy


Thoughts? Reactions? Flaming balls of hate?

Tell me what you think.

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I like it, a lot, its seems rather easy to use, however the one thing I think would also be nice, is you would also have a viable return tool, like for example, when the shuttle comes to pick you up to go to the Cantina, you leave a Homing Beacon that can return you when you are finished if you so desired.
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/sign for a + idea


Too bad I am rather pessimistic on the people who are responsible for these things


Make them listen. direct your friends here. link this thread. This thread needs to overtake the lame "this game sucks" or "this game is awesome" threads which do nothing.


Get people posting on this one.

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Ive been a member of this site since 2008, and i regularly read forum threads. This is the first time ive ever felt the need to post a reply. This idea is just a plain awesome. Nobody blah blah blahing about LFG tools ruining the community SHOULD have a problem with this suggestion.


/agree to keep this idea alive

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Why is this idea so popular? We have this many role players?


Seriously, if you're going to put in a LFG tool, just put it in. There's no reason to put all of these qualifications on it (i.e., have to travel to the specific planet where the heroic content is located, have to go to an actual cantina, etc.)


Stuff like "finding a group" should be made as easy and painless as possible so that you can spend more time playing the game. Traveling to a cantina on a particular planet is not my idea of 'playing the game' -- it's a hassle.

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Why is this idea so popular? We have this many role players?


Seriously, if you're going to put in a LFG tool, just put it in. There's no reason to put all of these qualifications on it (i.e., have to travel to the specific planet where the heroic content is located, have to go to an actual cantina, etc.)


Stuff like "finding a group" should be made as easy and painless as possible so that you can spend more time playing the game. Traveling to a cantina on a particular planet is not my idea of 'playing the game' -- it's a hassle.


The reason this is popular is because it covers both sides eloquently. I'm closer to your side on this, but by doing it this way, the people who oppose lfg systems will have nothing to complain about.

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