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Gunslinger is to weak compared to other classes


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Gunslingers are the most powerful class in Voidstar lol. You guys. Hope we get a buff from all the complaining like the WAR Engineer did even though I was already ****** face.


Warhammer Engineer was OP? Please tell me it was just a sarcams.

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Lvl 27 telling me to l2p you are clearly my hero.


You miss the point

The damage is there. Regardless of level, the damage can be done. Yes, I am telling you to L2P

FYI, I have a level 50 Powertech tank, I PvP with him and I still see Snipers ranking high

So again, L2P

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Nominated for Sniper class representative. Obviously knows the ins and outs of the class and the problems they have. +1


You have my vote also




Corepresantative should be :

Originally Posted by Mazikeen

My Sniper is level 27


My Sniper is level 27


My Sniper is level 27


My Sniper is level 27

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Warhammer Engineer was OP? Please tell me it was just a sarcams.


Sounds like bad engineer was bad too. I regularly beat geared out BWs in damage in WFs and was doing fine right after launch when everyone was crying so they buffed them so their dots could crit, etc.

Edited by potroast
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sad but true, damage is mediocre and you have not enough survival tools. (Damage mitigation skills like absorb and stuff are to weak or dont last long enough, maybe absorb like 1k damage)


Try not targeting tanks. They're tanks, you're not supposed to be able to 3-shot them


Bountyhunters and other classes outdamage you, have heavy armor and selfheal and are not a pure dps class like we are. (something is seriously wrong here)


How much of that damage is Tracer spam or AoE?


On top of that, the stupid cover system is preventing you from doing damage because it happens alot that enemies just LOS or sprint away. Also every build that i tested now has energy problems up to the point where its just better to die and have full bar of energy rather then wait for energy to return and being useless for like 1 minute ..


Try a different spec? Lethality, I'm told, is very mobile and requires no cover use


Competent Teams will also knock, choke, push you out of cover the whole time.


COMPETENT teams will steamroll anyone not in a premade. It's been like this in pretty much every MMO with PvP since PvP was a thing


As for your bashing on my level, I've been playing MMOs for 11 years. 11. If it's happened, I've seen it. Your argument is weak and if you have THESE many issues playing you need to reroll another class


And if you've played to 50 and gotten BM geared and are still whining then you lack any sense at all for not noticing these 'major' issues sooner and rerolling

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We just require a bit more thought and tactics than other classes. But we are very effective when played correctly.


Saying stuff like this is retarded. This isn't Darkfall or Age of Conan, you can't completely dodge peoples abilities by playing smart. They automatically lock onto you and follow you no matter what, there is no way a level 50 Sniper atm is going to stand toe-to-toe with a level 50 Mercenary and out DPS their Tracer Missile, Rail Shot, Unload combo due to heavy armor mitigation, heals and ranged vs melee stun.


Right now your success as a Sniper completely relies on the brain power of the opposing team. If you leave any class unopposed they are going to destroy you, this isn't just Snipers. If one player, preferably melee, decides that he's going to ruin your day in a WZ you'll do nothing as a Sniper. Literally nothing.

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Try not targeting tanks. They're tanks, you're not supposed to be able to 3-shot them




How much of that damage is Tracer spam or AoE?




Try a different spec? Lethality, I'm told, is very mobile and requires no cover use




COMPETENT teams will steamroll anyone not in a premade. It's been like this in pretty much every MMO with PvP since PvP was a thing


As for your bashing on my level, I've been playing MMOs for 11 years. 11. If it's happened, I've seen it. Your argument is weak and if you have THESE many issues playing you need to reroll another class


And if you've played to 50 and gotten BM geared and are still whining then you lack any sense at all for not noticing these 'major' issues sooner and rerolling



Obviously you cant read either, i said i play lethality because that is the most effective build right now in pvp.


I play mmos for like 11 years too, thats no excuse for coming to this thread and telling me with you lvl 27 sniper (that has no expertise and never played vs competent teams like 50 brackets) to l2p


im not arguing with you any further because you are disqualified

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I don't know whats up with the SWTOR PvP crowd, but I suspect that once they start (already seeing balance changes on deck for Ops/Scoundrels) the balance roller-coaster in this game is going to be berserk. I've yet to play a class in this game that I thought was "garbage" and I've ended up playing alot of the worse classes in a long list of MMOs by pure happenstance. Class tweaking and balance is a constant issue in any MMO but at the moment I feel that SWTOR is leagues ahead of where other games were on release and where many games are even now.


If you find yourself getting your *** handed to in PvP, please don't take this the wrong way but you are doing something wrong. Of course not all classes are equal, of course some classes have it harder than others, but you should be able to win atm with any class in game. Some are harder than others, but if you get pretty good you should be able to squash people atm regardless of their class.


Two of my worst examples in recent years:

WoW Paladin - On release this class was worthless in PvP.

AoC Dark Templar - On release the class had little ability to do damage, was heavily dependent on gear, had a terrible melee range and several of its abilities flat out didn't work.

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Obviously you cant read either, i said i play lethality because that is the most effective build right now in pvp.


I play mmos for like 11 years too, thats no excuse for coming to this thread and telling me with you lvl 27 sniper (that has no expertise and never played vs competent teams like 50 brackets) to l2p


im not arguing with you any further because you are disqualified


Most effective

Not the only effective build

And the simple fact you 'disqualify' me because my Sniper is 27 and you choose to ignore the fact I play 50 PvP on my main smacks of elitism which makes your entire argument null and void dear friend

FYI, every class has a 'most effective' build

You have yet to illustrate WHY level 27 is 'disqualified' in your argument

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Except that you can do 2k+ crits with simple Charged Burst.

And only a very bad player don't move after you fire at least one Speed Shot cast on them (not to mention 3 times with the top tier useless skill).


Okay i speak more slowly for you.


Cover 1 GCD

Hunker down 1 GCD

Speed Relic 1 GCD

Blackmarket Mods 1 GCD


(The enemy hasn't received any damage until now)

Insert Random Stims/Buffs if needed


Instant Charged Burst 1 GCD (it's buggy sometimes but with the speed relic that doesn't matter) 2k+ Damage

Instant Trickshot 1 GCD. 4k+ Damage

nearly Instant Speed shot 1,7 Secs (now target starts moving) 3-4K+ Damage

Reset Speed shot 1 GCD (target still moving)

nearly Instant Speed shot 1,7 GCD 3-4K+ Damage

Instant Quick shot 1 GCD 4-5K+ Damage


Damage done in round about 8 seconds 16-19K against T2 at last. Everything melts this way.


If hes far away, he can LOS, i'am not denying that.

If hes near you, you just melt him away


Best rotation ever? No!


just an example for the immense Damage burst you can do on a single target.


Edit: Getting a second chance for a speed shot is rare, i won't deny that, better make some other move, but one speed shot is nice for nearly fnihsing and sending a quick shot to finish.

Edited by Kaptain_Kabul
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Cover blows with all it's bugs, but saying that we do low damage is a flat out lie... We do awesome damage and particularly awesome burst, I dare say that we have the best burst in the game after operatives and after 1.1.1 we may end up actually having the best burst damage period.


59 Valor BTW



To the above poster: Entrench does not trigger GCD, Relics and Adrenals do not trigger GCD, Target Acquired does not trigger GCD...


When you pop Explosive Probe first, then relics and adrenals, this way you won't lose any DPS time.


Rapid Fire does not trigger GCD, either.


Basically, with Target Acquired you can land all of the following at 4 seconds mark: Explosive Probe, Ambush, Snipe... Just like you say, it's tons of damage and thanks to entrench it can only be blocked with LoS or some +defense CD or Diversion if a target is a Sniper that is fast enough to react.

Edited by Gaidax
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Okay i speak more slowly for you.


Cover 1 GCD

Hunker down 1 GCD

Speed Relic 1 GCD

Blackmarket Mods 1 GCD


(The enemy hasn't received any damage until now)

Insert Random Stims/Buffs if needed


Instant Charged Burst 1 GCD (it's buggy sometimes but with the speed relic that doesn't matter) 2k+ Damage

Instant Trickshot 1 GCD. 4k+ Damage

nearly Instant Speed shot 1,7 Secs (now target starts moving) 3-4K+ Damage

Reset Speed shot 1 GCD (target still moving)

nearly Instant Speed shot 1,7 GCD 3-4K+ Damage

Instant Quick shot 1 GCD 4-5K+ Damage


Damage done in round about 8 seconds 16-19K against T2 at last. Everything melts this way.


If hes far away, he can LOS, i'am not denying that.

If hes near you, you just melt him away


Best rotation ever? No!


just an example for the immense Damage burst you can do on a single target.


I have to agree that you can deal nice damage but how much damage is your opponent doing in 4 GCD ? And any smart player is LOS if he sees you hunker down

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Cover blows with all it's bugs, but saying that we do low damage is a flat out lie... We do awesome damage and particularly awesome burst, I dare say that we have the best burst in the game after operatives and after 1.1.1 we may end up actually having the best burst damage period.


59 Valor BTW

<3 for this post.


You're playing a burst damage class, essentially your biggest impact in PvP is making people wtf**** themselves when they see some big absurd number pop up over their head and seconds later they're dead. Perhaps this role just isn't for OP, but claiming that the class is crap because a person is having problems with it doesn't seem reasonable.


Just like two weeks ago people were complaining about "Cover BS" here on the forums, look it up. Just because one person doesn't see their class mechanic as useful doesn't mean that's the consensus. If people are posting about how much they hate "X ability" chances are there is a good way out there to make said ability useful.

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im not saying i hate it but its bugged and its preventing you from doing damage, because you have to constantly set it up again. If you dont have entrench ready you are constantly knocked out of cover and you cant deal damage.


Having this stationary sitting makes you also a big target and i also dont see why my cover needs to have flashing lights.


Cover in this fast paced pvp is just hindering and my personal opinion is, that we dont deal enough damage to make up for this.

Edited by SwordoftheStars
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IDK, the damage is there, the burst is there, speed shot, rapid, speed shot speed shot, put a flourish at the front and you should be able to cycle to the next target on the third speed shot, to pop off your trink with illegal mods and pound away some charged shots till dead. If melee get in too close hunker down and use your knockback. Some great kiting abilities, especially with the kneeshot burst run, I could however use a longer Escape. 3 seconds is just meh, 1 sec of it is eaten by gcd, and the other 2 disappear with game queue lag, to make it really superficial in any pvp setting. I wouldn't mind a self heal, either.


To key to any class is learning their strengths, and bolstering their weaknesses. LOS is a tactic which is available to all classes, and it affects range more than melee, but that's why gunslingers have melee abilities and cc abilities.


We're certainly not getting 6-7k crits that some other classes are reporting. I think the largest mh crit I've gotten in pvp has been 4.1k followed by a 1.2k off hand crit, for a total of 5.3k damage, but our smaller hits get off faster and we end up doing ok.


For the record, there just aren't a lot of us playing Gunslingers, compared to other classes and other advanced classes. I think what you are seeing is not a problem with damage so much as a problem of players representing a faction/class. Give it some time, more people playing the class, then gauge how it balances out? I hate to say the trite, "I usually come in the top 3 in wz's for damage done as a Gunslinger" but that's been my perception since hitting 50 and figuring out how to play the class.

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