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Gunslinger is to weak compared to other classes


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I quit reading at...thread title. I play a gunslinger and holy hell am I OP, I one shot people constantly, dueling my scoundrel friend he is lucky to get a hit off before I kill him, and in flashpoints I seriously have to be trying to play as bad as possible to not pull aggro because I do so much DPS, on top of that: AoE stun, single target stun, droid sap, execute, crit every effing hit....OP is a troll, or a baddie.


And by the way, I also have an operative myself, along with leveling with a scoundrel friend of mine...Gunslinger is extremely OP compared to the others. They are slow but hard hitting, cover makes them strong against ranged, melee you just stun and aimed shot/leg shot, and if your being chased just run and use your insta-burst (forget the name of it). You also have an AoE knockback that also roots all people it hits..


Lets see what operative has...erm..2 melee knife abilities that are on 10 second CDs? Some heals that will barely sustain you when your under attack by a dps?

Edited by CommanderFrog
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[quote name='Orangerascal']All I'm reading is ... buff my class please. There are good gunslingers on my server that top the damage charts consistently. I'm sure bioware gets the metrics and if they see the class constantly underperform they will fix it.[/QUOTE] Toping damage is not an indicator for a good and useful class. Every class can top damage... Edited by Jiav
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spamming off 5k shots




4,5 max on undergeared with full T2


The rest is pretty accuarate. cover + coverbuff+ shield + AO shield = Can tank a lot, is good for a stand where you have to hold the point no matter what.


Gunslinger Valor 52 sharpshooter specc. And i think we are a decent class in PvP. Not over the top but also not underperforming.


Wouldn't mind to get a slight boost in reduced charge time for "aimed shot" or some skill to detect stealthing units without using some expensive AOE or have to stand still for 4 secs.


1 vs 1 against someone who knows what hes doing, you most likly will loose. In a grp fight you can shine and just pew pew their healing or damage support.


Also the use of speed relic and blackmarket mods can turn you into a = kill a sorc even in T3 equip in 6 secs no matter what he does!

Edited by Kaptain_Kabul
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I was speaking about crit numbers. It's much much lower nowadays.


And you can get 600k+ on sage without breaking a sweat in voidstar if other team has competive healers.


Really who breaks 600k without a sweat? I'm always in games with your guild and I'm always top damage. I've broken 600k once and I'm pretty well geared.

Edited by Orangerascal
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No big deal for sage. Try to make at least 500k on gunslinger.


If it wasn't a big deal, that's why he SS'd and sent it to everyone. :rolleyes: Hell you're not even in that game and your posting it. It must have been impressive if you can't find a ss with you in it. Also that SS is pre 1.1 where getting that damage was much easier.


Also if it was so consistent you would have a lot more ss's. I play on ToFN and I know what the numbers look like. Your blasé attitude that this occurs frequently is a rather poor argument.


To answer your question: Arsanist, Lopez and Benki can do 500k. Maybe you should ask them how to do it because I'm not familiar with gunslingers.

Edited by Orangerascal
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So you mean abilities like 25% damage reduction to the group is not useful? Probably not because the only person I see using it is my guildie :rolleyes:.


Yeah thats some observation i had,too. I pop my AE shield in grp fights everytime the cooldown is finished. But i rarly see other using it.


it's used so rarly that people in your warzone sometimes think it#s an enemy AoE and run out. No Kidding!

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If it wasn't a big deal, that's why he SS'd and sent it to everyone. :rolleyes: Hell you're not even in that game and your posting it. It must have been impressive if you can't find a ss with you in it.


Also if it was so consistent you would have a lot more ss's. I play on ToFN and I know what the numbers look like. Your blasé attitude that this occurs frequently is a rather poor argument.


To answer your question: Arsanist, Lopez and Benki can do 500k. Maybe you should ask them how to do it because I'm not familiar with gunslingers.


I never go aoe for a big numbers (unlike those slingers) - my goal is to kill target I need to in the time he and his healers could not even react.

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So you mean abilities like 25% damage reduction to the group is not useful? Probably not because the only person I see using it is my guildie :rolleyes:.


On 3 minute cooldown? Oh yeah, kinda useful in a high mobile battleground. Since no one of your allies can get kicked out of it. Oh yeah or the battle just shifts. That skill kinda makes up for the lack of support, heal, shields, taunt, [...] :D


For the "top damage makes a good class guys".




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I am in full champions/few bm pieces, and i NEVER crit a EVEN GEARED sorc/sage for over 5k with ambush, even with expertise buff. Yet, i am not biochem and don't have power or surge pot.


Theres your problem. If you are serious about pvp you kinda have to be biochem.


I have 600 expertise, full champion. Not hit 60 yet and i hit 5.1k ambush on a level 50 TROOPER. aka heavy armor.

With surge adrenal i get 97% crit damage and i also replaced mods it my gear for more crit and surge.


Also now i replaced my crit/surge relic with power because i get max surge from adrenal anyway.

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On 3 minute cooldown? Oh yeah, kinda useful in a high mobile battleground. Since no one of your allies can get kicked out of it. Oh yeah or the battle just shifts. That skill kinda makes up for the lack of support, heal, shields, taunt, [...] :D


Ahh you wan't the mystical all in one 'swiss army knife' calling. I see now ... good luck with that.


If you can't see the usefulness of the shield, there is nothing I can say to you that will make you a better player. I'm not even going to try.

Edited by Orangerascal
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Ahh you wan't the mystical all in one 'swiss army knife' calling. I see now ... good luck with that.


If you can't see the usefulness of the shield, there is nothing I can say to you that will make you a better player. I'm not even going to try.


You don't have to, i don't take advice from baddies anyway;).


Not to mention you missed the point. Is it useful? Sure it is, is it useful as as a taunt spamming hybrid, no it isnt. Is it useful as a x healing/shielding damage sorc? No, it isnt.


Well, not going to try to educate you. Casuals like you, have their own league.

Edited by Jiav
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You don't have to, i don't take advice from baddies anyway;).


You can ask my server, just how bad I am. Let's put it this way. I have enough confidence to put my toon and guild in my signature :rolleyes:. Unlike some people.


I play on best server in Europe btw. But good job with the insult, something totally irrelevenat to the discussion.


Not to mention you missed the point. Is it useful? Sure it is, is it useful as as a taunt spamming hybrid, no it isnt. Is it useful as a x healing/shielding damage sorc? No, it isnt.


Well, not going to try to educate you. Casuals have their own league.


Protip: On a 15000 HP toon. That shield increased their effective HP to 20000. That's like giving the whole party 5000 free HP's. This is huge in PVP and better than taunts or heals.


Plant this on the key hot spots. Like I said ... most people don't even use the ability.

Edited by Orangerascal
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You can ask my server, just how bad I am. Let's put it this way. I have enough confidence to put my toon and guild in my signature :rolleyes:.


I play on best server in Europe btw.



Protip: On a 15000 HP toon. That shield increased their effective HP to 20000. That's like giving the whole party 5000 free HP's. This is huge in PVP and better than taunts or heals.


Plant this on the key hot spots. Like I said ... most people don't even use the ability.

I don't care what most people do. Most people are not even 50 by now, most people think that raiding is hard in this game. Most people can't even interrupt a 3 second cast. I don't give a **** about them.

Yet, you still miss the point, oh the best server in europe? Really? Wow, you must be ranked #1 with 2900 elo. Oh, wait. Nvm wrong game, there is no elo here. And no way to proof your point;)


Theres your problem. If you are serious about pvp you kinda have to be biochem.


I have 600 expertise, full champion. Not hit 60 yet and i hit 5.1k ambush on a level 50 TROOPER. aka heavy armor.

With surge adrenal i get 97% crit damage and i also replaced mods it my gear for more crit and surge.


Also now i replaced my crit/surge relic with power because i get max surge from adrenal anyway.


Well, using stim every 3 minute to hit one guy with 5k, doesn#t make the class useful. ;)

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I don't care what most people do. Most people are not even 50 by now, most people think that raiding is hard in this game. Most people can't even interrupt a 3 second cast. I don't give a **** about them.

Yet, you still miss the point, oh the best server in europe? Really? Wow, you must be ranked #1 with 2900 elo. Oh, wait. Nvm wrong game, there is no elo here. And no way to proof your point;)

Like I said, my name and signature are on my profile ... yours is not. Tells me you like to hide behind forum anonymity.


Pro-tip: Ad hominem attacks are for people that have no valid arguments.

Edited by Orangerascal
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Like I said, my name and signature are on my profile ... yours is not. Tells me you like to hide behind forum anonymity.


Pro-tip: Ad hominem attacks are for people that have no valid arguments.


Aslong as there is no armory, i can write anything in my sig that i want. Doesn't even make sense. But only for you.


Jiav- Sniper- Challenge Accepted - German server, V60+, 2nd level 50 sniper/gunslinger on this server. Cleared all HM flashpoints empire realm first.

Cleared several raids empire realm first. NM soa, bonetrasher down, palace also clear.

Blablabalbal. Big deal,.


Also to stay on topic, i will put your ego aside, BS is not better than the ability to taunt twice each minute or to x support whenever and wherever you want.



BS is a highly situational skill, which can be godlike or a total waste on a 3 minute cd. In a zerg situation it is good, idd. But if that skill is your only argument about gunslingers beeing fine, you even worse than i thought 10mins ago.

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Sniper/Gunslingers are awful. Bioware thought in their infinite wisdom that making a ranged class that to do any appreciable damage has to stand still and channel 1.5-3s abilities was a good idea.

They were wrong.




Roots make us unable to go into cover. - Idiotic.


Can be Force Choked through Entrench. - What? Either a bug, or awful design.


Cover randomly makes you roll into cover you don't want to roll into. - Annoying/Frustrating.


Talent tree synergy is awful compared to other classes. - This class was tacked on as an afterthought I don't think any thought went into the design compared to classes like Mercenary that synergize so perfectly compared to us that it's pathetic.


Gear set bonuses are complete garbage. - Again, compare our 2 and 4 piece set bonuses to an Arsenal Mercenary gear set. It's pathetic. 15% crit on Tracer Missile which is the spam ability? He-he-heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Edited by Bulivyf
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I have no problem at all with my gunslinger.


My problems ended after I binded the hard cover ( shift + F ) in a easy pressed key ( Q ).


Since it does not trigger the global cooldown and isn't bugged like the normal cover I'm pretty like a commando/merc, all I have to do is to press Q right before my actual shoot. I'm now very mobile and my shoots hurts more than a merc, people can't interrupt me and I've got a strong def. buff with cover screen :)


But a couple days ago I changed to dirty fighting... AMAZING, seeing people melting trying to reach you is priceless.

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But a couple days ago I changed to dirty fighting... AMAZING, seeing people melting trying to reach you is priceless.


Yeah, once people will start to l2p, your dots will be dispelled and that spec is utterly worthless.

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Aslong as there is no armory, i can write anything in my sig that i want. Doesn't even make sense. But only for you.


I don't know if I should laugh or cry that you mention armory.


Jiav- Sniper- Challenge Accepted - German server, V60+, 2nd level 50 sniper/gunslinger on this server. Cleared all HM flashpoints empire realm first.


Cleared several raids empire realm first. NM soa, bonetrasher down, palace also clear.

Blablabalbal. Big deal,.


I guess I'll cry. It's sad you even mention pve in a pvp forum. PVE are gear checks in this game as none of the encounters take a hint of coordination.



Also to stay on topic, i will put your ego aside, BS is not better than the ability to taunt twice each minute or to x support whenever and wherever you want.


BS is a highly situational skill, which can be godlike or a total waste on a 3 minute cd. In a zerg situation it is good, idd. But if that skill is your only argument about gunslingers beeing fine, you even worse than i thought 10mins ago.


Are you really saying that this is the only skill your gun slinger has. How about an AOE Mez? How about great aoe damage? Like I said you want a 'swiss army knife' of a class that just will never exists for balancing reasons.

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Snipers work fine, it's people setting up in plain visible spots that needs "nerfing". It's lunacy to try and snipe people where they can see you just by turning their head. The best snipers who cause loads of damage are the ones who setup in hard to reach places or out of the field of view. Play smarter and group with a team, let the other classes protect you. Solo sniper getting beaten on by some melee is naturally going to have problems... that's why you queue as a group. Edited by LordSemaj
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Snipers work fine, it's people setting up in plain visible spots that needs "nerfing". It's lunacy to try and snipe people where they can see you just by turning their head. The best snipers who cause loads of damage are the ones who setup in hard to reach places or out of the field of view. Play smarter and group with a team, let the other classes protect you. Solo sniper getting beaten on by some melee is naturally going to have problems... that's why you queue as a group.


Because no one in this game has a charge and Snipers are the only ranged class.



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Snipers work fine, it's people setting up in plain visible spots that needs "nerfing". It's lunacy to try and snipe people where they can see you just by turning their head. The best snipers who cause loads of damage are the ones who setup in hard to reach places or out of the field of view. Play smarter.


Our top tier 6 and 7 Sharpshooter skill tree abilities are focused on Speed Shot skill which firing channeling pew-pew shots giving basically everyone and their grandmas a hint "go kill that sniper - he's over there!" Not to mention it deals crap damage and no burst whatsoever.

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