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Gunslinger is to weak compared to other classes


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Yes i really think Crouch is instant to activate.



Activation: Instant

Cooldown: 1s


Crouches in place, taking cover if used behind an object that provides cover. Crouching enables the use of cover-only abilities, and so long as you remain down behind a cover object, most ranged attackers strike your cover instead.


edit: ohh wait, maybe you too are confused by the animation and think you can't shoot until the animation is done - like the guy i quoted on page 38?


Nope still messes it up if i dont time it right.....maybe you have some sort of special crouch?

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Crouch animation prevents doing something.


I wanted to make a macro: crounch > cover pulse, but it failed miserably because on Nostromo lenghs of time interval you can insert between two actions in milliseconds is limited. And macro not worked without interval/little interval.

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Nope still messes it up if i dont time it right.....maybe you have some sort of special crouch?
I am pretty sure your version is instant to activate as well. Seriously not hard to test. Target an enemy. Press F twice (or whatever key-binding you use for crouch+ambush). Notice how ambush start to cast and how you don't have to wait for a global cooldown before you start ambush after crouch.


Yes, we are all aware - including Bioware - of a bug that sometimes mess up your attack after you crouch. That does not change the fact that Crouch is instant and that you don't have to wait for a full global a cooldown before you can start attacking.


Seems as there are a lot of snipers in this forum that still think you have to wait for the animation to finish before you can start attacking. This simply not the case.



No, I have not tried third party software to make a macro (isn't that against the EULA?) so i have no first hand information if you have to wait more than x miliseconds before you activate your second ability... But pressing your key twice, without waiting a full global cooldown, work. I dont know what else to tell you.

Edited by Xenon-se
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Crouch is theoretically instant, but it does have a small animation delay before you can actually use skills. This will get fixed eventually, cover+pulse is already better now after the last mini-patch tackling delays.



Snipers are a huge pain in the *** to kill, people do not appreciate the fact that we have a CC blocker on demand and are basically overloaded with all kinds of CC moves ourselves including pseudo-CC like Diversion (which is really awesome BTW, since it allows you to dodge EVERYTHING a debuffed target throws at you including lightnings, missiles and just about everything - I remember myself getting diversion in my face and then noticing my Orbital Strike writing yellow "miss" pop-ups above people heads) and Leg Shot.

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Diversion (which is really awesome BTW, since it allows you to dodge EVERYTHING a debuffed target throws at you including lightnings, missiles and just about everything - I remember myself getting diversion in my face and then noticing my Orbital Strike writing yellow "miss" pop-ups above people heads) and Leg Shot.


Is that so? I didn't notice anything like this. Will try tomorrow.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I just need a trait tree that focuses on mobility, why should we all be confined to cover? I score on top damage and kills just running around like a cowboy at level 12 using quickshot and the normal spray but cannot improve this style of play.


I would like a trait tree that does not use or require cover at all, for example improves the following skills; run speed, mobile defense, quickshot.


Sick of hunkering down all the time with one style of play for this toon.


Edit: One more thing before I play my gunslinger more often is PLEASE improve their outfits...nothing to look forward too with any outfit progression IMO.

Edited by TahKahn
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It's too hard to balance for instas and mobility. You can then run into range, insta, and run out before anyone can respond. To give us that they would have to in turn reduce our dps or remove all our instas so even though we dont stop for cover we stop for cast times.


The way they balance our dps to everyoen else is by forcing the hunkering down and the LOS checks. Try the dot tree so at least when they LOS you , you will still be ticking damage on them.

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It's too hard to balance for instas and mobility. You can then run into range, insta, and run out before anyone can respond. To give us that they would have to in turn reduce our dps or remove all our instas so even though we dont stop for cover we stop for cast times.


The way they balance our dps to everyoen else is by forcing the hunkering down and the LOS checks. Try the dot tree so at least when they LOS you , you will still be ticking damage on them.


I agree and that is why the trees are most likely the way they are obviously. I would take less DPS if there was a tree that did not focus on cover so much. Anyway love the theme of "The Gunslinger" but always taking cover in PVE and PVP is just too boring along with limiting individual play style.


Again my DPS is fine but way too squishy and I believe a mobility based trait tree would allow some flexibilty for some players to not always have to be in cover.

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It's mostly against undergeared people.


I am a Battlemaster sniper (Valor 65 PVP no ilum farm) MM myself and when i play against Good geared BM nobody dies. i end up with 300k damage and 12-15kills...


Because well Ambush can be dodged and an anbush crit doing 2-3k on a ~18k player is ridiculous.


MM is really really good for < Geared people. But against equally geared or better you are pretty much ****ed.


Yellow Damage is just too good right now.

Edited by DestyOwn
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I agree .. I hate cover. I also wish they gave us mobility but I know it will cost us too much for balancing so I dare not ask to be honest. I also agree we are too easily killed.


I think the imbalance is range/LOS check related as in open field we do much better. It's when there are obstacles people can hide behind where you feel both useless and squishy.


Some classes, with their pulls, jumps, and high range melee damage totally avoid both LOS and range checks and seem to have good dps or crowd control abilities. Also our range doesnt seem like much as people close into melee range on us fatser than many of casted abilities take to fire.


Finally cover is a handicap to being CC'ed as its an additional keystroke after breaking CC since we need to get back into cover to use our best abilities. It's the same as making all CC keep our class CCed longer than any other class.

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Umm Bounty Hunter is more than fine right now. Say otherwise and you dont know what you're talking about.


And im simply stating facts here.


BH has a knockback, does not require cover, superior to Sniper

BH has a stun, has range on it, Sniper's is melee range, Superior to sniper

BH has cast time damage abilities, deal more or equal amounts of damage to similar cast time abilites of snipers, does not require cover, again Superior to Sniper

BH has high damage mitigation, Sniper has the low damage mitigation.

BH can have heals/dispels, Sniper can have.. cover?


I guess BH have it rough eh?


The whole fact that you are referring to two classes as one (BH) just proves how little you know what youre talking about. love playing my sniper, and please go learn what your class and OTHER CLASSES can do before you make yourself look this ignorant.


For future reference HEALER = commando / mercenary

TANKS = Vanguard / powertechs

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The whole fact that you are referring to two classes as one (BH) just proves how little you know what youre talking about. love playing my sniper, and please go learn what your class and OTHER CLASSES can do before you make yourself look this ignorant.


For future reference HEALER = commando / mercenary

TANKS = Vanguard / powertechs


Except everything he listed IS in one AC. Merc/Commando is still in 40%+ mitigation at level 50, and defensive stats (Defense, Shield) is often worthless in pvp.

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lol fail. No we arent. unless we use an ability that last 20 seconds and has a decent cooldown. Then every person that feels like it knocks you out of cover, which means you have to re-enter cover to do any damage since not being in cover screws you over.


No heals, only DPS, and not good enough DPS to have nothing else. Fail class fails



On a side note, i'd swap to a stealth, healing dps class (scoundrel) any day of the week. We all know they will put duel specs in this game. and when they do.. gunslinger will be a thing of the past.


you cant say you don't have the ability then say you do.

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