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Isn't species and races different in that species are populations of organisms that can't produce offspring together but different races can produce offspring together?


How is it that they have children? I know this is space and all and highly unlikely the Chiss, Twi'lek are humans that went to other planets but different races but my mind is befuzzled.


It's like if I met any lifeform in outer space, a space octopus or a talking half elephant half wolf thing we could mate with them and have children.

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Well species in this game codex wise are "intelligent beings"



   [spee-sheez, -seez] Show IPA noun, plural -cies, adjective



a class of individuals having some common characteristics or qualities; distinct sort or kind.


Biology . the major subdivision of a genus or subgenus, regarded as the basic category of biological classification, composed of related individuals that resemble one another, are able to breed among themselves, but are not able to breed with members of another species.

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OP definition of species is not technically correct. It is possible for two different species to produce offspring together -- mating a horse and a donkey to produce a mule, for example.


Actually it is, mating a horse and a human would be out of the genus.



   [jee-nuhs] Show IPA

noun, plural gen·e·ra  [jen-er-uh] Show IPA, ge·nus·es.


Biology . the usual major subdivision of a family or subfamily in the classification of organisms, usually consisting of more than one species.



Ps horses and zebras make better offspring



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Interbreeding doesn't really happen in Star Wars often, and when it does, there's usually something else at work. For instance, the Dark Jedi who found the Sith species interbred with the Sith via Sith Alchemy, an intensely powerful Dark Side technique.


Some species, such as Miraluka and Mirialans, are classified as "Near-Human." Near-Human, in Star Wars, means a race that is genetically linked to humans. Most Near-Humans are so close together as to be virtually indistinguishable. . . technically, Corellians, Alderaanians, Nabooinians, and Tattooinians are all "Near-Humans," but they have no important differences in physiology, though they may have significant cultural differences, or minor physical variations (such as Anakin's intolerance of cold, as seen in TPM.) Some Near-Humans have significant cosmetic differences (such as a Mirialan's skin and eye pigment), and some so physically different as to be verging on branching off into a separate species (such as Miraluka, who cannot see physically. In another several thousand years, evolution may carry Miraluka far enough away from baseline humanity that they can no longer be classified as "Near-Human.")


I don't think Chiss qualify as "Near-Human," despite their close resemblance to humans. The qualifier for Near-Human status is to be a race of subspecies of humanity, and I don't think Chiss ever came from human stock, but rather independently evolved humaniform bodies.

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The Chiss and Rattataki are the offspring of early Human colonies, where the population became increasingly adapted to the local elements. I remember reading that the Chiss, who evolved from baseline Humanity, acquired their blue skin and distinct red eyes from something in the atmosphere of Csilla, and after thousands of years it stuck. I think it's a similar case with the Miraluka, who discovered a way to see with the Force rather than the physical realm largely due to the absence of a sun on their home planet.


As for the Twi'lek and Mirialan species, I'm not quite sure.


Other ones that might be offshoots of humanity are the Kiffar, Nagai, Tofs, Zelosians, Arkanians and so on.

Edited by AscendantOps
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