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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The reusable medpacks for Biochem are the most overpowered item ive seen in any MMO


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What genious thought it would be a good idea to put something this blatantly OP into the game?


Then on top of it its only usable by the profession which makes them which is causing Biochem to be a requirement for raiding. I dont think I have ever played a game where a tradeskill was commonly required to raid before until now.


Mark my words. By the end of February once the general public knows about how OP Biochem is well over 50% of the playerbase WILL be Biochem.


SWTOR is becoming a dumpster fire fast and the Devs need to bring out some extinguishers and put out these problems before its too late. :jawa_mad:

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We currently have a thread discussing this concern regarding Biochem medpacks. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=173035


Here is a quote from the thread addressing the nerf that will occur in the upcoming patch.


As some of you may have already noticed from our patch notes for Game Update 1.1, we’ve made adjustments to several high-end, purple, player crafted items on the BioChem and Cybertech professions. Simply put, we reduced their overall impact on gameplay and I wanted to explain why it was necessary.



BioChem crafted medical kits were too good. In fact, they were too good both in the amount of healing they provided (often more than half a character’s health) and the frequency they could be used (every 90 seconds!). This was negatively impacting the game for everyone else. We’ve seen significant chatter both in and out of game about how players not picking up the BioChem professions would be ‘stupid’ and ‘gimping themselves’. This indicates that a small number of competitive players have been denying access to high end content based on whether a player has the BioChem Crew Skill.

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We currently have a thread discussing this concern regarding Biochem medpacks. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=173035


Here is a quote from the thread addressing the nerf that will occur in the upcoming patch.



The "nerf" you guys at Bioware are implementing fixes NOTHING but you cant seem to understand this. In fact you guys have made the problem even worse with your so called "fix".


The problem is that it is a Biochem only item which is forcing people to have to go Biochem. ALL reusable medpacks being Biochem only is the problem here.


You guys are destroying your own game and you are completely oblivious to it. Unreal.

Edited by ValaxDarkseer
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What genious thought it would be a good idea to put something this blatantly OP into the game?


Then on top of it its only usable by the profession which makes them which is causing Biochem to be a requirement for raiding. I dont think I have ever played a game where a tradeskill was commonly required to raid before until now.


Mark my words. By the end of February once the general public knows about how OP Biochem is well over 50% of the playerbase WILL be Biochem.


SWTOR is becoming a dumpster fire fast and the Devs need to bring out some extinguishers and put out these problems before its too late. :jawa_mad:


Umm..Biochem has been FOTM since they nerfed slicing...Arent you just a lil late? 70% of my server are boichem already judging from how most guilds say that most of their level 50 members are biochem

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Personally, I feel that the reusable consumables are a fantastic crew skills perk for Biochem. I'm looking forward to BioWare implementing equivalent perks for the other crafting crew skills.


Funny, I'm looking forward to them "fixing" crew skills by removing that perk from biochem. Trade skills shouldn't *have* perks that work on anything other than the tradeskill itself.

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Funny, I'm looking forward to them "fixing" crew skills by removing that perk from biochem. Trade skills shouldn't *have* perks that work on anything other than the tradeskill itself.




The purpose of tradeskills is SUPPOSED to be to create items to SELL to other people to earn money.


Fluff perks are fine (like a mount skin, armor skin, weapon skin) but items like Reusable Medpacks are not. The ability to pop a high lvl medpack for free every few minutes is disgustingly OP.


Its only a matter of time before Bioware finally realizes this mistake they made with Biochem and the reusable medpacks and 1 of 3 things will happen.


1. They will allow all reusable medpacks (or most) to be tradeable and usable by anyone= Smart move


2. They will remove reusable medpacks from the game entirely= The RIGHT move but it will anger many many people


3. They will keep it as is until 99% of the playerbase becomes Biochem and tens of thousands of people unsub over the issue

Edited by ValaxDarkseer
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The purpose of tradeskills is SUPPOSED to be to create items to SELL to other people to earn money.


Fluff perks are fine (like a mount skin, armor skin, weapon skin) but items like Reusable Medpacks are not. The ability to pop a high lvl medpack for free every few minutes is disgustingly OP.


Its only a matter of time before Bioware finally realizes this mistake they made with Biochem and the reusable medpacks and 1 of 3 things will happen.


1. They will allow all reusable medpacks (or most) to be tradeable and usable by anyone= Smart move


2. They will remove reusable medpacks from the game entirely= The RIGHT move but it will anger many many people


3. They will keep it as is until 99% of the playerbase becomes Biochem and tens of thousands of people unsub over the issue


1. You obviously never played WoW. Every tradeskill had things that set them apart. The only difference is they were evened out.


2. I don't see why you think its such a ridiculous travesty that reuseable packs are Biochem only. It makes perfect sense to me. The Blue ones heal for more than the Purple ones anyway, the only draw of going from blue to purple is to make it reuseable. You LOSE healing in the process.


I think that it should be a biochem only thing. However, with the way tradeskills are right now, it IS imbalanced, because biochem WAS absolutely necessary for raiding.


I don't think nerfing biochem is the right way to go. I think giving the armor/weaponcrafting professions slightly better stat options and giving cybertech some fun toys would be a much better fix, as tradeskills are extremely lackluster at present.

Edited by Phuriocity
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I don't think nerfing biochem is the right way to go. I think giving the armor/weaponcrafting professions slightly better stat options and giving cybertech some fun toys would be a much better fix, as tradeskills are extremely lackluster at present.


That still only leaves Bio and Cy as the best endgame crafting skills because gear from the first HM/ops/raid/PvP vendor/whatever will outdo any slot any crafting skill makes. If not the first, then eventually. However, reuseable slotless additional tactical abilities will NEVER become obsolete.

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It is the most useful item I ever had and I am glad they took that innovative route.


Getting mats together to craft a stack of X for raiding was tiresome...


Now we have the perfect solution. Consumable stuff is better, so hardcore raiders could use that and even escape biochem prerequisite.


That tiresome thing I speak of is what makes you go for biochem, because YOU are too lazy to farm/pay for consumable one.


Don't want to go biochem? Don't. Buy adrenals, medpacks etc in stacks every raid and be happy with your cybertech or whatever.

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1. You obviously never played WoW. Every tradeskill had things that set them apart. The only difference is they were evened out.


2. I don't see why you think its such a ridiculous travesty that reuseable packs are Biochem only. It makes perfect sense to me. The Blue ones heal for more than the Purple ones anyway, the only draw of going from blue to purple is to make it reuseable. You LOSE healing in the process.


I think that it should be a biochem only thing. However, with the way tradeskills are right now, it IS imbalanced, because biochem WAS absolutely necessary for raiding.


I don't think nerfing biochem is the right way to go. I think giving the armor/weaponcrafting professions slightly better stat options and giving cybertech some fun toys would be a much better fix, as tradeskills are extremely lackluster at present.


Bolded for emphasis mine.


The problem with this approach is this:


You're in a race. Your jetpack goes 5,000 MPH sustained velocity.

The 15 others' jetpacks range anywhere from 2,000 MPH -3,000 MPH sustained velocity.


Do you:

a) Make your jetpack go 2-3,000 MPH sustained velocity and even the playing field OR

b) Make the other 15 go up to 5,000 MPH sustained velocity?


Apply this to the MMO Nerf-Bat Meta Game (MMO NBMG) and the longer term solution is solution a. However, psychologically speaking, this makes a lot of people howl in terror because they don't want to perceive themselves being directly weakened; it's more palatable to the ego to simply not be in a compelling lead any longer by making everything "fair" again.


It's how we're wired but I would personally go after a) every time because otherwise you are going to see a serious inflation in perceived "power" as everyone demands they go 5K MPH, then 7.5K, then 10K.

Edited by Seraphical
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The purpose of tradeskills is SUPPOSED to be to create items to SELL to other people to earn money.


Fluff perks are fine (like a mount skin, armor skin, weapon skin) but items like Reusable Medpacks are not. The ability to pop a high lvl medpack for free every few minutes is disgustingly OP.


Its only a matter of time before Bioware finally realizes this mistake they made with Biochem and the reusable medpacks and 1 of 3 things will happen.


1. They will allow all reusable medpacks (or most) to be tradeable and usable by anyone= Smart move


2. They will remove reusable medpacks from the game entirely= The RIGHT move but it will anger many many people


3. They will keep it as is until 99% of the playerbase becomes Biochem and tens of thousands of people unsub over the issue


If they like the game, they would simply roll biochem. I'd be surprised if hundreds quit over reusable medpacks, let alone tens of thousands.

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I dont think I have ever played a game where a tradeskill was commonly required to raid before until now.




So you never plaid swg per nge, or star trek online.


This kind of whining cause nge on swg and destroyed a great game, stop whining and play game, before you destroy another game.

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The "nerf" you guys at Bioware are implementing fixes NOTHING but you cant seem to understand this. In fact you guys have made the problem even worse with your so called "fix".


The problem is that it is a Biochem only item which is forcing people to have to go Biochem. ALL reusable medpacks being Biochem only is the problem here.


You guys are destroying your own game and you are completely oblivious to it. Unreal.


I think you're the one that is unreal. The fact that they are reusable doesn't make them a requirement in anyway what so ever. Either go biochem and save a few bucks or buy them and choose another crew skill, this isn't game breaking.

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Artifice: Spend a fortune getting a skill that lets you craft a lightsaber hilt usable by half the classes in the game that is easily replaced with 8 daily commendations by something better, while you spend 100k on stims for a single Hard mode dungeon.


Biochem: Spend a fortune getting a skill that lets you craft stims usable by every class in the game, and more powerful reusable ones for yourselfs, which are never replaced by anything that drops in even the hardest raid, while you spend nothing on stims, but get to sell them at ridiculously high prices.


Am I missing something here, Bioware?

Edited by McVade
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Artifice: Spend a fortune getting a skill that lets you craft a lightsaber hilt usable by half the classes in the game that is easily replaced with 8 daily commendations by something better, while you spend 100k on stims for a single Hard mode dungeon.


Biochem: Spend a fortune getting a skill that lets you craft stims usable by every class in the game, and more powerful reusable ones for yourselfs, which are never replaced by anything that drops in even the hardest raid, while you spend nothing on stims, but get to sell them at ridiculously high prices.


Am I missing something here, Bioware?


Personally I would love to see all these vendors gone. The things they sell add the schematics to the appropriate crew skill.

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The "nerf" you guys at Bioware are implementing fixes NOTHING but you cant seem to understand this. In fact you guys have made the problem even worse with your so called "fix".


The problem is that it is a Biochem only item which is forcing people to have to go Biochem. ALL reusable medpacks being Biochem only is the problem here.


You guys are destroying your own game and you are completely oblivious to it. Unreal.


Whats amazing to me is all people crying for nerfs on Biochem never bothered to buy Stims for PvP. I used stacks of meds in SWG everyone did. That's how MMO economy's work people make stuff that other players will use.


The real problem is that most other crafting prof's are worthless end game. All the PvP, PvE endgame gear cant be matched by crafters, and that just sad. After a time everyone will look exactly the same.

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The "nerf" you guys at Bioware are implementing fixes NOTHING but you cant seem to understand this. In fact you guys have made the problem even worse with your so called "fix".


The problem is that it is a Biochem only item which is forcing people to have to go Biochem. ALL reusable medpacks being Biochem only is the problem here.


You guys are destroying your own game and you are completely oblivious to it. Unreal.


really?? in wow everyone was an alchemist huh yeah right...


alchemist in wow had better potion for their use only th erest had a decent one and it never made EVERYONE go alchemist.!



bunch of babies that all there is here.


I wont be able to use the OP gun a armstech trooper will be able to do ( its bop) and i do not QQ cry and qq again to get it too!

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The real problem is that most other crafting prof's are worthless end game. All the PvP, PvE endgame gear cant be matched by crafters, and that just sad. After a time everyone will look exactly the same.




the othe profession arent useless come to endgame.. THEY NEED TO GET THE GOOD BOE PATTERN IN RAIDS OR AH!!


wich part of this u ppl dont get huh!

Edited by ThePunisherInc
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the othe profession arent useless come to endgame.. THEY NEED TO GET THE GOOD BOE PATTERN IN RAIDS OR AH!!


wich part of this u ppl dont get huh!


The BOE stuff is INCREDIBLY RARE, requires BCA, and is a purple level 50, same level as the commendation gear on Ilum.

The BOP stuff is a joke, because the item's quality is the exact same as the item quality of regular drops from that particular HM/raid/ops. So instead of just getting the item they want, crafters get the schematic of the item they want, of which they can use a grand total of 1 (one).

And also, all the schematics themselves are BOP.


And a kicker: There are Biochem schematics drops too.

Edited by TheRealBoz
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The reusable medpacks for Biochem are the most overpowered item ive seen in any MMO


Then you haven't played many.


This isn't a special case that hasn't happened before.


This isn't something unexpected by anyone over the age of 16.


Come back when you have something to say that didn't already get fixed.

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