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Why do so many play Empire?


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I tried to play Empire, I really did. But those British accents are so annoying. They are like daggers in my brain.


So I tried a bounty hunter, since he doesn't sound British. But then again almost everyone I talked to sounded British.


I couldn't get into the whole British nazi thing. It just didn't work for me. So I said screw it and rolled a Republic character.


I had that problem too, lol. Not because he was British sounding necessarily, but because the whole British Agent thing seemed like some James Bond cliche. How far did you get him? I got my IA to 20-something and by then I forgot about the accent. I am deleting him though to roll a female toon...



The Female IA has a much better voice actor.

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I tried to play Empire, I really did. But those British accents are so annoying. They are like daggers in my brain.


So I tried a bounty hunter, since he doesn't sound British. But then again almost everyone I talked to sounded British.


I couldn't get into the whole British nazi thing. It just didn't work for me. So I said screw it and rolled a Republic character.



Bro i feel your pain ,ya its pretty annoying to me as well. Espcially since last time i checked Star Wars didnt evolve around some British dudes. IMO - seriously lame on there part... If i am empire make me sound Evil, if i am republic make me sound good. I could live with that . I rolled Sith Warrior first, hated the accent so i rolled a BH too. Loved him, then decided oh well just deal with it on my Sith Warrior. But Yes annoying

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QFT - if anything the Alliance is more related to the Empire. We think the Horde is bad for the same reason we think Somali pirates are bad. And that's all I'll say about that.


got to be the most inane reasoning ive ever heard. try to "understand" your way out of being boarded and ransomed by somali pirates. no amount of "feeling their pain" will help you. i cant believe people think like this. more, i dont want to believe it.


both sides in warcraft were self serving and took extraordinary measures to achieve victory. neither side was good, why? because warcraft is a blatant ripjob on warhammer. and neither of those sides are boots whose heel i would relish living under.


now back on topic. republic is a corrupt government, about to be toppled. this was not in its prime. all governments have their weak times, and some survive, others get supplanted by another. those who fight for the republic may not necessarily be red blooded patriotic, but they see the alternative and fight on.


this is very reminiscent of the last years of the roman empire. and maybe thats why so many people find it "blah" to be republic side. you really get the feeling this government is held together with bailing wire and good intentions.

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I started playing the game as a sith because that what my friends chose. After awhile and only getting huttball they decided to go republic so we went the other way. In all honest I don't care what side I play on it doesn't matter endgame anyway as the classes are too similar too matter.
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The empire side is heavily advertised on the republic fleet, just look at the reflection on the floor.


Funny thing is, the reflection on the floor doesn't match in the Imperial fleet either.


I play Empire because I enjoyed the storyline more when I was in Beta. Also because my friends are on an Empire side server.

Edited by VorpalK
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I rolled Empire because my fiance wanted to and playing this game was his idea. I'm light side on most of my chars, including my main. I also think the Empire has way more aesthetically pleasing races. Zabrak and Twi'lek have better skin colors and markings on the Imperial side, and Chiss and Sith are much cooler than the blind guys and green guys.


I love the Imperial Agent storyline, and what I've seen of the Sith Warrior and Inquisitor storylines is pretty epic. The Bounty Hunter storyline is, in my opinion, rather weak, but it has good companion stories.


I played a Jedi warrior for a few levels and the zone was just too goody-goody for me, even as a light side player. It really made me want to go back to the Empire, so I did :p

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I rolled an Imp character, and about 3 hours in I wanted to throw up from 90% of every friggin person I talked to having the same bloody accent. That character is now deleted.


You must vomit a lot in real life. I mean, I'm guessing almost everyone you know has the "same" accent. It just happens to be your accent. ;)



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I've been picking my main couple of classes - and thus factions - based mostly on the female voice acting and what positive and negatives I've heard about the storylines (and experienced the very early parts of myself by playing all classes to at least level 10).


On the Republic side I enjoyed the gameplay of my Jedi Sage through the 20 levels I played. Voice acting was also solid, but the story felt bland.

My Vanguard is reasonably fun to play and you can obviously never go wrong with Jennifer Hale. Except I sort of feel you can, because I'm afraid I'll overdose on her voice and a military storyline here two months prior to Mass Effect 3 (and I've also just started replaying ME2) :). Also, the trooper storyline through 20 levels again wasn't particularly interesting either.


On the Empire side the IA arguably has the best female voice acting in the game, and the story feels pretty interesting. I'm currently trying to decide whether to spend time on my Sniper or my Operative.

My light side Sith Juggernaut also has great voice acting (I'd rank her third below female IA and trooper) and out of the force classes I've tried so far it's the one I've had most fun with. At level 17 I'm also liking the story. And I have the best (as in most likeable and entertaining) starter companion in Vette.

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A sampling that small does not constitue a good indicator for entire servers.

Also that sampling is of like mided folks, or some folks that may have been pressured by peers, so again not a good indicator of entire servers.


There was a post by bioware about server statistics not long ago, darned if I can remember where, and it had empire ahead on all servers.

They also said that they were suprised by the number of inquistiors.


Also to the person who did the long post about "because of wow" that has no basis in reality as you did not poll all wow servers or war servers to find out if that theory is true. So in other words stop stating OPINION as FACT.


Good Day.


Surprised by Inquisitors?


Sith lightning was already popular before the game even got released.


Had BioWare made it like classic KOTOR Evil Republic Jedi could have had lighting too and that would have helped with the balance.


BioWare changed one of the mechanics that made KOTOR so awesome and the game balance suffered as a result of their stupidity.


I played Midgard.


I played Horde.


I played Destruction.


I played Criminal.


All my D&D characters are Lawful Evil


I think you may see a pattern here.


Thank you for saying Midgard. That was my all-time favorite MMO and I am glad someone here knows what it is.

Edited by Saviorofcamelot
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Empire side is simply more aesthetically pleasing. Wider range of colors, wider range of armor designs, broader range of character animations. I'm sure the imperial accents are also a draw, many of the empire voice actors simply do a better job on top of that.
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Empire side is simply more aesthetically pleasing. Wider range of colors, wider range of armor designs, broader range of character animations. I'm sure the imperial accents are also a draw, many of the empire voice actors simply do a better job on top of that.


Don't forget that the animation/ability delay is impacting Rep classes more severely than Imperial classes (as acknowledged by Bioware).


By the time they fix it, it'll all be over.

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When WoW was first born, the Alliance side had Paladins and the Horde side had Shamans. Paladins weren't an option for Horde and Shamans weren't an option for Alliance. Paladins had a unique buff that reduced a significant amount of threat on an ally. Shamans did not have a mirrored ability like this. Meanwhile, Shamans tore up everything in PvP a little too well. This started the initial Alliance is for Raiding/PvE while Horde is for PvP. Horde also had smaller populations starting out, which led to quicker queue times for PvP Battlegrounds, more games in the same time span vs Alliance, and overall more experience playing the PvP Battlegrounds. A combination of a better PvP class, stigma for PvP, early Horde racials favoring PvP style play, and more experience caused people more interested in PvP to flock to Horde side. With a more unified purpose behind them, the Horde appeared more 'mature' or more 'knowledgeable' about the game compared to the more fragmented Alliance players and the stereotype stuck until late into World of Warcrafts lifespan.


What does this have to do with SWTOR? I'll bet good money alot of people played WoW early on who are now playing SWTOR. They all remember how the culture of WoW created a mentality that 'the PvP faction is the cool, mature faction'. Everyone assumed then that a similar thing would happen and that the Empire side would be focused on PvP. So that's probably why Empire side has so many more folks in it now.

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I've heard from alot of people that Empire is the majority of the players ingame, don't know if that applies to all servers or whatever but if that's so then why?


Its simple really.


So, Lone Starr, now you see that evil will always triumph, because good is dumb.
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Empire is much better developed, both in regards to classes and leveling zones.


My friend also like how the starter armor looks so much cooler for the Empire Side vs. Republic. Also all my friends who picked up the game after xmas that I helped level up on Republic all switched (basically 6 of them) all like the animations and lightning of the Sith side too. They also say they like their companions better but I don't know about that since they all get basically the same abilities. Must be bias on that part, hehe.

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Only while under the leadership of that giant blubbering emo-kid Thrall.


My Orc was more of a Blackhand the Destroyer fan.


You know, back when Horde was Horde.


Actually, The Horde were sort of the good guys (Orcs and Tauren). The Humans were all corrupt and the Dwarves and Gnomes were killing the environment, hehe.

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The quest storylines are a lot more interesting to me. If you watched all the movies, the Republic is kind of old news. Everyone already knows about it. The Empire is different, they didn't really explain much about it in the movies, just that it was there and its bad.


Plus the male voice for a Jedi is annoying. The british voice actors for the Sith and especially the Imperial Agent are really good.

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i really did wanna be a republic.

but the combination of Companions+ship, + art style made me play a Empire.

they just looks better, they are better, their dialog sounds better.

they have cooler ships, really furry is just HOT, they have cooler type of class's

Sniper=Win, Mobile Rocket Laucher awsome, + lightling from the fingers epic.


soo ahh, what did republics have again?

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