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Stealth not breaking on damage.


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Why is this? Constantly in fights with operatives / sorcerers loading them with dots, only for them to stealth like cowards and run away, the dots should break the stealth like the game says it is suppose to but it doesn't.


and operatives wonder why people think they are op.

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Well stealth in this game is broken as it is (being able to drop someone straight out of stealth, capping objectives while in stealth, etc) This just takes the biscuit. It's like every games doesn't know how a stealth class is suppose to work.

Rogues, witch elves, they are the same in every mmo. Suppose to be "glass burst cannons" but have all the controls and abilities to render this useless and just ***** everyone while the player plays one handed and touches himself)

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Why is this? Constantly in fights with operatives / sorcerers loading them with dots, only for them to stealth like cowards and run away, the dots should break the stealth like the game says it is suppose to but it doesn't.


and operatives wonder why people think they are op.


Stealth does break, but not until the next tick. So if the stealthy sorc uses their speed to get away, you may never see them around your area before the stealth breaks again. If it's an operative, then we can hide/duck behind objects but we will still be in the general area when the next tick of the DoT goes off.


I haven't tried it yet, but I wonder if using evasion while stealthed gives another 3 seconds before another DoT tick goes off. Evasion doesn't break stealth.

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Why is this? Constantly in fights with operatives / sorcerers loading them with dots, only for them to stealth like cowards and run away, the dots should break the stealth like the game says it is suppose to but it doesn't.


and operatives wonder why people think they are op.


You,re Not Playing on my Server - When i use Force Cloak on my Assassin - (thiers no point) as they Pull me Out of it about 1/2 second later - Lucky if i can get away 2/10x

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Stealth does break, but not until the next tick. So if the stealthy sorc uses their speed to get away, you may never see them around your area before the stealth breaks again. If it's an operative, then we can hide/duck behind objects but we will still be in the general area when the next tick of the DoT goes off.


I haven't tried it yet, but I wonder if using evasion while stealthed gives another 3 seconds before another DoT tick goes off. Evasion doesn't break stealth.


Nope, doesn't break. My Dot's apply fast so I would actually see them pretty much after their stealth, nothing. My Thermal Detanator even exploded on one, he broke stealth for like half a second then went right back into it.

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If the whole operative/scoundral thing isn't fixed soon this game is sinking faster than that cruise liner in spain (too soon?)


Operatives are so easy to take down. First stay in a group of 2 or more. Second keep turning your back, so they can't get their BS/Hidden strike off as much. I find Sorcs way harder to escape from and tanks way harder to take down.


I play an Operative and feel underwhelmed in some situations. But I guess that's balance, because in some situations I feel like everything is going my way. There is no OP advanced class right now; just good players that use their tools well.

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Operatives are so easy to take down. First stay in a group of 2 or more. Second keep turning your back, so they can't get their BS/Hidden strike off as much. I find Sorcs way harder to escape from and tanks way harder to take down.


I play an Operative and feel underwhelmed in some situations. But I guess that's balance, because in some situations I feel like everything is going my way. There is no OP advanced class right now; just good players that use their tools well.


You have the aoe flash bang grenade. An operative/scoundral can EASILY take down a group of 3 people.

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Stealth breaks when someone looks at us weird. It breaks all the times. If you dot them and they don't have Evasion off cooldown, they will pop up of stealth. AOE knocks us out of stealth. Don't bounty hunters get a ground target anti-stealth field? That should work too.


Personally, when I'm trying to stealth away, I hit Evasion first then stealth so the dot you placed may not even be on them.

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The OP needs to do some more research before assuming that all stealth is bugged and doesn't break on damage.


Shield probe will absorb the dots while in stealth therefore making them not break you out of stealth. If you don't have shield probe active, you will be knocked out of stealth from the first tick from a dot.

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As was mentioned previously, the first dot tick (and probably any damage dealt in the first 1 second) usually does not break the stealth (sometimes it does, I do not know why). I believe that this is correct, because the game's restealth system is awful. It is impossible to restealth without the vanish even is nobody damages you and you do nothing.


BTW, Blizzard was going to introduce the same behavior for the rogue's vanish in Cataclysm, but postponed it. I do not know whether or not this is impemented now.

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Try it people. You'll see that aoe, dots and other forms of damage does not break stealth.


Mate no. Just no.


Why don't YOU make a stealther and see how easy you can get popped out of it. It's also nearly impossible to restealth after combat most of the time with the bugged in combat message.


So please, think before you post. Test yourself become you claim to know anything.

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You have the aoe flash bang grenade. An operative/scoundral can EASILY take down a group of 3 people.


I modified to correspond to my opinion:


You have the aoe flash bang grenade. An operative/scoundral can take down a group of 3 lower level people with low reaction time, bad FPS, who still haven't gotten used to playing their class.

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Try it people. You'll see that aoe, dots and other forms of damage does not break stealth.


Must be a bug that I manage to unstealth them with Suppressive Fire quite often then. If you want to find out what abilities different classes have, why not go to http://www.torhead.com and read up on it? You're dead wrong and you should have done your homework.

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Stealth breaks for random reasons and most time no reason at all. The fact that every classs can see threw stealth from 10 feet away just makes it outright useless. I have gave up stealthing on my Shadow. Even force cloak and sprint will only get you a few feet away. Stealth is definetly not the cause of the problems you are having, more than likly it is lag caused by to many Sorcs lighting spamming causingthe server to just about die.
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Why is this? Constantly in fights with operatives / sorcerers loading them with dots, only for them to stealth like cowards and run away, the dots should break the stealth like the game says it is suppose to but it doesn't.


and operatives wonder why people think they are op.


I think with jedi shadow they wash the dots away with resilience. I don't know the equivalent name for the same ability with sith assassins, but they have it too.

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Try it people. You'll see that aoe, dots and other forms of damage does not break stealth.


Yes it does, It ALWAYS does. You should become more familiar with the mechanics before posting about them. The class gets an ability that removes all hostile effects when they use evasion. ( Am I being nice enough now? )

Edited by Necrosov
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