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10 Good
  1. Agreed. Argue as much as we will. I think we all feel the awkwardness of it when using it. It has such an unnatural feel. I can only assume it was made that way for performance issues since there is no way this is the optimized view someone had of the auction house. Heck, I'd be willing to enter a auction zone if it meant quick, easy transactions. It's just not user friendly. I say this without a joke, most players of Wow, if they had been on the "How should the auction house feel" comitee, would have approved something simpler and easy to use just by memory of how a good tight auction house should feel. I'd even be willing to go as far as to say that our economy might be missing out on tons of transactions just from people who might not feel like messing around with it. I can understand people saying they use it and know how, but to verbally defend it's actual state is masochistic. I can't imagine how someone would not like for it to be optimized.
  2. As a healer, I use next ally (Or friend can't remember). I can't say much about it in groups on normal terrain. From a PvP perspective: Let me tell you, if the friend is not on my level and in front of me, it rarely moves. In huttball, it becomes very apparent. So I don't have much of a choice but to use the operations frames to click and select, At least I have an option. When operation frames weren't working at all and wouldn't refresh, they were rather useless. So that's a great advancemet. Here's to hoping this gets improved with time too.
  3. Let's just say that if one day, I see in a patch : Hangar doors now give you the option to board you directly to your ship. I'll smile. I'm not "mad" about it, but everytime I walk that path I'm just sitting there thinking about the fact that I'm doing it and that it's an uninteresting little moment that I would gladly avoid.
  4. I modified to correspond to my opinion: You have the aoe flash bang grenade. An operative/scoundral can take down a group of 3 lower level people with low reaction time, bad FPS, who still haven't gotten used to playing their class.
  5. Dramatic thread name for a friggin' feature that you didn't even know about. Drama queen! Complaining out of your butt without even knowing if there's actually an issue. Whining little drama queens create way too much garbage in these forums.
  6. I ordered on the 1st too!! 1 buck short, 1 day late! I'm really hoping!! At the same time I keep thinking they will only complete november.
  7. You know, I didn't actually know either but man now I want me some. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crumpet
  8. I think it would be pretty cool to play the game and watch the movies later on. It would give you a funny perspective on stuff while watching the movie haha! Trying to guess what class every character is! Luke you noob what are you doing ?! Force jump!
  9. I think this says it all haha! I've played with some skilled super fun 14 year olds ! Played with some annoying, very immature older people. Internet anonymity + a game will always produce a lot of a-holes Just try to stick with the people who aren't.
  10. I think anyone streaming can play whatever they want. Music keeps changing and we all have different tastes. I wouldn't use dubstep because it's always so intense. I used to hate Dubstep. I seriously thought people were insane to listen to it. It's definitely not my preferred style and it has it's moments. I'm not always in the mood for a crazy intense beat in my head. But man, a lot of those sounds are insane especially if you have a good pair of headphones on. You can actually feel the music in your body In each generation, people are always downing new styles in music. But, if you are a little older, remember when you were younger, your parents would think that you were listening to weird stuff and annoyed by it and say that it was crap while they listened to what you thought was boring and you told yourself: "I'm not gonna be like my parents, they just don't get it. I'll always know where it's at!" Personally, I'd have a mix of different styles and just play my favorite songs which would span across 55 years of different musical style. Variety is always the best! tl;dr: I think they can play what they want. Keep an open mind. You might discover something you like.
  11. Haha! By the way you'll have to excuse the irony of my post. I sound like a whining baby too! Damn you trolls!! Why you gotta be like that!?!
  12. When reading the forums, I find myself getting pissed off at most discussions, most subjects. The whole thing is filled with repetitive complaints about the same subjects. A lot of them lacking logic when it comes time to explain why the people are mad. Refusing to listen to logic, citing quotes that don't exist. I have a theory that we are all being massively trolled. These trolls are amazing and doing great 'cause they keep making me think this game is filled with a massive amount of whining little babies. Well played! Well played indeed! After that, the little sheep without opinions who wanna play right now just follow the trend. Can't wait till General discussion becomes fun to read again. Instead of creating new complaint subjects, you can always use the previous 123 existing ones and add a reply. tl;dr: We are all being trolled!
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