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Please be more considerate about announcing scheduled maintenance


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As someone who plays mostly late at night (i.e. 11pm to 1 or 2am), it's getting a bit annoying to see maintenance announced for midnight and then having it not happen.


Last night for instance, I decided not to play because I didn't want to get cut short at midnight for the maintenance. However, it looks like that was a bad choice because you changed the maintenance to tonight instead. Now I'm out 2 nights in a row of playing this game.


I understand that things happen but this isn't the first time you guys have either sprung emergency maintenance on me at midnight, or announced midnight maintenance only to reverse course after I've decided whether I will be playing that night.


Understand that the reason you announce maintenance ahead of time is so that people can PLAN how best to enjoy this game with the limited time they may have. By not honoring that schedule, you are making it very hard for people like me to feel connected to this game.


It may be worth considering the following rules for your patches:


1. All patches will be rolled out at the per-determined Tuesday maintenance time

2. If content is delayed, it is delayed until the NEXT scheduled maintenance, not the next day

3. Only priority 0 issues should be patched out of band (i.e. cheats, exploits, dupe bugs, significant crashes, etc.)

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Taking a day off to do something else and then coming back to find out maintenance has been rescheduled for a time I had planned to play is really frustrating.


Like the OP, I play mostly during the late evening/early morning and I've missed quite a bit of potential game time due to bug fix 1, re-bug fix 1, re-re-bug fix 1, maintenance, re-maintenance, re-re-re-re bug fix 1, hot fix, re-re-re-maintenance...


It's getting quite aggravating.

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Patches are patches and we need maint but it smacks of unprofessionalism when they delay it with such short notice.




so you would rather them push out a broken, buggy patch?


they found out a few hours before maint that there were issues so they decided not to do the main.


If they had pushed the patch and broken the game you would be QQing even more.


Man people will whine and complain about everything.


Freaking hilarious

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yup...another week where our raid schedualis ruined...they could of easily done maintainence last night as schedualed and waited till next week's for patch...


You _do_ realize that the instances still reset...right? Or do you raid in maintenance hours? If so sucks to be a fringe case.

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man you people crack me up.


It's like they took away your heroin....


No, it's not like that atall. Sticking to their own set day is what is being asked for. Their track record on this is not good.


Hopefully they will improve.

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While I don't agree with putting the patch off until the following week (especially for a content patch like 1.1), I do completely agree that BW needs to know what's going on by say, 8-10 PM CT, and once they hit a certain point, they need a sort of "confirmation of maintenance", where they decide if they will in fact be performing said maintenance or not.


Basically they need to do a much better job of announcing when a maintenance is being rescheduled. They should announce as early as possible, on the forums, in the launcher, and within the game on an hourly basis. Quite simply, communicate with your user base, because committing a block of time to this game can sometimes be a big sacrifice for those of us with hectic schedules that still really want to fit SWTOR in.


I would imagine that I probably would have hit 50 roughly 3-4 days earlier if it had not been for unscheduled and rescheduled maintenances. Not the end of the world, but it is still certainly frustrating.

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so you would rather them push out a broken, buggy patch?


they found out a few hours before maint that there were issues so they decided not to do the main.


If they had pushed the patch and broken the game you would be QQing even more.


Man people will whine and complain about everything.


Freaking hilarious


no...we would prefer they stick to their maintainence schedual and push it back to the next week and have it fixed....get off your high horse son

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So, to you, fringe case = anyone not in the US? I'm in the US myself and even I can see past my front door.


Fringe case = people who play for the 8 hour period that is statistically the least populated timeframe.


By definition if your main playtime is that far off peak you're a fringe case. Or do euros only raid mid-day now?


Hello everyone, we wanted to let you know that we have rescheduled weekly maintenance for eight hours on January 18th, 2012 from 2AM CST (12AM PST/3AM EST/8AM GMT/9AM CET) until 10AM CST (8AM PST/11AM EST/4PM GMT/5PM CET)


So in the US it's overnight (3am-11am for me, midnight - 8am for people on the west coast.) on a middle of the week work night.


For Europe it's 9am to 5pm. So yes, I stand by my statement of fringe case.

Edited by Battyone
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so you would rather them push out a broken, buggy patch?


they found out a few hours before maint that there were issues so they decided not to do the main.


If they had pushed the patch and broken the game you would be QQing even more.


Man people will whine and complain about everything.


Freaking hilarious


Of course, they could have delayed the patch, done the maintenance, and added the patch next Tuesday.

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Fringe case = people who play for the 8 hour period that is statistically the least populated timeframe.


By definition if your main playtime is that far off peak you're a fringe case. Or do euros only raid mid-day now?




So in the US it's overnight (3am-11am for me, midnight - 8am for people on the west coast.) on a middle of the week work night.


For Europe it's 9am to 5pm. So yes, I stand by my statement of fringe case.


Actually I would imagine most people raiding during that time are Aussie... but that's just a guess. More than anything I'm just commenting because your douchey post was so unnecessarily hostile towards a guy who was just venting his frustration.


Again, I have no problem when a maintenance is cancelled, but some level of communication would be nice.

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How do you guys function in the real world if you, can't accept schedules that shift due to real circumstances and be troubled to check updates to those schedules that you apparanetly rely so heavily on?


This has little to do with "functioning in the real world", it's a request to the service provider to be more considerate of how certain people play (or schedule playing) their game.


I'm paying $15 a month for a service that is hard for me to schedule time to use effectively (based on my real world schedule).


It's not asking too much for them to get better about this.

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For me maintenance is from 10 am to 6 pm, which sucks bigtime since I work in the afternoon (part-time 4 hour job) and basically despite paying for 30 days/month I only get to play 26...


Why can't they do like Blizzard and do 2 separate maintenances during nightime for EU/US?

Edited by oldshatterhand
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Actually I would imagine most people raiding during that time are Aussie... but that's just a guess. More than anything I'm just commenting because your douchey post was so unnecessarily hostile towards a guy who was just venting his frustration.


Again, I have no problem when a maintenance is cancelled, but some level of communication would be nice.


I don't know about you but yesterday when I went to login my launcher had under "SYSTEM ALERTS!" a message about maintenance being canceled.


I was reminding someone who implied their entire raid week is ruined, that no it isn't and that at the worst he may miss some raid time. Did you even realize I wasn't quoting OP or responding to him? I was simply letting someone know that they can still raid tonight, and if maintenance happens in their time frame that it sucks to be them but it happens sometimes in life. It's not like this maintenance is going to bring down raiding for the rest of this lockout.


If you want to talk about being overly douche, good job reading more than what is there, and running right to the guns to defend someone instead of letting them defend themselves. tekknikal, forum attorney?

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No, it's not like that atall. Sticking to their own set day is what is being asked for. Their track record on this is not good.


Hopefully they will improve.


What track record?? The game has been out less than a month!! Stuff happens!! What is more important, bugs are fixed right or more bugs are created??


If you feel you can do better.. Please.. Let see it.. Otherwise there is no point in QQ'ing about it..


So yes.. It is like you people lost your heroin or something.. Get a grip!! Find a support group or something.. :rolleyes:

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It's not asking too much for them to get better about this.


Like not have setbacks? So they should push bugged patches? Slow down their patching schedule in half to such a conservative rate that they'll never miss a projected release? Not warn us until absolutely certain it will release on very short notice?


Aside from making it a more clear that the times will be subject to change like most people should know and assume, there is little they can do.

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