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Multi Boxing / Daisy Chaining accts. Illegal or Legal ?


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Why are you still at it? Are you that afraid to lose the edge your money give you?


I do no multi-box in SWTOR, I did elsewhere. And you cannot refute any of the advantages we listed.


You can only spam the same constant line...


You're doing the exact same thing you are accusing the other poster of doing.


Pot meet kettle.

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In the few games i've bothered to look up the rules on this for they all seem to take it the same way. As long as the third party program isn't actually doing anything you don't tell it to do you are fine. So if it's just copying the same key stroke among multiple copies of SWTOR you're fine but if you're casting lightning on your SI while it heals on another SI then that's a no no.
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^ This


Every complainer over the years regarding Multi-Boxing falls into the above category. You have every opportunity to have the same experience as a boxer, you just don't want to have to purchase multiple accounts to do so.


Multi boxing was never part of the purpose of games like these, nice try. These are MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER games that are meant to be played together between several different people and multiboxers pay extra as a vain attempt to sidestep it. It inevitably degrades the game for all who are effected, even the multiboxer though he doesen't think so.


Not having access to multiple accounts does not put you at any disadvantage though, and if you realized how pathetically easy it is to kill a multi-boxing player you wouldn't even be here in the first place.


Its way more "pathetically easy" for a multiboxer to effectively one shot a non multiboxer with several synced characters. You're just being dishonest here.


Your only remaining options are to be quiet or create a whine thread on the forums, and the latter of the two has always been the popular choice.


Right, nobody should ever complain about another players behavior. Man this is some self righteous nonsense.


The real solution here is education, far too much ignorance surrounds multi-boxing and what it entails. People often like to complain without even realizing what it is that they are complaining about.


Why don't you say what you mean that the real solution is indocrination to your opinion and acceptance of your dishonesty.

Edited by Vlaxitov
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So if it's just copying the same key stroke among multiple copies of SWTOR you're fine but if you're casting lightning on your SI while it heals on another SI then that's a no no.


It's quite possible to put lightning on one key for one character, and a heal on the same key for another character.


In any case, there's at least one documented communication from Bioware saying they're OK with multiboxing. It's apparently from a CS rep, so it should probably be taken with a grain of salt, but there's nothing official calling it illegal, so I've been happily multiboxing for now and pretty confident I'm not breaking any rules.




I am Protocol Droid J6-R2 and I have received your query regarding Multiboxing.


Please note that Star Wars: The Old Republic have no issues with the use of Multiboxing but please also be aware that we cannot offer any support should problems arise while using 3rd party software.




Protocol Droid J6-R2

Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Service


Regardless of the philosophical arguments, it seems a bit silly to think that if you were paying for two accounts that you should not be allowed to play them whenever you want, including at the same time.


Incidentally, I find the whole "four characters can one-shot a single character" argument pretty silly. I mean, duh, of course they can. One guy against four characters is not going to end well (though in all honesty that one guy's chances are probably better against a multiboxer than against four individual players).

Edited by Pink_Saber
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People doing this and using 3rd party progs to control mutliple chars at once in PvP was bannable in both WAR and Aion. Didn't play WoW, and don't give a crap what was allowed there. Personally, I don't have a huge problem with it, as you can get a group to take care of it, but it is dirty.


Think having 4 Bright Wizards nuke all at once with one button.

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Regardless of the philosophical arguments, it seems a bit silly to think that if you were paying for two accounts that you should not be allowed to play them whenever you want, including at the same time.


Right you think it would be silly to not be able to sync several characters and run around in pvp effectively 1 shotting people with them.


I would say even the guy with the most broken moral compass can figure that one out.


All the arguments for sync'd multiboxing are either ground in willful ignorance and moreso dishonesty.


Speaking of, why don't you link a screenshot of your ticket response rather than a quote anyone could fabricate. Thanks in advance.

Edited by Vlaxitov
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Multi-boxing might not be technically against the rules. And the technology geek in me says "woah cool, how did you do that?" but in reality I think it is an unfair advantage and has the potential to ruin the community of the game. Bioware seems to be ok with it because it makes them more money, shocker.


But from a player perspective I think people who multibox are douchenozzles and I think the practice is pretty lame. This is an MMO, meant to be played with OTHER PEOPLE, doing this pretty much circumvents the intent of the game and I don't like it. Go play a 1 player RPG if you dont like playing with people. Or is this just a way to make yourself feel more powerful than other players. Does it make you feel safe from ganking maybe (not that theres much of that in this game...)?


It's BW's game and they can allow or not allow whatever they like. But I'm willing to bet more of the player base would agree with making multiboxing against the rules than allowing it to continue.

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Right you think it silly to not be able to sync several characters and run around in pvp effectively 1 shotting people with them.


I would say even the guy with the most broken moral compass can figure that one out.


Nothing moral there -- it's a simple fact that one on four is really bad odds. It doesn't matter if it's a single player or four of them. If you go alone against four characters, you're probably going to lose. That's not a moral issue.


As I mentioned earlier, though, your odds are probably a lot better if there's one guy controlling those four characters, rather than four. Multiboxing is hard and very limiting.


All the arguments for sync'd multiboxing are either ground in willful ignorance and moreso dishonesty.


How about "It's fun and I enjoy doing it?" Or "I like the extra challenge of trying to control multiple characters at once?" Or "I like playing differently than you do?" How are those ignorant or dishonest?


Speaking of, why don't you link a screenshot of your ticket response rather than a quote anyone could fabricate. Thanks in advance.


Screenshots can easily be doctored. If you choose not to believe that communication actually happened, that's fine with me. I don't feel a need to jump through hoops to prove it to anyone; it's enough for me to know it was said.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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How about "It's fun and I enjoy doing it?" Or "I like the extra challenge of trying to control multiple characters at once?" Or "I like playing differently than you do?" How are those ignorant or dishonest?


Then say what you really mean. Something like "It's fun to pay for several accounts that I sync and 1 shot you with in pvp." At least grow a pair and be unapologetic about it.


Screenshots can easily be doctored. If you choose not to believe that communication actually happened, that's fine with me. I don't feel a need to jump through hoops to prove it to anyone; it's enough for me to know it was said.


Its funny you should say that because I love how you started with a white print quote then changed it's color to yellow to add credibility. Yep, you're a regular honest abe. Take care.

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Then say what you really mean. Something like "It's fun to pay for several accounts that I sync and 1 shot you with in pvp." At least grow a pair and be unapologetic about it.


Why are you assuming I do this? Funny that you're asking for honesty out of me when all you're doing is throwing out wild accusations with absolutely no basis in reality.


You should take your own advice about "willful ignorance and moreso dishonesty."


Its funny you should say that because I love how you started with a white print quote then changed it's color to yellow to add credibility. Yep, you're a regular honest abe. Take care.


I added the yellow to make it stand out. I thought it was important for people to see it. If you have a problem with that, well... /shrug. OK, whatever.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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As far as I know multi boxing is 100% allowed.


In wow it is 100% allowed and no one really cares.


I personally don't think it's cheating at all, if you want to multi box go for it.




Tons of people "cared" in wow but they were unable to do anything about it because warcraft allowed it. I read on their fourms tons of times how people were upset being killed by tons of multi-boxer's and raged. Bioware has set to say anything on this but the 3rd party program shouldn't be allowed.

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Why are you assuming I do this? Funny that you're asking for honesty out of me when all you're doing is throwing out wild accusations with absolutely no basis in reality.


"Witticisms won't save you." Of all my mmo playing days I think I've met one multi boxer who didn't partake in the one shot fest it granted him. Even if by some extreme miracle you're someone who doesen't do that, why deny that being the primary purpose of multiboxing? This is what I mean by dishonesty.




I added the yellow to make it stand out. I thought it was important for people to see it. If you have a problem with that, well... /shrug. OK, whatever.


I know I know, its just pure coincidence that you chose the same color that mods use to make something stand out, ... well... /shrug. Ok, whatever.

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I am hoping for some clarification from a mod on this but i also would like to hear fromt eh community also.


Recently on my server a guy has been spotted repeatedly running around with three toons all with similar names and all three doing the exact same thing at the same time. Meaning when 1 jumps they all jump, one attacks they all attack, with the same skills. Its clear this guy is using a 3rd party program to control the three accounts at once.


I have seen this in other games, it tends to be one of those grey areas, while i have zero issue with multi boxing (2 or more accts on the same computer) i have a serious issue with the whole daisy chain, where 1 toon controls the others.


This smells of cheating, but is it cheating? Does Bioware consider it cheating, or do they turn a blind eye to it because its 1 guy playing for 3 accounts. Do you as a player think its cheating to have 3 accounts being played simultaneously by one machine ?


We had a very open and heated discussion with this guy on our server, he swears he is not hurting anyone by doing this, to me he is, to me because of how this works he can do content made for more than one person, solo. For example world bosses, cant use a companion to assist you no matter the level, but this guy can use his 2 other accts to assist him even though he is soloing.


I was hoping to avoid a book here but i think i failed at that, i would like to know what you all think and maybe Bioware's stance on this.


TL;DR- Does multi-boxing with a daisy chain program seem legit, or illegal ?


1) you cannot run two clients on one computer OS. You would have to be running multiple OS instances on one piece of hardware (which for all intents and purposes makes it two computers.


2) you are overstating the complexity of what he is doing. Since you cannot run multiple clients within one OS, it is most likely he simply has one keyboard slaved to multiple computers. Nothing wrong with that, and it involves no 3rd party software at all.


3) unless he has a bot program running the game clients, he is not bannable for doing this. As long as he is actively playing the game, he's fine.

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can you have the multiple chars form a group? then you get bonuses for grouping up. exp, better loot. not to mention social-points.

i would call that a major advantage.


Not really a major advantage. The bonuses are relatively small in the grand scheme of things, and it's something that any other player can do if they really want to: group up to do stuff.

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Tons of people "cared" in wow but they were unable to do anything about it because warcraft allowed it. I read on their fourms tons of times how people were upset being killed by tons of multi-boxer's and raged. Bioware has set to say anything on this but the 3rd party program shouldn't be allowed.


He shared his OPINION on the topic. That is not misinformation. You just don't agree with it.


Prove the party in question in the OPs post is using 3rd party software. There is no need to do this. You simply slave one keyboard to multiple computers.

Edited by Andryah
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The fact that he's multiboxing means that he has bought multiple accounts, is playing them on different computers, and probably has his keyboard and mouse set up such that it affects all of his computers, which isn't that hard to do and involves no "hacking".


It's cheesy yes, but he's not changing any code, or exploiting any faulty game mechanics.


It's not nearly as bad as the people who are using bots and speedhacks in warzones imo.


The bonuses from doing this pretty much only involve leveling up. Because warzones in this game are objective based, multiboxing wouldn't be an affective way to win warzones. Because flashpoints and operations require people to fill different roles, again multiboxing would be a detriment. World PvP it may help while leveling, but it'd be minimal since death in this game from PvP isn't punishing.


There really isn't any reason to care about him doing this because his impact on you would be minimal unless he was supplementing multiboxing with account selling, credit selling, speedhacking, botting, or something else that is illegitimate.


I guess he could also grind social points easily by running black talon over and over again, but that's the same effect as getting a friend to run black talon with you over and over again.


As such, I don't see the issue.

Edited by cdstephen
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"Witticisms won't save you." Of all my mmo playing days I think I've met one multi boxer who didn't partake in the one shot fest it granted him. Even if by some extreme miracle you're someone who doesen't do that, why deny that being the primary purpose of multiboxing? This is what I mean by dishonesty.


OK, so that explains it for me. You're falling victim to the "willful ignorance" you were accusing me of earlier.


You're just wrong about the "primary purpose" of multiboxing. Just like with single-boxers, some prefer PVE, and some prefer PVP. Some will gank people, some won't. Different people have different playstyles. If you think we're all just in it to one-shot people, well, you're just wrong.


I know I know, its just pure coincidence that you chose the same color that mods use to make something stand out, ... well... /shrug. Ok, whatever.


I hadn't even considered that... yellow just happens to be a very good contrast against dark blue. It stands out and it's easy to read. That's probably why the mods use a yellow shade, too (though theirs is a bid darker than mine).


There was no intent to deceive anyone. In any case, I'm not dumb enough to just make something up and try to convince people someone at Bioware said it.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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regardless of how he is doing it, slaving a keyboard to multiple computers, 3rd party program, etc. its not the way the game is intended to be played. It breaks the spirit of what an MMO should be, and it does give you an advantage over other players EVEN if he is just soloing. (you get better xp and drops in a 4 person grp)


Also, it is entirely possible, this is a person who will sell off these characters once they're lvled/geared.


So, it is not, and should not be allowed. Will anything be done about it? Probably not, because it is difficult to prove. But stop defending it like its a legit way to play an MMO. What a ****in joke you are if you defend it.

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So, it is not, and should not be allowed. Will anything be done about it? Probably not, because it is difficult to prove. But stop defending it like its a legit way to play an MMO. What a ****in joke you are if you defend it.


So, essentially what you're saying is that your playstyle is the "right" one, and anyone else who plays differently is playing against the spirit of the game?


If that's the case, could you please let me know how much you participate in PVP vs. PVE content, and how often you group vs. soloing, and what percentage of your time is spent in-world, in Flaspoints, in Ops, and in Warzones? I'm terribly afraid now that I'm doing it completely "wrong."


There is no one "legit" way to play an MMO. There may be a way that seems right to you, but that doesn't make it the only way to play it.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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Multi boxing was never part of the purpose of games like these, nice try. These are MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER games that are meant to be played together between several different people and multiboxers pay extra as a vain attempt to sidestep it. It inevitably degrades the game for all who are effected, even the multiboxer though he doesen't think so.




Its way more "pathetically easy" for a multiboxer to effectively one shot a non multiboxer with several synced characters. You're just being dishonest here.




Right, nobody should ever complain about another players behavior. Man this is some self righteous nonsense.




Why don't you say what you mean that the real solution is indocrination to your opinion and acceptance of your dishonesty.




you should give it up your arguements are not sound and your logic is flawed


nothing wrong with boxing games for a hobby if you are finacially well off enough to do it and choose to spend the funds in such a manner


i believe people like you spanning all the mmos ive played since 1996 about boxers are just upset/jealous/pissed ETC that you either do not have the funds to own multiple computers and accounts or just like to find something to cuase a ruckus with in real life any chance they get


boxing is fine


botting is not


learn the difference

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B.4 Rules of Conduct



This pretty much states that multi-boxing is allowed as long as that isn't violated.


i was wrong about the website thing, but i dont see how it doesnt violate this?


20. Do anything that interferes with the ability of other Service users to enjoy playing Star Wars: The Old Republic and using the Service in accordance with its rules, or that materially increases the expense or difficulty of EA in maintaining the Service for the enjoyment of all its users.

Edited by daedalusmachine
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So, essentially what you're saying is that your playstyle is the "right" one, and anyone else who plays differently is playing against the spirit of the game?


If that's the case, could you please let me know how much you participate in PVP vs. PVE content, and how often you group vs. soloing, and what percentage of your time is spent in-world, in Flaspoints, in Ops, and in Warzones? I'm terribly afraid now that I'm doing it completely "wrong."


There is no one "legit" way to play an MMO. There may be a way that seems right to you, but that doesn't make it the only way to play it.


hmm how about I go with, you're not even worth my time after that response, since you can't even understand the concept of how to play a videogame. I suppose modding your controller so you can shoot faster than you should be able to in an FPS is totally legit too. give me a break.

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