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Multi Boxing / Daisy Chaining accts. Illegal or Legal ?


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It's not a 3rd party program. It's 3 computers with a single wireless keyboard sync'd to them all.


One keyboard controlling 3 computers. No exotic software or macros required.


Using one keystroke to issue commands to 3 clients probably is or should be against the rules. I dual boxed in DAoC but I used 2 comps+2 keyboards and played both characters. Absolutely zero automation was used.

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Using one keystroke to issue commands to 3 clients probably is or should be against the rules. I dual boxed in DAoC but I used 2 comps+2 keyboards and played both characters. Absolutely zero automation was used.


If you were one of those players who left their buff bot safely tucked away in the keep you don't really have much ground to complain about this.

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Can't say if it's allowed or not, etc. Personally, I don't like it and I would rather not have this kind of player in my MMO. Of course for general questing, it's not much of an issue and I can deal with it, but I have a problem with this kind of setup in a group environment.


Back in plain vanilla WoW (here we go, lol), I was in a guild that was getting MC on farm. We were one of the first guilds in all of WoW to get there and we put a lot of work in gearing up, week after week, farming consumables, finding fire resist gear, etc. One day we went into one of our runs and our off-tank asked if he could take his brother with us, playing his other account as a replacement for our main healer which didn't make it that week. We knew he was extremely well geared so we gave it a shot. He lied to us about his brother and was actually double-boxing as a main healer and main off-tank in MC for us. We didn't realize it at first but the whole run was turning really ugly and we eventually realized he was actually playing both.


I feel this is cheating.. He was not cheating the game itself, he was cheating the guild. There were 38 other real people on this guild run working their butts off to get this instance done properly, having waited a full week to finally get out reset and we were being wiped because a guy was multi-boxing more than he could handle behind our backs.


I guess I'm OK with it as long as you do not abuse of it.. but then again, is it really necessary? I don't think any MMO needs multi-boxers.

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Can't say if it's allowed or not, etc. Personally, I don't like it and I would rather not have this kind of player in my MMO. Of course for general questing, it's not much of an issue and I can deal with it, but I have a problem with this kind of setup in a group environment.


Back in plain vanilla WoW (here we go, lol), I was in a guild that was getting MC on farm. We were one of the first guilds in all of WoW to get there and we put a lot of work in gearing up, week after week, farming consumables, finding fire resist gear, etc. One day we went into one of our runs and our off-tank asked if he could take his brother with us, playing his other account as a replacement for our main healer which didn't make it that week. We knew he was extremely well geared so we gave it a shot. He lied to us about his brother and was actually double-boxing as a main healer and main off-tank in MC for us. We didn't realize it at first but the whole run was turning really ugly and we eventually realized he was actually playing both.


I feel this is cheating.. He was not cheating the game itself, he was cheating the guild. There were 38 other real people on this guild run working their butts off to get this instance done properly, having waited a full week to finally get out reset and we were being wiped because a guy was multi-boxing more than he could handle behind our backs.


I guess I'm OK with it as long as you do not abuse of it.. but then again, is it really necessary? I don't think any MMO needs multi-boxers.


Good write... the only issue... being that its only a game... I find that if you're going to spend $ on multi-box for its advantage you will no stop there and milk the most of the money you're sending to EA/BW.


After all its not like EA/BW will ban you since they can't figure out if you're multi-boxing "properly" or using scripting with not-so-ingenious random delay to make it look like a human.


PS: "EA/BW can't figure out" is a function of the context/technology used. They can't see that your program named "djhas129386.exe" is in fact a compiled version of a botting/boxing script.

Edited by IPaq
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Can't say if it's allowed or not, etc. Personally, I don't like it and I would rather not have this kind of player in my MMO. Of course for general questing, it's not much of an issue and I can deal with it, but I have a problem with this kind of setup in a group environment.


Back in plain vanilla WoW (here we go, lol), I was in a guild that was getting MC on farm. We were one of the first guilds in all of WoW to get there and we put a lot of work in gearing up, week after week, farming consumables, finding fire resist gear, etc. One day we went into one of our runs and our off-tank asked if he could take his brother with us, playing his other account as a replacement for our main healer which didn't make it that week. We knew he was extremely well geared so we gave it a shot. He lied to us about his brother and was actually double-boxing as a main healer and main off-tank in MC for us. We didn't realize it at first but the whole run was turning really ugly and we eventually realized he was actually playing both.


I feel this is cheating.. He was not cheating the game itself, he was cheating the guild. There were 38 other real people on this guild run working their butts off to get this instance done properly, having waited a full week to finally get out reset and we were being wiped because a guy was multi-boxing more than he could handle behind our backs.


I guess I'm OK with it as long as you do not abuse of it.. but then again, is it really necessary? I don't think any MMO needs multi-boxers.

Apples n oranges. :rolleyes:


He lied/misrepresented the situation. Nothing to do with the legality of multi-boxing.

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All applaud the power of money and the advantages it gives you in a video game.


There are no in-game advantages. You still haven't listed any actual advantages, just perceived ones you believe are advantages.



Or are you just unhappy that they don't have to deal with other people to do Heroic4 quests/FPs and you do?

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THE OP is so uninformedand ignorant of facts as well as other posters in this thread


this is accomplished by owning several PCs in the amount of how many character / accounts you wish to pay for


then you buy wireless keyboard and a reciever for keyboard for each pc / laptop


or you can buy a splitter from vetra systms to do it which is way more expensive to do it instead of wireless keyboard approach and does it a little faster input wise


the its one keypress one action albeit differnt toons


I have boxed for years in mmos's and it is not cheating and most times a PITA


I am a hardware boxer and have been since 1996


if one cannot afford to hardware box as most cannot afford to hardware box there is software available that replicates hardware boxing and IS NOT CHEATING




I fail to see why anyone would want to box SWTOR though as I have tried it and the FOLLOW command is so SCREWED in SWTOR it is ZERO fun to box in SWTOR


FOLLOW is the important command for a boxer to be able to play a game


and SWTORS is crap



most everyone that from all the dual boxing sites and clubs have already quit SWTOR and returned to other games becuase boxing SWTOR is complete crap fest and zero fun with follow as it is



i still play becuase i enjoy the game still or at least the positives are still a little ahead of all the negatives

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There are no in-game advantages. You still haven't listed any actual advantages, just perceived ones you believe are advantages.



Or are you just unhappy that they don't have to deal with other people to do Heroic4 quests/FPs and you do?


Why should I waste time re-regurgitating what people after written?


And PS, I already listed those.


Its clear that you fear losing your "legal botting" advantages and for that you're defending multi-boxing.

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Why should I waste time re-regurgitating what people after written?


And PS, I already listed those.


Its clear that you fear losing your "legal botting" advantages and for that you're defending multi-boxing.


PS: View multi-boxers as those lvl 19 twinks before the introduction of badge lvling gear in that "other mmo". Once they can't feel superior for 1 shotting the lvlers in a BG the whole sub-culture crumble.


PS1: Oops fail click quote instead of edit =D

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I dual-boxed in WoW. It was mostly for convenience. You didn't gain many real advantages since you almost never actually needed the extra firepower to do anything, but it made trading items easier, able to enchant your own gear instead of tracking someone down, more bag space while out in the field, or for doing old multiplayer content by yourself.


With the number of Herioc 2+ quests and also with companions to help out in the 4+ quests, I could see it being much more useful in SWTOR. However, the way the Follow command works in this game and with the general combat seeming to be more active in actually having to push different buttons to be effective, I doubt it will catch on widely.

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THe guy is paying for three different subscriptions, which is perfectly legal. If he is using a third-party program to control the characters, it is my impression that this would be against TOS.


Him/her playing three different accounts, if he is not using another program to do it, has no effect on anything other than him. People play games how the want, if they want to pay for more subs that is their business and perogative. Because it may seem unfair to you, doesn't make it necessarily illegal. The morality is questionable but it is important to figure out his reason for doing so.


Imo it's his business and money and is free to do what he pleases, as log as he is not violating TOS.

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THe guy is paying for three different subscriptions, which is perfectly legal. If he is using a third-party program to control the characters, it is my impression that this would be against TOS.


Him/her playing three different accounts, if he is not using another program to do it, has no effect on anything other than him. People play games how the want, if they want to pay for more subs that is their business and perogative. Because it may seem unfair to you, doesn't make it necessarily illegal. The morality is questionable but it is important to figure out his reason for doing so.


Imo it's his business and money and is free to do what he pleases, as log as he is not violating TOS.


One dissent: if he's doing it while in some kind of capped, multiplayer environment (such as a Flashpoint or a Warzone) then it does indeed affect other players directly.

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One dissent: if he's doing it while in some kind of capped, multiplayer environment (such as a Flashpoint or a Warzone) then it does indeed affect other players directly.


Tsk tsk tsk ... still defending them.


Economy/gear/patterns/mats... already pointed out that fact earlier.

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Why should I waste time re-regurgitating what people after written?


And PS, I already listed those.


Its clear that you fear losing your "legal botting" advantages and for that you're defending multi-boxing.


Except, nothing listed in this thread gives them an advantage which is why I asked for actual advantages, not perceived ones.



I'm not multi-boxing, and have no fear of losing the ability to do something I'm not doing or have a wish/desire to do.


Tsk tsk tsk ... still defending them.


Economy/gear/patterns/mats... already pointed out that fact earlier.



I can do that with alts on the same account, and did on the Warsong server in WoW. There isn't any advantage over anyone else, there.

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but he is using 3rd party software to allow the character to do the same thing at the same time



people keep saying that, but it's not necessarily true. That is one way of doing it, the other is true hardware multibox with a separate machine for each account, 1 wireless keyboard, 3 receivers tuned to that keyboard, same again for mouse.


No third party software (unless anyone wants to see keyboard and mouse drivers banned?), no macro required (although if there is a macro system as per WoW or SWG, they can make things a bit easier for things like /follow /assist or building a one button cast sequence).

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Except, nothing listed in this thread gives them an advantage which is why I asked for actual advantages, not perceived ones.



I'm not multi-boxing, and have no fear of losing the ability to do something I'm not doing or have a wish/desire to do.


Yes, you being able to solo Heroic+, FP's, credit/mats/gear farming of lvl 50 FP's, pocket Healer/Buffer/etc in WZ is no advantages.


Got it. Intellectual dishonesty at is finest.

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You may not use macros, add-ons or other stored rapid keystrokes, "dupes," "cheats" or other patterns of play that facilitate acquisition of items, currency, objects, character attributes, rank or status at an accelerated rate.


B.4 Rules of Conduct



This pretty much states that multi-boxing is allowed as long as that isn't violated.

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B.4 Rules of Conduct



This pretty much states that multi-boxing is allowed as long as that isn't violated.


Yes its allowed... its money after all.


As for being violated, it is... there is just no way to confirm/deny if someone is doing it... but if someone is willing to spend that much to multi-box they have a lot of reasoning to make it easier on themself and not harder.

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Yes, you being able to solo Heroic+, FP's, credit/mats/gear farming of lvl 50 FP's, pocket Healer/Buffer/etc in WZ is no advantages.


Got it. Intellectual dishonesty at is finest.


You're arguing from a point of ignorance. Before you continue, I suggest actually learning what multi-boxing entails. Oh wait, then you wouldn't have an argument.

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I personally have no issues with boxing as long as they are not actually hacking or modifying game code and as long as it isn't automated macros with no user input at all.


I used to 3box in EQ quite a bit using ISboxer and it made things much more interesting trying to control 3 unique classes.


The only semi-valid argument I've seen so far against a legit boxer who doesn't use cheats/hacks is pertaining to a 4v1 pvp advantage. However, I see this more as a personality issue than a boxer issue.


If a person is lame enough to 4 on 1 someone with their box crew, what is to stop them from using only 1 character to just go up to an area where someone else is fighting mobs, wait for that person to get low health/exhaust all their cooldowns and just gank them with 1character, run off, and do it again?


If we are talking about actual PVP matches then the boxer is at a huge disadvantage already as mentioned in previous posts.


There is nothing wrong with boxing. This game is so ridiculously easy as it is, there's really no need to even box to begin with. People need to stop whining so much about stuff that doesn't even effect them.

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You're arguing from a point of ignorance. Before you continue, I suggest actually learning what multi-boxing entails. Oh wait, then you wouldn't have an argument.


Ahhh good old ignoring reality to further one agenda.


PS: "Intellectual Dishonesty" is pretty much the /end_thread of this. There is no way to make EA/BW change their mind since they MUST always go for "Mo' Money" due to the fact that they are public entities even if it annoy a part of their player base that dis-like being at a disadvantage because they are unwilling to spend as much as the multi-boxers.

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Ahhh good old ignoring reality to further one agenda.


PS: "Intellectual Dishonesty" is pretty much the /end_thread of this. There is no way to make EA/BW change their mind since they MUST always go for "Mo' Money" due to the fact that they are public entities even if it annoy a part of their player base that dis-like being at a disadvantage because they are unwilling to spend as much as the multi-boxers.


Except, there has been no intellectual dishonestly on my part, just an accusation of such by you. Bioware doesn't have to do anything because of money, and that's your only argument.



Let me be clear: I do not multi-box SWTOR, and I am not at a disadvantage for not multi-boxing. Neither are you, you just "think" you are and are mad that someone else is doing something you don't want them to do.

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Let me be clear: I do not multi-box SWTOR, and I am not at a disadvantage for not multi-boxing. Neither are you, you just "think" you are and are mad that someone else is doing something you don't want them to do.


^ This


Every complainer over the years regarding Multi-Boxing falls into the above category. You have every opportunity to have the same experience as a boxer, you just don't want to have to purchase multiple accounts to do so.


Not having access to multiple accounts does not put you at any disadvantage though, and if you realized how pathetically easy it is to kill a multi-boxing player you wouldn't even be here in the first place.


Your only remaining options are to be quiet or create a whine thread on the forums, and the latter of the two has always been the popular choice.


The real solution here is education, far too much ignorance surrounds multi-boxing and what it entails. People often like to complain without even realizing what it is that they are complaining about.

Edited by TheHoodedFang
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Except, there has been no intellectual dishonestly on my part, just an accusation of such by you. Bioware doesn't have to do anything because of money, and that's your only argument.



Let me be clear: I do not multi-box SWTOR, and I am not at a disadvantage for not multi-boxing. Neither are you, you just "think" you are and are mad that someone else is doing something you don't want them to do.


Why are you still at it? Are you that afraid to lose the edge your money give you?


I do no multi-box in SWTOR, I did elsewhere. And you cannot refute any of the advantages we listed.


You can only spam the same constant line...

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