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Need/Greed and Orange Gear


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Orange armor is the mods.

You roll need, for the mods.




You can go solo a low level flashpoint and get yourself as many orange armors as you like, then replace the mods. Needing on an Orange that has mods you won't even use is a scumbag move. You only do this if nobody else wants it.

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Well ok yea, but I mean, what if there's a sith tank who uses heavy armor in the group...


The system lets you roll on whatever you want, so nobody can really tell you not to. But as a courtesy, I would never take some strength gear away from a sith tank unless he passed. Same for taking from healers, or if I was tanking, I wouldn't take from a dps player.


There is a difference between what you are allowed to do and what is deemed considerate by the mmo community in general, so always vote your conscience.

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Orange gear is a tricky topic IMHO. Though it does come with mods, mods are easily replaceable, plus the whole point of orange gear is that you get to replace the mods as you level up and thus be able to wear the piece as long as you want. And while leveling at least, mods are a heck of a lot easier to come by than that one piece of orange gear that you may want. And in a few levels, it won't matter if the "correct" class got the drop -- they will have to replace the mods too if they want to keep using the item.


Even so, I would not roll for need in such a case (without asking, at least) so as not to step on anyone's toes.


Though I may happily outfit my Smuggler in a mix of Jedi and Smuggler gear, I realize that a lot of people may not care much for looks, and just want a piece of gear they can use RIGHT NOW, as-is, and don't want to spend any more credits than absolutely necessary on their gear. And I know that there are others who want their characters to look iconic and have no wish to wear other class' gear.

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If you're a BH and ok with the sith warrior tank rolling need on orange aim gear, then you can roll on orange strength gear.


If you think they should stay away from your orange aim gear because you can actually use the mods as opposed to blowing them up, then stay away from the strength gear.


Why are these questions tough?

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(who was the target of my "YOU" in that post)


Ok I thought you were using the generic sense of YOU.


and MOST MMO veterans would agree on the existence of that convention.


As a long time player of City of Heroes, and then Champions Online, I'd qualify myself as a MMO vet, but other then a fairly short subscription to WoW I've never run across this.


Plus as I said before, TOR has attracted a lot of people who are new to MMO's.


Now the convention may (and probably should) change over time to accommodate the new reality of orange gear, but it's not going to happen over night.


No of course it won't. But it should IMO change fairly rapidly, because orange gear is something that no other MMO I know of has ever done, and this is a new game. I know people will bring their experiences with them... The number of "Looking for a class that plays like X" is proof of that.


But when you have a completely new system in a new game, I'd say trying to hold on to the convention is rather silly, because you're trying to force a round peg into a square hole.


Just look at all the people in this thread who insist that the mods are what you are rolling on, when IME anyway, until you get into the end game stuff, the mods are quite easily and cheaply replaced. They really don't have any more value then anything else you can buy from a vendor. So the only real value in a orange item, is the appearance and ability to slot what you want in it.


What they are doing is to a point no different then if I got upset because someone rolled need on a stim pack you can buy from a vendor. If the mods were in some way rare, then I'd agree... But for the most part any mod can be bought for a few commendations.

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Orange armor is the mods.

You roll need, for the mods.




You can go solo a low level flashpoint and get yourself as many orange armors as you like, then replace the mods. Needing on an Orange that has mods you won't even use is a scumbag move. You only do this if nobody else wants it.


But when the piece is not an upgrade for either person rolling and they both want it for looks, the BH shouldn't be labeled as a ninja for rolling need on it. If a piece isn't really an upgrade for you, you shouldn't have dibs on it just because it has mods that are beneficial to your class.


It's the same thing with lightsabers. Should a knight, consular, sorcerer or warrior get dibs on a lightsaber drop just because they wield lightsabers? It's not about whether it's usable for you, it's about it being an upgrade.

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But when the piece is not an upgrade for either person rolling and they both want it for looks, the BH shouldn't be labeled as a ninja for rolling need on it.


The same dozen or so posters that are spreading the agenda of ninjas and hatred toward the need button are going to disagree with you. And threaten to blacklist you and ostracize you. For trying to roll for an item you want and want to use.


It's really the exact train wreck I thought it was the first time I saw this argument crop up.


People will create loot drama out of anything. Need for companion. Need for green item. Need for modification. Need for appearance. There's no justification you can give some of these folks to assuage their rage if they feel you won an item that you didn't deserve.


Even if you absolutely use the item or parts of it.

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Some of you may want to lookup the definition of the word "need".


If the item will give an upgrade to performance, it's need.


ANYTHING else is greed. Yes, if you just want it for appearance over someone who will see a benefit, its a greed for you.


Sheesh no wonder this world is screwed up.

Edited by Froteus
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As I said Before Orange armor is for the mods first looks second... How My guild see it is..


For Upgrade

For Mods

For looks


If its an obvious upgrade by all means NEED. As a rule though we always check actual upgrade need before anything else...



Theres no Tricky this and Tricky that, Can you use it for an upgrade Yes or no... Loot it for mods OK.... Simple as that...

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