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Penalty for leaving warzones?


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It happens to me all the time -- I take a queue pop, and arrive in a warzone that is already a loss. Why should I be stuck with someone else's lost game? There is currently no incentive to stay, and no penalty for leaving.


Taking it a step further, I've noticed that some of the other 50s on my server, particularly ones with high valor ranks, will leave a match the second they realize it isn't going to be an easy win. For example, they leave if the first bomb gets planted when we're defending in Voidstar. This is how they are reaching higher valor ranks at a faster rate than others. They are actually being rewarded for this behavior rather than punished. Meanwhile, their team is suffering from the turnover, as new people have to load in for each person that leaves. They're not just avoiding a loss -- they're guaranteeing one for their teammates.


I'm curious if anyone else has noticed/had problems with this, and what your thoughts are on penalties for leaving warzones (such as a cooldown).

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I peronsally have no issue with peeps leaving and going as they see fit.


I'll admit it is a bit annoying at times, however not game breaking really since most every time that perons is replaced almost immediately.


btw, losing or not, least amout of XP I have gotten in a WZ was about 4.5k for 1 min of play.


Can't really complain about that when leveling.

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I'm 61 valor and can tell you that leaving games even loss's isn't beneficial because of the time waiting in que for next one. The people you see leaving are probably doing their dailies you get most of your valor from medals which you can get even if it is a loss the penalty for losing as far as valor is concerned is a joke. Its almost better to take a quick loss than a long win.
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I'm 61 valor and can tell you that leaving games even loss's isn't beneficial because of the time waiting in que for next one. The people you see leaving are probably doing their dailies you get most of your valor from medals which you can get even if it is a loss the penalty for losing as far as valor is concerned is a joke. Its almost better to take a quick loss than a long win.


Republic queues are near-instant on most servers, particularly if you solo queue.


Dunno how the math comes out, but I figure it comes out ahead for them since some of them do it quite a bit.


So you joined the game ended and you got free valor/commendations for loading in and you are upset? There's no win/loss stat tracker. Take the free points and smile!!


Not exactly. I got into a Huttball just as they were scoring the 6th goal. My numbers were all 0's :p Not a substantial waste of time, but still annoying.


I've also been in games where people left Voidstar because the first door went down, and that guaranteed a loss because we didn't have the numbers to hold them off the rest of the doors. New spawns go to a spawn point ahead of the action, so they can't help you until the attackers have already gotten through.

Edited by Ezrya
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I have a pc that sometimes loads a little slow during peak times, if i get in a huttball that is in progress i can be kicked before i can get to the door and it opens, i think they should fix this first before putting a penalty on


It takes me ages to load into war zones, and the ones that have already started I get kicked out of straight away.

When it comes to the Alderaan war zone I only just about get in when the game has loaded, and then as soon as I die I get kicked out because I cannot click on the speeder.


You guys may find it 'annoying' that people join and leave war zones, but did you ever think that they may be having connection problems. Or don't see the point in fighting a losing battle, considering everybody wants to win.


Instead of adding more stuff into the game how about they fix the countless things that are already here which are broken.

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This is how they are reaching higher valor ranks at a faster rate than others. They are actually being rewarded for this behavior rather than punished.

Actually, they are being punished. Doing this is actually slower for farming valor. Stacking the valor buff in Ilum and playing out a loss is actually faster than leaving and re-entering the queue. This is because you actually get the valor from medals at the end, and it's rather substantial, loss or not. Also, you're not guaranteed a win your next match, and you can often sit in a queue for a few minutes. The only case in which it's advantageous to leave is if the other team is so good you don't really have an opportunity to gain medals at all.


Of course, this only applies to people who aren't valor rank 60. Anyone who is rank 60+ doesn't really care about valor anymore. They only want wins, meaning leaving is not detrimental to their progress. In this case, leaving is a problem, which is why I actually think the daily and weekly quest should merely require completing warzones, not winning them.

Edited by fierystix
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If I need to get dailies done in a hurry then I will leave when its obvious we are going to lose and its still early in the match. You dont get valor or anything for leaving early, so if you stay for more almost all of it and have 3+ medals you should stay for the loss.


It is a big waste of time, so it makes me chuckle when someone rage quits 1 min before losing and gets nothing for the 10 min they spent there.


It sucks to get into 3-4 losing matches in a row, but that is rare. Often you get into a match that is fresh 70% of the time or more.

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So you joined the game ended and you got free valor/commendations for loading in and you are upset? There's no win/loss stat tracker. Take the free points and smile!!


yes I am :) Even my team do one big failure I still can earn 4-6 medals per game (+ 20-30 commendations). Going through all these loading in and out screens (and transport in voidstar) for last minute and half when 30sec is spend in blocked resp. place 8 times in row really sucks

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I was annoyed at first, however, what I found is....You can actually get into quick wins this way as well. Second you get quick valor and warzone accom.. There are times if your decent enough player and its not against a pre-made that you can actually turn it from a loss to a win.



Also, sometimes its not the players fault. I zoned into a match already in motion ran up to the shield waited...shield dropped started to run out of the zone area and got zone out for being in the area too long. That needs to be fixed was so funny. I was all siked up to play and bam sheild drops go to run out and bye bye.


Let people leave if they like I could care less to be honest.

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last but not least,

voidstar yesterday, 5th game in row I was not from start. Kicked into game, our team just loosing a force shield barrier prior last doors. I hit 'run' immediately after load to earn at least one medal, but force shield in resp zone reactivates, really miliseconds or so and I could do it. But I didn't so I got kicked


really not keen in following objectives now , being on level 49 I don't need warzone daily for xp or credits, sorry lower level player, I remember times where warzone was good xp gain, I loved team play and huttball, but If I will find myself everyday 8th in row in already started game I will quit team play and play for my commendations only

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last but not least,

voidstar yesterday, 5th game in row I was not from start. Kicked into game, our team just loosing a force shield barrier prior last doors. I hit 'run' immediately after load to earn at least one medal, but force shield in resp zone reactivates, really miliseconds or so and I could do it. But I didn't so I got kicked


really not keen in following objectives now , being on level 49 I don't need warzone daily for xp or credits, sorry lower level player, I remember times where warzone was good xp gain, I loved team play and huttball, but If I will find myself everyday 8th in row in already started game I will quit team play and play for my commendations only


so selfish. this is the attitude that screws over multiplayer PvP.

Edited by DarthBoga
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They're selfish because the game rewards selfish play.


Better systems, better incentives. Better players won't play better, but worse players or selfish players will do things that benefit their team because it directly benefits them.


Also, just saying? People who leave their teammates to twist in the wind deserve what they get.


Having your allies be quitters is a crappy feeling for everyone. It's bad for them, it's bad for the team, and people who are ******es to others (read: quitters) are bad for the community. Just about every PvP game I've played lately has a 'Quitter' detection system that weeds these ******es out, and they're better for it.


Quitters deserve their own queue. And to lose all their Commendations. And to drop Valor ranks. And to have sugar poured in their gas tank while someone takes their Mom out for a nice steak dinner and -never calls her again-.

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casual baddies dont like penalties


thats why this game doesnt have any


No one likes penalties.


But penalizing leavers until they live up to their name and leave for good is actually good for the health of the community, especially the casual baddies.


And the casual baddies, like it or not, keep the *********** lights on at BioWare. You have to design your games to respect casual baddies' preferences or you will tank at Mach V... or be successful in a very nichey, in-your-way kind of way, like Demon's Souls. That would certainly not stand as an MMORPG in this day and age. Meridian 59 was fine in its time, but making an MMO with that stringent a death penalty would pretty much guarantee economic failure.


Does it suck? Yeah. But they're the ones who pay the bills. Intelligent, thoughtful players can't outweigh the random moron squad when it comes to sheer buckage to throw around, and that's not even mentioning the population disparity.

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If I need to get dailies done in a hurry then I will leave when its obvious we are going to lose and its still early in the match. You dont get valor or anything for leaving early, so if you stay for more almost all of it and have 3+ medals you should stay for the loss.


It is a big waste of time, so it makes me chuckle when someone rage quits 1 min before losing and gets nothing for the 10 min they spent there.


It sucks to get into 3-4 losing matches in a row, but that is rare. Often you get into a match that is fresh 70% of the time or more.




I would love to only be stuck with 3-4 losing matches in a row.. yesterday was in 24 match losing streak 27 matchs to get my daily done. Mostly due to kill count farmers who didnt care about WZ objectives it seemed. granted this is not daily, daily i would say its 7-10 loss streaks regularly. Pass that luck this way and Ill never say it sucks to get into 3-4 losing matches :)

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