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mmo gamers are more emotional than a preggo woman


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Seriously, these are just games. Every game forum I ever go to always has people saying basically the sky is falling and the game is doomed.


It is just a video game.


It works both ways too, even the ones that defend a game in absurd ways.


If you love the game good, doesnt take a genius to realize this game will be just fine.


If you dont like it, thats fine too. Vote with your wallet, and if you are capable, leave a well thought out constructive post on what you would like to see improved.



It really is sad to see how emotional people get over a video game. In the grand scope of life, this should not be that important. Im sure some of you are gonna disagree or whatever. Im just tired of seeing drama fill up game forums when we should have more meaningful discussions about the game.

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I agree.


Sadly, you will probably get flamed for posting this (but I hope not)


I enjoy the game, therefore I will resub. I totally respect that this game isn't for some people, so I don't see why they don't just, as you put it, vote with their wallets.


I see no need to post such emotional posts (whether pro-game or anti-game) in either direction. Either play if you like it, or don't if you don't like it. Of course it's fine to give feedback about the game, but I seriously question if some people ever learned how to get what you want (tip: constructive and well-written posts get more attention).

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I quit reading at "its just a game"...to gamers (especially more so RPG gamers) it is not just a game, we care about the characters, and are emotionally attached to them, some people even cry if a video game character dies because they actually cared about them. It is even more so affecting if you are immersed in the game.
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