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Poll of sorts: Which spec and why


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I started off leveling as Carnage and eventually switched to Annihilation around level 35ish and I'm in love with the spec. I did however feel like Marauders as a whole don't shine until max level or at least until you get your top tier talent. I feel Annihilation plays very smoothly PvE and PvP. I win almost every 1v1 I encounter and it's always enjoyable to watch someone die to my bleeds as they force sprint away from me. I usually manage top or near top dmg in all my warzones and that's all single target damage. No AoE smash crits like Rage spec'd maras.


One thing I love about Annihilation is the dmg immunity while in force camo. I use it all the time in Huttball to run through active fire hazards and get into a good spot to receive a pass or cut off an opponent. And the self/group healing from your bleeds + berserk has saved me countless times. Also, the ability to force leap at melee range gives you a second interrupt essentially. Locking down healers is a joke.

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Carnage was my first spec, and I've enjoyed it enough that I've never felt the need to change. Only boss I really had trouble with was the Avatar of Sal-Mekor or whatever, but pretty much every class has trouble with that. I seem to perform well in flashpoints, though it's hard to be certain until we get a combat log.
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Annihilation is clearly the strongest solo PvE spec, but I've enjoyed Carnage far more in PvP.


The main reason I play Carnage is that I never have to "reload" and wait on cooldowns. If you have a pocket healer its constant guinsu damage. When you don't, you have force camoflage that also breaks roots (which is MUCH better than Annihilation's 100% DR IMO as I'd rather change positions when stealthed than mitigate what little DoT damage there may be) and allows you to dip in and out of combat as needed.


Displacement is also fantastic for the 3s root. Carnage is also very competitive for 1 on 1 damage. While it will never touch the AOE power of Rage, its far more satisfying to crush a guy 1v1 and watch him flail to try and kite you through Displacement root, Force Charge and your improved 15% move speed.


If they toss a few buffs my way, it will make it that much better, but I've been able to pull competitive damage numbers both on Huttball (high of 360k) and Voidstar (high of 390k) as Carnage. And, if you want to be a team player on Huttball, you have that extra root the other specs don't have.

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level 44 here, i've been playing carnage since beta, always loved it - tried some other specs but i really mis^sed the burst and roots of carnage, not to mention +50% crit dmg force scream and +15% movespeed. around level 38 i started to doubt it again, but after i got massacre and the -1 rage cost on it everything's been going very smoothly.

this is the spec i use, i play mostly for pvp though i like flashpoints, i do not take talents with pve in mind.


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