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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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I will not be resubbing for this month. Only if they change some of the base mechanics will I return, mechanics that I elaborated on when I cancelled.


It's not wrong to cancel your sub if you dislike features. Know that if Bioware is competent, they will invest other peoples subscription money to fix the issues that many people are cancelling over in an attempt to get them back. In essence, people who love the game will pay to fix problems you're having with the game, all the while enjoying the features they like in the hope that Bioware will continue to develop said content in quantities and quality befitting the subscription fee.

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I will keep my subscription up, I like the game, but it has several flaws specially at end game content.


Namely Operations and Hard Mode Flashpoints, some of them have some glaring bugs that are simply annoying, and sure the game is still one month old, but the bugs seem so easy to spot that makes you wonder how they passed through Beta to Release.


In Eternity Vault I was with a group of 8 people and we tried at least 6 times to get to simply the first boss to SPAWN because his appearance was not triggering even if we cleared the mobs that precede it, its annoying to not being able to progress through content not due to difficulty, but die to bugs, and I believe that some people are correct by saying that you shouldn't pay to beta test a game.


But PvE is not my main concern in TOR, there are also several quality of life things that are missing from the game, things thta might go from something as simple as a /roll command to be able to sit in chairs, to better guild tools, also each planet feels MASSIVE, which is awesome, but due to sharding they seem desolate and lonely, but this is maybe a minor issue.


There are also some killer bugs such as the dissapearing mods bug which should have been hotfixed ASAP instead of waiting to deploy a major patch, and other bugs.


Also Bioware has been stepping forward and the taking two steps back constantly, first back in Beta all gear was moddable, which was an extremely lovely feature, but was restricted to give a more WoW-ish feeling to the game and to avoid people farming one boss just to remove mods (which is going to be changed to make mods only available to certain pieces of gear) so can't we have all the gear moddable again and give real customization instead of a mediocre work with orange sets? (most orange pieces of gear are not part of a complete moddable set, for example you have a moddable chest, but the gloves that match it are blues)


I hope Bioware fix these issues, now I love many other aspects of the game, such as story, I love most flashpoints and how they work, I love the idea behind heroic quests, and several other features, this game has potential, but it is in Bioware's hands to make it improve, or make it die, I really hope this game will improve considerably over time, and I'm willing to give it a chance.

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Definitely yes, because

  • It's the most stable MMO I ever played. In 120 hours of gaming I had a single CTD. Even single player games usually crash more often for me.
  • There is so much content, it will keep me going for years. 8 story lines, so much group content I still have to do.
  • Most of the stories I played so far were awesome.
  • Combat is much more dynamic because I can fight groups all the time, while other MMOs tend to present single mob after single mob.
  • I didn't encounter any major bugs. In fact I saw very few bugs at all.
  • Performance is great on the two machines I use for playing.
  • I love the landscapes.
  • I love the sound.
  • I love the music.
  • I love seeing my char up front in a lot of cut scenes, instead of just always from behind as in other MMOs.
  • This game looks, sounds and feels very Star Wars.
  • I feel connected to my char. I care for her. I would simply not be able to abandon here by not subscribing.
  • In short - I have the gaming time of my life. Why should I not continue?

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Definitely yes, because

  • It's the most stable MMO I ever played. In 120 hours of gaming I had a single CTD. Even single player games usually crash more often for me.
  • There is so much content, it will keep me going for years. 8 story lines, so much group content I still have to do.
  • Most of the stories I played so far were awesome.
  • Combat is much more dynamic because I can fight groups all the time, while other MMOs tend to present single mob after single mob.
  • I didn't encounter any major bugs. In fact I saw very few bugs at all.
  • Performance is great on the two machines I use for playing.
  • I love the landscapes.
  • I love the sound.
  • I love the music.
  • I love seeing my char up front in a lot of cut scenes, instead of just always from behind as in other MMOs.
  • This game looks, sounds and feels very Star Wars.
  • I feel connected to my char. I care for her. I would simply not be able to abandon here by not subscribing.
  • In short - I have the gaming time of my life. Why should I not continue?


^^What this person said.

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Definitely yes, because

  • It's the most stable MMO I ever played. In 120 hours of gaming I had a single CTD. Even single player games usually crash more often for me.
  • There is so much content, it will keep me going for years. 8 story lines, so much group content I still have to do.
  • Most of the stories I played so far were awesome.
  • Combat is much more dynamic because I can fight groups all the time, while other MMOs tend to present single mob after single mob.
  • I didn't encounter any major bugs. In fact I saw very few bugs at all.
  • Performance is great on the two machines I use for playing.
  • I love the landscapes.
  • I love the sound.
  • I love the music.
  • I love seeing my char up front in a lot of cut scenes, instead of just always from behind as in other MMOs.
  • This game looks, sounds and feels very Star Wars.
  • I feel connected to my char. I care for her. I would simply not be able to abandon here by not subscribing.
  • In short - I have the gaming time of my life. Why should I not continue?


Can I get a link to the game your playing? Or at least a list of your meds?

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I definitely will.


I am really enjoying my character, and when I am max level and geared out, well there's 7 more story lines I get to play. For 15 a month to experience hours and hours of game play, well I think that's a steal.


The only downer to this game is the forums.

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Yes for the reasons below:


  • I LOVE immersion in MMO's and Old Republic nails this one in the head.
  • PVP is fun and exciting.
  • Storyline for each class is fun and intreging and i always look forward to what part happens next.
  • The variations of classes is a nice touch.


Reasons why i may cancel in months after the next:


  • Lack of enchanced space combat.
  • Lack of new thrilling PVP warzones (Though they say they will add these)
  • Lack of endgame content.
  • Needed features that don't get added...Flashpoint finder (Group finder), guild banks and ships, removal of server sharding.

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Definitely stay.

I started at dec. 13. played almost every day for several hours. Yet I have a lvl 41. main character and a few around lvl10 (not all classes).

I try to get all the datacrons, by myself if possible, discver all the maps, do everything that available.

Still have a damn lot to explore and experience so I'm way more satisfied with the game than I originally expected.


The game has a lot to improve, first and foremost in the GUI, but I'm positive that it will happen. And I can't wait to see what will wait for us...


(by the way, the bigest bug I ever encountered yet is the Green Wall of Laser Doom, No crashes, no fps drops, no lag...)

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Definitely yes, because

  • It's the most stable MMO I ever played. In 120 hours of gaming I had a single CTD. Even single player games usually crash more often for me.
  • There is so much content, it will keep me going for years. 8 story lines, so much group content I still have to do.
  • Most of the stories I played so far were awesome.
  • Combat is much more dynamic because I can fight groups all the time, while other MMOs tend to present single mob after single mob.
  • I didn't encounter any major bugs. In fact I saw very few bugs at all.
  • Performance is great on the two machines I use for playing.
  • I love the landscapes.
  • I love the sound.
  • I love the music.
  • I love seeing my char up front in a lot of cut scenes, instead of just always from behind as in other MMOs.
  • This game looks, sounds and feels very Star Wars.
  • I feel connected to my char. I care for her. I would simply not be able to abandon here by not subscribing.
  • In short - I have the gaming time of my life. Why should I not continue?



This. In addition -


There's already so much here. People need to stop seeing everything as needing fixed and every patch working towards sorting out a "broken" game - Start considering these patches as improvements / additional content.


For example, if you've exploited Ilum's pvp and maxed out your character, it's your own stupid fault you've got nothing to do or work towards. Congratulations on adding to the "needing fixed urgently" list by forcing them to start work on most likely another tier straight off the hook. I can imagine the more anal players think they've cleverly punished Bioware these last weeks, but it seems like the shoes on the other foot now.


Bioware hasn't made a ruined game near as much as people are ruining it for themselves with spoiled brat mindsets. Concentrate on what's there, knowing there's more to come. If you can't deal, go back to wherever you came. Take advantage of that massive Steam sale a few weeks back when you bought those 10 games for next to nothing. Dare I say it, go outside.


Either way, you're obviously not enjoying yourselves, so go away and come take another look in a few months time.

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I want to keep it up, but with Kingdoms of Amalur and Mass Effect 3 coming in the next two months (one for each month) I'm not sure if I have the time to play. I've already spent the month playing nothing but Star Wars, missing out on the last parts of Skyrim, Batman of all it's entirety, Uncharted 2 and 3 and Ultimate Marvel is just gathering dust.


I just got done trying the demo to Kingdoms of Amalur and this looks to be a game that I can get full satisfaction from in 1 month. The graphics engine runs 60fps maxed on my system like it should (compared to TOR where it runs sub-par for the tech level of graphics it's actually at) has a ginormous amount of content and free/open-world that I've always been looking for in a SP game.


There's also Final Fantasy XIII-2 which i tried the demo for and I ended up liking a lot more than I thought. I did not like the original 13 up until the open world segment, then the ending took a nosedive. I don't really like playing as the younger characters but it helps a lot that the gameplay is more open.

Edited by coffeerox
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Sadly, I am not.


There is one gamebreaking bug that has not recieved any official acknowledgement.


The AOE PvP flagging bug that lets stealthed characters on PvE servers force-flag people who have not opted in to PvP and gank them.


I won't pay to play a game that condones griefing, so I'm gone.


It's a shame, it's an otherwise excellent game, but without so much as a "We're aware and we're looking into the best way to fix this. That behavior won't be tolerated" I have no intention of continuing past my subscription expiration tonight.


Don't even need an ETA, just an assurance that it's unintentional and will be fixed.

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I already capped 50 and finished one of the 16-man raids and got the full tier pvp. I do not like this MMO it's another wow (here's how i exactly think http://i.imgur.com/UmcMV.jpg) and i already bored that kind of game, doesn't give anything new except a story that ends in 1 week with voiceovers. Is a good game to play 1 month, after that not enough subscription.


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Funny Pic. My son and I have been calling this game WoW-Effect since beta. I never played WoW. Have no intention of ever playing WoW, but will try to stick around for a bit. I'm not going to sugar coat it, I am a little disappointed in the game so far. I am extremely disappointed in customer service. I am utterly annoyed by these bootleg forums that I can't even search for my own posts, or set to reflect local time. But I'm on a monthly, so if things don't go to my liking, I'll take my ball and go back to the Rikti War Zone full time.


For me, this game has four factors keeping me for now


1) I've been waiting so damn long for it

2) I love Mass Effect

3) Some of the story lines are awesome.

4) I'm still having fun.


When number four stops being so, I'll be gone. If the glass cannon dual wielding force users don't get addressed soon, number four won't be a factor.

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Best mmo yet- polished, full of content, fun levelling, good pvp, great balance compared to all other mmos.


General forum is full of people who whine about something like it's the end of the world, saying it won't get fixed... then a few days later when it's fixed, they've found something else to whine about.


People that have no patience can go back to their WoW grindfest, don't see why I should care.

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I've been having fun so far, taking my time and leveling a few characters at a time. Might be a bit brutal saying this, but if you raced to level cap and you're already good on everything... maybe you should have slowed down a bit? :)


For something new, this game is pretty awesome.

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Hell, yes, I'll keep my subscription. Why, because my experience and opinion is pretty much the opposite of yours.


Bye now.


Same here. It's a new game. I really don't see why people keep crying over things rather than giving Bioware time to improve and work things out. It's a new game for crying out loud. Stop the QQ and just play and have some fun with your friends. If you don't like it, I really don't need to see your opinion posted on the forums. Tuck your tail between your legs and leave. Let those of us who do enjoy the game do so while we wait for the improvements.

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The game was hyped as something original that would bring storytelling into an online environment.


What I got was WoW with voiceovers and cutscenes.


On to the next hyped up MMO, I guess. Maybe GW2 like everyone else looking for a new game to play.

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I already capped 50 and finished one of the 16-man raids and got the full tier pvp. I do not like this MMO it's another wow (here's how i exactly think http://i.imgur.com/UmcMV.jpg) and i already bored that kind of game, doesn't give anything new except a story that ends in 1 week with voiceovers. Is a good game to play 1 month, after that not enough subscription.


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The fact that you could have already gotten to the end game content and beaten it is another problem altogether.

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The usual. Beta problems not fixed, not optimized, so many major features that could and easily can be implemented but are "in the future" or not coming at all.


Ability Delay not fixed. Why get better at this game when its all down to luck if my casts will actually work. In PVP I have to watch my character since the castbar never seems to appear.Bounty Hunter "Unload" never works and bugs my character for 3 seconds.


Too many casual clicking baddies to party with that cant avoid fire and not enough content/competition for a hardcore gamer like myself. Feel cheated I supported this game for so long :S

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