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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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No I will not. It is frustrating as well, as I spent nearly $250 (Digital Deluxe, oh buyer's remorse) on copies for myself and my kids. I had hoped it was an investment that would occasionally be worth the cost. We had initially signed up for 6 month recurring subs. I was the last to continue playing, up until last week.


I'm going to cut my losses, and look for something else. It's a shame, as these were Christmas gifts for the kids, and we all were looking forward to it. I honestly thought this was a slam dunk for BW.


We just don't find it enjoyable at this stage. To the rest of you staying and are happy with the product, I'm glad you are enjoying it; maybe we will see you in about 6 months time.

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I never said you couldnt voice your opinion.

I'm saying the way he does it is infectious, and it will ruin the community, I am ALL FOR putting the problems in the fore front, but the constant, whining and harsh response will kill the game.


If people would voice their opinions in a more mannerly way, I bet this game would find much greater success.


But alas, we have people who MUST be as extreme as possible about things.

This is what will hurt the game most.


The problem is that the issues that are being complained about now, have been mentioned and complained about since the Alpha testing of the game. That was what 1 year ago, give or take? So politely saying this and that will not get it done. Not saying the rage will either. However, keeping the issues updated will along with lack of resub's. The big problem is they simply failed to incorporate all of the major benefits of all other MMO's that are having success. (neat / function auction house, customizable UI, "true" graphics modifications, multi-specs, bracketed pvp etc.) I mean all of the major MMO's out right now have those features, why the hell would you put out an MMO that does NOT have those ready at launch? Is it to say hey, were putting out a patch shortly after launch and giving you what we should have given you at launch but we wanted to make like were adding new things. Sorry, but you MUST heed the advice of customers who pay for the game and implement some of the major features of successful games.

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It was the "minority" that was posting on AOC adn Warhammer forums also.


Yeah, probably was. Most people have the self-respect to just stop playing a game they don't like, rather than to try to trash it publicly. There's no point to that except to get attention.


It will always be the minority complaining, even if a game completely sucks.


I happen to think this one doesn't.

Edited by imtrick
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Yep I'm going to stay. I'm a very casual player so unlike most ppl I still don't have my first 50....Tbh I still don't have a 40 yet and I got in on the second day of headstart. Oh well I'll get there eventually but work, my wife, and my kids take up all my time on the weekdays and most of my time on the weekends/holidays.
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Yep I'm going to stay. I'm a very casual player so unlike most ppl I still don't have my first 50....Tbh I still don't have a 40 yet and I got in on the second day of headstart. Oh well I'll get there eventually but work, my wife, and my kids take up all my time on the weekdays and most of my time on the weekends/holidays.


I have a level 34 as my highest and got bored to tears and unsubbed last night.

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The problem is that the issues that are being complained about now, have been mentioned and complained about since the Alpha testing of the game. That was what 1 year ago, give or take? So politely saying this and that will not get it done. Not saying the rage will either. However, keeping the issues updated will along with lack of resub's. The big problem is they simply failed to incorporate all of the major benefits of all other MMO's that are having success. (neat / function auction house, customizable UI, "true" graphics modifications, multi-specs, bracketed pvp etc.) I mean all of the major MMO's out right now have those features, why the hell would you put out an MMO that does NOT have those ready at launch? Is it to say hey, were putting out a patch shortly after launch and giving you what we should have given you at launch but we wanted to make like were adding new things. Sorry, but you MUST heed the advice of customers who pay for the game and implement some of the major features of successful games.


I agree to most of what you said, my issue is what I have said before, being the fact that some people are infecting the community with hate and anger, and that does not help, and in my eyes, as a designer, constructive critism is always better received then anger.

I just didn't like that review, it wasn't funny, and it won't help anyone.

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They already made their money, its just milking season now.

Your logic makes no sense... we pay for more content, as long as we pay, things will get fixed, more will be released, etc...


If a bunch of people quit, that just means Bioware has less work to do, and things WONT get fixed.


They made their money, from now on, we pay them, they pay us back with content.

We dont pay them, we get less back.


Money is immaterial at this point. The game had a massive budget measuring in the hundreds of millions of dollars. The problems with this game cannot be solved by simply tossing money at it. If that were true, the game would be good in the first place.


No. This game is fundamentally flawed down to its very roots. Elements such as using the HeroEngine, focusing on single player and neglecting multiplayer IN AN MMO, poor graphics, poor writing, incompetents calling the shots, and, to top it all off, the whole thing is stamped with an EA logo.


You cannot reward BioWare for their incompetence with your money. BioWare will work hard to fix this game and win you back or they will not fix it at all. A company getting paid for a shoddy product has no incentive to expend resources improving it if they know the fanbase will gobble up anything they put up.


The time has come to say enough is enough to both BioWare and to EA. Enough with releasing unfinished products. Enough with caring only for money and not for the art of video game design itself. Enough with spitting in the eyes of gamers everywhere.

Edited by CommieKras
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I already capped 50 and finished one of the 16-man raids and got the full tier pvp. I do not like this MMO it's another wow (here's how i exactly think http://i.imgur.com/UmcMV.jpg) and i already bored that kind of game, doesn't give anything new except a story that ends in 1 week with voiceovers. Is a good game to play 1 month, after that not enough subscription.


Expose your opinions


Yes I will continue on. 1.1 is said to bring new, fresh content and a new flash point. There will be many more of these updates, plus who knows what else in the future.

Also, this game is NOT WoW, by any means whatsoever. You have to actually pay attention to things ppl say and do, and it changes your alignment and story. In that other pile of frothy dog poo you don't have to read a single quest; just click accept and go to it.


Im sure I'm not alone when I say I'm tired of hearing all the cry-babies complaining about the game and making false comparisons and threatening to quit and blah blah blah. Go on. Quit. Go back to that bland craptacular experience that has gone downhill since the BC expansion and somehow attracted more and more immature and unskilled players. Some of them have come here to this game and I HOPE they go back. It's like the wotlk expansion when they made "that game" spoonfed to all the whiney babies who had no idea how to cc, tank, heal, or do anything but yell go go go and dps all out right up front. Those people are horrible at any MMORPG and should be taken off the grid.


So yes, with the belief that many of the aforementioned morons that have come here will leave, I intend to stay and watch the game gain strength from their disappearance.

Just have to hope there are enough real, skilled players who see the potential for SWTOR and stick with it so they can make enough continued cash-flow to provide the content I know the intend to bless us with.

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Money is immaterial at this point. The game had a massive budget measuring in the hundreds of millions of dollars. The problems with this game cannot be solved by simply tossing money at it. If that were true, the game would be good in the first place.


No. This game is fundamentally flawed down to its very roots. Elements such as using the HeroEngine, focusing on single player and neglecting multiplayer IN AN MMO, poor graphics, poor writing, incompetents calling the shots, and, to top it all off, the whole thing is stamped with an EA logo.


You cannot reward BioWare for their incompetence with your money. BioWare will work hard to fix this game and win you back or they will not fix it at all. A company getting paid for a shoddy product has no incentive to expend resources improving it if they know the fanbase will gobble up anything they put up.


The time has come to say enough is enough to both BioWare and to EA. Enough with releasing unfinished products. Enough with caring only for money and not for the art of video game design itself. Enough with spitting in the eyes of gamers everywhere.


Then get off the forums.

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I have a level 34 as my highest and got bored to tears and unsubbed last night.


I love how your tag quote by Steve Jobs totally contradicts your attitude and points you out as one of those customers he was trashing.


"You can't just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they'll want something new. - Steve Jobs"

Edited by Darth_Conan
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I've been a big fan of this game since beta, and as soon as I got my box I signed up for a 6 month subscription and was excited to play for years to come.


Sadly, I have decided to switch to a 1 month sub instead. I can't quite bring myself to cancel because I do enjoy the game, but at this point I can't commit to the game long term.


My biggest problem with the game at this point is it just seems the devs are clueless and I have lost a lot of faith in them. As an example, they screwed up with Biochem and basically made it mandatory for everyone to have at level 50. They state that they don't want it that way and they are going to fix it. Great! Except to fix it, they do the following:


All Energized, Exotech, and Rakata adrenals and stims now require 400 Biochem for use.


The Exotech Medpac is now named “Exotech Med Unit.” Its overall healing has been reduced and is now in line with similar level medpacs, and it temporarily increases the maximum health of its targets. Use of this item now requires 400 Biochem.


The amount healed by Rakata Medpacs has been reduced. This item now additionally increases maximum health briefly. Use of this item now requires 400 Biochem.


So - they don't want Biochem to be mandatory, so they fix it my making all of the good stuff require 400 Biochem to use. It just doesn't make sense and really makes me wonder if they have any vision at all.


I'm going to give them $15 instead of $75 or whatever the 6 month was, and give it 30 days. If they still seem this out of touch in mid February, I'll probably move on at that point.


quoted because I feel the exact same way about biochem. Do the developers play SWTOR?

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Then get off the forums.


That is the only counterpoint you have to offer?


No. I am a consumer who feels cheated by this product and I am here to fight for my rights.


I am here to fight for a return to Mass Effect 1 vs. Mass Effect 2. To fight for Dragon Age: Origins vs. Dragon Age II.


A company I once had faith in is on a tremendous downswing and I feel obligated to offer ideas and criticism.


Your game will not improve if you squelch dissenters. You learn what needs improvement from your dissenters, *not* your sycophants.


Anyone who has an ounce of respect for video games and a desire to see an improvement in quality should be in my corner shouting for companies to be held accountable for their failures.

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big problem is they simply failed to incorporate all of the major benefits of all other MMO's that are having success. (neat / function auction house, customizable UI, "true" graphics modifications, multi-specs, bracketed pvp


Bracketed pvp to me sucks more so once a game gets older since finding a match can sometimes be impossible.. the only real problem is that wz are a complete mess with geared 50s and ppl that stack buffs.

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Then get off the forums.


You know.... I never see those that don't like this game attacking those that do personally. Sure, they bash the game and point out things they don't like... but I never see someone say, "You like the game?! **** of my thread I don't want to read your opinion!"


It's always people that like the game that have this kind of attitude. Interesting...

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I had an awesome time leveling from 1-50 and enjoyed what little of the end game content they had even with all the bugs


aside from all the bugs (abilities not going off, bugged quests, bugged fp/ops encounters, warzones, bugged lockout information, guild chat, no basic features such as /roll, bugged companions, bad customer feedback (in-game tickets are a joke, at least have the decency to write up something different each time) the list goes on and on) this game has real potential!


I'll give them maybe 2 months to get their acts together

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Yep. My main from EGA is still only level 44, very close to 45. I still have Belsavis, Voss, and Corellia to finish.


On the Empire side, I haven't done Balmorra, or Quesh, and there are numerous bonus series I've not done.


I still want to play a Dark Jedi Knight, too.


I've got a three month sub set to charge on the 20th. That will give me enough time to see how the game is going to look from a new content/bug fix perspective. The SI story was a huge letdown after Act I (although Act III is a little better). However, I didn't go into this expecting EQII's endgame (or even WoW's) at launch.

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heck yes i am stayin. I got a lot of friends playin and this game is seriously just a breath of


fresh air for me. Some people say the story is the ONLY DIFFERENCE from WoW. Well not


only is this wrong, but i love the story. So if that is all that is different, then that is


enough...keep it up bioware and dont listen to the QQers-its 1 month old for goodness sake :D



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That is the only counterpoint you have to offer?


No. I am a consumer who feels cheated by this product and I am here to fight for my rights.


I am here to fight for a return to Mass Effect 1 vs. Mass Effect 2. To fight for Dragon Age: Origins vs. Dragon Age II.


A company I once had faith in is on a tremendous downswing and I feel obligated to offer ideas and criticism.


Your game will not improve if you squelch dissenters. You learn what needs improvement from your dissenters, *not* your sycophants.


Anyone who has an ounce of respect for video games and a desire to see an improvement in quality should be in my corner shouting for companies to be held accountable for their failures.



But you see here...

The way you seem to talk about the issue, is that Bioware doesn't care about how much you complain, and in fact, nobody else does either. If this game is broken to its roots then it really cannot be fixed right? And since they're not even really listening..


Why are you still here?

Just leave, you didn't get your money worth, and that's all there is too it, your negativity is infectious and nobody wants to hear it.

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I'm starting to get bored and I don't even have a level 50 (42 my highest char right now). I understand peoples frustration with this game. If you are enjoying it, more power to you. Hope you keep enjoying it.


Thing is, people who come to these forums to do some research before buying and investing time into this game, have a right to see both the criticism and praise of the game, then make an informed decision whether or not to buy it.


If your expecting this game to change the mmo genera in a positive way, this is not the game for you. You may have more fun with WoW. If you are looking for an interesting Star Wars story, this may or may not be for you.


Bottom line, I can't recommend this game, unless you are a super die hard SW fan. Even then I would be leary about it in its current boring state.

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But you see here...

The way you seem to talk about the issue, is that Bioware doesn't care about how much you complain, and in fact, nobody else does either. If this game is broken to its roots then it really cannot be fixed right? And since they're not even really listening..


Why are you still here?

Just leave, you didn't get your money worth, and that's all there is too it, your negativity is infectious and nobody wants to hear it.


This isn't North Korea, I am allowed to voice my opinion. Although both yourself and the moderators would have it differently.


My 'negativity' does not stem from hatred nor rage or any other irrational emotion. I will admit that I am impassioned, yes. I love video games and it pains me to see the sorry state the industry is in currently. My criticism comes from a clear mind that wishes only to outline the faults of the game in a logical and rational manner. I am sorry if the medicine is bitter but there it is.


And mark my words, BioWare will learn to care about my complaints once this project has gone the way of Warhammer and Age of Conan and Star Trek Online and all others who have preceded it.

Edited by CommieKras
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You know.... I never see those that don't like this game attacking those that do personally. Sure, they bash the game and point out things they don't like... but I never see someone say, "You like the game?! **** of my thread I don't want to read your opinion!"


It's always people that like the game that have this kind of attitude. Interesting...


People don't want to hear negativity, its not constructive criticism, its rage and whining.

If someone hates the game with such a passion then leave it, its not worth your time anyways.

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People don't want to hear negativity, its not constructive criticism, its rage and whining.

If someone hates the game with such a passion then leave it, its not worth your time anyways.


I must say I agree with this. I really want people to give their honest feedback, but when it comes out as whining, nobody wants to hear it.

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