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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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Probably not.


Besides the character quest lines there is nothing here that I haven't seen since I first logged on to Ultima all those years ago.


The basics and quests are exactly the same as they were back then. The MMO genre seems to be stuck in a rut.


I won't blame the game i'm just burnt out from seeing the same thing time and time again. It gets a bit old.


As it stands this is a very, very basic game. It's followed the same formula as every other MMO before it but hasn't improved on much or changed anything (besides voice acting).


It's probably me expecting too much. I wanted a change from the "norm" but this isn't it.


It's a shame and I hope it does do well. I don't hate the game or anything like that, as I said, i'm just burnt out and this game hasn't changed anything enough to keep me interested.

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Yet thats what they all are. So either your definition is wrong or most MMO makers get it wrong, you choose.


I leveled to max in AoC completely solo, leveled to max in LOTRO completely solo and so on, the only game I couldnt do that was Guild Wars which is not considered an MMO.


Remind me why Guild Wars is not considered an MMO? Also, your point doesn't really stand up when you list two games that didn't succeed. I'm talking about what it takes to make a successful MMO.


The reason EverQuest, DAoC, FFXI were so popular is because you HAD to interact with other people. Whether it was questing, PvP, or farming mobs for that rare loot drop.... you were doing it all with your friends and Guild mates. It's like you said... in all those games you listed you could level completely solo and not worry about anyone else. SWTOR took it a step further, they gave everyone a companion so that they could do even more solo.


I know it's completely stupid to wish for an original EverQuest or DAoC type game to hit the market again... but I can keep my hope alive I suppose.

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Oh hey, GW2 does look neat. Thanks for the heads up.


Yeah and I'll be starting with a great big headstart after filling my Hall of Monuments in GW 1 :D


Btw, their premisse is not that it will keep you playing constantly, content is not added regularly but by stand alone expansions as a rule. I'll definitely buy it but will keep SWTOR as well.

Edited by MrTijger
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Yet thats what they all are. So either your definition is wrong or most MMO makers get it wrong, you choose.


I leveled to max in AoC completely solo, leveled to max in LOTRO completely solo and so on, the only game I couldnt do that was Guild Wars which is not considered an MMO.


MMO makers do have it wrong. It is no great secret that the heads of EA/Activision are incompetent monkeys who don't like video games - they only like the profits they bring. Video games as an innovative art has been in stagnation for a while now. It's mainly because more focus is put on getting out cash cows like Call of Duty or, in this case, TOR.


MMOs are about the community. It's about knowing people on your server and working with them or against them to make your mark in the world you have been given to play around with. It is not about shutting yourself off in a sterile little story environment and maybe seeing one or two people while you're questing around on a big planet.


MMOs are about socialization. Sharding off planets and splitting the playerbase is directly contrary to this.

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MMO makers do have it wrong. It is no great secret that the heads of EA/Activision are incompetent monkeys who don't like video games - they only like the profits they bring. Video games as an innovative art has been in stagnation for a while now. It's mainly because more focus is put on getting out cash cows like Call of Duty or, in this case, TOR.


MMOs are about the community. It's about knowing people on your server and working with them or against them to make your mark in the world you have been given to play around with. It is not about shutting yourself off in a sterile little story environment and maybe seeing one or two people while you're questing around on a big planet.


MMOs are about socialization. Sharding off planets and splitting the playerbase is directly contrary to this.


/nods head in agreement.


MMOs have been going down a dark road for some time. Casuals and money hungry giants control MMOs now.

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Remind me why Guild Wars is not considered an MMO? Also, your point doesn't really stand up when you list two games that didn't succeed. I'm talking about what it takes to make a successful MMO.


Damned if I know. Officially Guild Wars calls itself a COPRG and the WoW crowd always dismissed it as not an MMO *shrug* I dont care for labels anyway, my criterium is whether I enjoy playing.

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Everyone who is complaining about this game being boring at max level.. Do you not do anything other than game?






Wow, i didn't know Bioware marketing strategy was to get people to play as little as possible.

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Level 45 now, my wife is level 44. This is the most fun we have had since vanilla wow. Everything is new and fun. Yes, we both will continue to keep our subscriptions as well as my friends who all came over from wow (At total of 50 people from IRL and in game, and yes, I have asked each and every one of them if they will all continue to sub and every one has a 6 month subscription)


Its a vanilla launch in an mmorpg, I expected nothing more from BW when it comes to an mmorpg launch. Hell, I didnt expect PVP at launch at all nor any form of raid so I was plesently surprised. Go BW!!


Also no, I wont go to guild wars. I will never play a F2P or B2P game. EVER!

Edited by Darth_Grissom
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Wow, i didn't know Bioware marketing strategy was to get people to play as little as possible.



Don't you see? it's brilliant! The slower people play, the longer they have to stay subscribed. Which means more money fo...


I think we're onto something here, we should be careful.

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1) Patch delayed

Sorry but this just shows me the game was indeed rushed, same with the patch


2) There is nothing new, the game director can say the game is innovative and all - but it feels like WoW Classic but even more user friendly. I'm not interested in doing dailies so I can get some gear


3) open world PVP on Ilum is a joke


4) voice acting is rehashed/recycled post 30


5) the instancing/sharding of worlds and etc truly has made the entire game an un-social experience. It always felt so alone while I leveled up



And this sums it up.


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Wow, i didn't know Bioware marketing strategy was to get people to play as little as possible.


I guess it's our fault for giving the game our undivided attention, since there was nothing out worth playing. We shouldn't have consumed all the content, but should have instead rationed ourselves,. like were in a lifeboat.


And now I stop before that analogy goes any further, because we all know where it's going.

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I guess it's our fault for giving the game our undivided attention, since there was nothing out worth playing. We shouldn't have consumed all the content, but should have instead rationed ourselves,. like were in a lifeboat.


And now I stop before that analogy goes any further, because we all know where it's going.


Rats leaving the sinking... lifeboat? :confused:


Forced cannibalism?



Edited by FerrusPA
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Ill give it another month to get to lvl 50 and do 50 stuff, also rolling empire for a bit.. But i doubt ill keep playing after that.


I do the same with wow, rift and whatnot by the way.


Oh and http://i.imgur.com/UmcMV.jpg i pretty funny.


I'm curious for how many people this is their first mmo.


See, I think thats the difference. For those of us who have been in this rodeo before, we see the similarities between every other MMO, and so we're looking for something to differentiate this game, and all we can find is the signs of half-implemented ideas that are present in so many other mmo's. If you haven't played an MMO before, you get a totally different experience, and all of this is new and shiny.

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I'm staying subscribed one more month and will decide something at the end of that. If they are making or talking about (in concrete terms) real progress with the UI, GTN and a few other things I'll stick around and pay my dues a while longer to see how the game changes in general. If not, I'll likely unsubscribe and pop back in six months from now to see how things have changed or not.


I think this is an OK game but its missing something right now to keep me hooked long term. I just wish I knew what it was.

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I have a 50 already and I'm confident that Bioware will make my 6 months subscription feel valued, so please continue with the fixes and near-monthly content rollouts please! I enjoy the game a lot so far, I just wish finding a group for group content were easier.


An MMO is an MMO, if you keep buying new MMOs not to get MMO style content.. then ???

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Nope. I do NOT pay to play Beta versions of games. Need clarification? Some of hte very major bugs that are in this game were reported PRE_BETA, yes in Alpha. What was done to correct them? Turned the blind eye and ignored them. They said screw it, fanboys will hype the hell out of the game and name recognition will carry it to a 3 month early release of an unpolished game. This game hands down has the WORST launch i personally encountered. Horrible UI that is not customizable in anyway, low end crap graphics engine, bugged out quests, bugged out chat channels etc. I mean seriously, Q&A must have not been any part of this production. Maybe, just Maybe after a few patches, more UI abilities and better graphics control ill come back.
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:rolleyes: another no lifer, do you people ever get any fresh air? jeez;)


I already capped 50 and finished one of the 16-man raids and got the full tier pvp. I do not like this MMO it's another wow (here's how i exactly think http://i.imgur.com/UmcMV.jpg) and i already bored that kind of game, doesn't give anything new except a story that ends in 1 week with voiceovers. Is a good game to play 1 month, after that not enough subscription.


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