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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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No. Broken buggy game with so many technical issues, design issues, amateur mistakes.


No custom UI, no meters, no LFD, no macros...


What exactly are we paying for?


The UI will be fixed. Recount on your character is coming.


LFD is lame........get some bravery and actually ASK people to group.


And I still don't get why people need macros. Lazy?


Have fun on your next game you'll only give 30 days to.

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Well i will stick arround mainly because i was waiting for this for a long time, and above all because im having a great time with it. And well nothing else matters.

Obviously the game has issues, but im confident they will be fixed polished and more content will be added, i would be a fool to let those things pass by me, specialy when im having a fun, in a game.

I didnt reach lvl 50 yet with any of my toons so. i will keep subing, and i will wait and see what the game willl become in the near future.

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I have a level 40 Jedi Sage, a level 36 Sith Sorcerer (male), a level 34 Sith Sorcerer (female), and a level 16 Imperial Agent Sniper. I find myself jumping back and forth constantly.


I am enjoying the game for what it is ... a game. I have always "rushed" to end game in every MMO I've ever played only to be left with disappointment. My hard core days are over and I will not "rush" to the end again. I pay for my entertainment and when that entertainment is no longer entertaining, I move on to something else.


Right now, SWTOR is delivering in a big way. I'm having fun ... at the end of the day, that's all that matters. I could care less if you are leaving and could care less as to why. I look forward to January 19th. The ADHD Generation is killing quality video games today and frankly, I'm tired of it.

Edited by Alkiii
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Of course! This game is great, my guild is great, and the content is fun. Plus, by the time I've exhausted all there is to do, more patches will have added more.


If you don't enjoy the game, don't play it. Nobody is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to subscribe. Frankly, you aren't entitled to anything. If I bought a new car and went to the manufacturer to complain about its lack of Satellite Radio and Heated Seats, they'd ask me why I bought it knowing full and well it did not have those features.


Same applies here. Why buy a game you know lacks features you feel are MUST HAVES and then complain about being cheated? Are you saying you bought the product not knowing anything about it? That seems like the buyers fault, not the sellers.

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The UI will be fixed. Recount on your character is coming.


LFD is lame........get some bravery and actually ASK people to group.


And I still don't get why people need macros. Lazy?


Have fun on your next game you'll only give 30 days to.


not sure what class you are playing but at level 25 on my warrior i have 24 ability slots key bound, plus a quest item bind and one for a mount. Being able to sort some of the buffs / cool downs into a macro would free up my hand from having to be an octopus

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if i remember correctly vanilla WOW was boring too after 3 weeks in live. But this aint WOW its a new game, give it time. want WOW have fun having pokemon battles with your panda's. Your leaving Bye. Personally i like this game. The stories are very good and i dont feel like im grinding even though I hit 50 in 12 days. Yes there are things i want to see from this game, macro's for 1. but you want cata WOW from launch. not gonna happen.
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yes, yes and thrice yes.

as a casual player im having a blast and deffo be subbing :D

i personally can wait for all the moaners to **** and we are left with folks who wanna play!!

but i fear there will still be folks who dont sub and still come on here and slate the game, sad little muppets lol

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Seriously, though. Getting to 50 isn't THAT HARD. It's like getting to 85 in WoW, you can do it in 3 weeks without loosing sleep, etc.


Ok, but that's not really the point here though. We're not saying it's hard to get to 50, and people shouldn't be saying "well it's not hard to get to 50" in your defense. This is a story driven game, and getting to 50 is simply the end result of finishing your story.


I'm not thinking to myself "man I really need to get to 50". I'm enjoying the story. The people who only played story lines and skipped a lot of the content are missing A LOT of the game experience.


I don't want to say anyone is playing the game "wrong", but this isn't a game you come into and use the term "leveling". Sure you level during your story, and you can certainly skip the content if you wish and only play your class quests to 50, but that isn't the primary draw of the game.


You happen to level as you go through the whole story... you don't happen to finish the story as you level. I hope that makes sense. The whole "I have to grind to 50 quickly" and "must level my character to max" sort of thought processes are really out of place in SW:TOR, and seeing people try to apply that here is really awkward.

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Yea mine will be here for a long time to come. I am not fifty yet am an officer on a very active guild. We have a great community in our guild and we all enjoy this game. The graphics are great, the gameplay is good and they story is phenomenal. This blase approach to games, IF I CAN BEAT IT IN ONE WEEK RUSHING TO FIFTY AND THERE IS NO CONTENT FOR ME, SO IT SUCKS NOW, really needs to end. Not everyone does this and plenty of people find plenty of variety in this game. The four Imperial stories are fantastic and varied and the world bosses are a blast. New content drops in a few days, and more to come in March. HELL YES I am keeping my sub up.
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Your storyline ended in ONE week? Damn dude. I have to know, did you spend every waking second of that week playing this game? I have played nearly every single day since the pre-release, 2-3 hours a day. Right now, I am at level 49. I just finished the Inquisitor story line. Absolutely amazing, btw...


I just started doing PvP, I hear some people complaining about it, but I think its fun as hell. I'm still not a lvl 50 yet, so still haven't started end game raiding. But looking forward to that. The space missions look awesome, but havent really gotten into that yet either.


That should keep me pretty busy for several months. After that, I may level a healer or something. But Im sure by then there will be new content to check out. There is so much to do in this game, if you play it the way it was intended to be played.


Then again, I didn't purchase this game to figure out what I can hate about it. I bought it and 3 other copies, which my wife and kids also play, to have some fun. Call me crazy.

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I will be staying.


I have some niggles with the game, but overall it's really fun. The quick-fix, I want it nau! gang will never be satisfied. I also understand that the game is very new, and it will take a bit of time for the game to unfold its wings. I seriously wish people could respect that and give it a chance *if* you're on the fence about it.

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if i remember correctly vanilla WOW was boring too after 3 weeks in live. But this aint WOW its a new game, give it time. want WOW have fun having pokemon battles with your panda's. Your leaving Bye. Personally i like this game. The stories are very good and i dont feel like im grinding even though I hit 50 in 12 days. Yes there are things i want to see from this game, macro's for 1. but you want cata WOW from launch. not gonna happen.


WoW also didn't have any serious competition 3 weeks after its release, so...


The thing is: If I really really wanted to play a game similar to TOR, I could just "go back to WoW". This wasn't possible when WoW was new because the only other game at the time was EQ2 and oh god don't make me laugh.

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