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Valor Grinding is biased against healers:


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Stop tunneling visioning healing like idiots and throw out some dps. Especially against enemy healers, an extra shiv/backstab can send them packing fast.


2.5k hit and killing blow medal anyone can do. If the healing isn't rough you can do 75k dmg done

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If you remove the ability to get heal medals off of medpacks or self healing in general- healers would be fairly equal with dps in terms of getting medals, and only a bit behind tanks.


I don't mind tanks getting more, because it encourages a role that's generally very rare- right now though, going healing is not encouraged at all- and it's quite easy to pick up the first few heal medals so you might as well get those then focus on dps.


There's absolutely no incentive to go full healing, and with the large healing debuff, it almost seems like they're telling us not to.


It can win games though- but, right now, what's worth more to people? Get 8 or so medals every game and maybe have a slightly lower chance of losing... or get 5-6 medals and get a slightly higher chance of winning. In the long run, over many games- you'll absolutely see more valor/commendations for being 'selfish'.

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And yet I see the Empire with healers up the butt winning warzone after warzone. Why? Because nobody dies on the other team due to the constant heals. My merc always has at least 5 medals, 2 for healing and 3 for combat. Just play it right and you can sneak in on most kills and do damage.
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Keep this topic going. All healers know we get screwed on valor/commendation grind. Start by making medpacs not give medals, nerf tank medals some, maybe give healers a couple more medals, make the kill medals based on proximity not tagging.
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Another thread where dpsbots tell us to not be healbots.


I've mentioned before that I just medal hunt now (at least until dual-spec, when i go pvp dps). I get my healing medals to 75k, then switch to crappy damage. Tag people low on health to make sure I get a kill credit. All other objectives go out the window.


People have gotten angry at me for doing it, especially when we go from winning to losing, but I just give them BW's customer support email and tell them to ***** to them.


I've also stopped healing tanks that guard people. You want to get your guard medals? Fine, but try doing it without a healer keeping you up. That medal is more about me keeping you up than you keeping someone else up. Why should you get it?

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