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24 straight bags of nothing but centurion coms has led me to cancel my subscription to tor. I am valor rank 57 and see no end to this never ending grind.


I truly enjoy pvp but there is no reward for it in this game and with the roll system in place for rewards I see no point in continuing with my subscription.


from their lack of customer service and their lack of vision for pvp rewarding as well as countless other issues within the game I am just done.


got 4 bags today, Illum dailies and every bag had coms, making 24 straight. I dont mind a grind, what i mind is a grind with no end and with the current roll system, there is no end.


the end comes on the 20th when my subscription ends though.. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel..

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RNG is not loving me either. I think a good solution for this system would be increasing amount of Centurion tokens granted by each non-item bag. 3 is just pathetic with current item prices. 7-10 tokens would be a reasonable amount.
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being rank 57 you may make it to 60 in the next few days. including the changes from patch 1.1, which should come live any moment, the grind is determined as you will get battlemaster commendations that you turn in for battlemaster gear you choose, no more random. i am looking forward to this as well, currently rank 53 and luckily 3/4 in champion gear.
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I understand your frustration, and though they might fix the PvP grind to an extent - they're never going to fix their horrible use of the Hero engine.


The game performance is lackluster during very small scale PvP - and this is on high-end rigs.


The sound design during PvP is very bad, however cool it may sound. You have no idea which "lightsaber" sound is actually playing - and CCs have horribly indistinct sounds - if they have sound at all.


The ability delay means you can't respond with proper timing, leading to an endless frustration because the game doesn't do what you tell it to do.


On top of that, we have the wonderful Expertise mechanic - blindly stolen from WoW - making the grind towards competitive gear ever more frustrating, whilst separating the PvP players from the PvE gameplay. This doubles the grind required to succeed at both.


This game might work for the story-related linear content - but that's IT.

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RNG is not loving me either. I think a good solution for this system would be increasing amount of Centurion tokens granted by each non-item bag. 3 is just pathetic with current item prices. 7-10 tokens would be a reasonable amount.


how is that helpful. Centurion tokens are worthless, have you seen that gear? It's awful

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I should specify that coming of next patch, you will NOT get battlemaster commendations such as champion/centurion but will be like tokens, meaning that you will be able to buy any piece of battlemaster gear that you are missing, so the luck is still there but in a smaller degree (1 commendation for pieces and 3 commendations for wpn/offhand).
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The sound design during PvP is very bad, however cool it may sound. You have no idea which "lightsaber" sound is actually playing - and CCs have horribly indistinct sounds - if they have sound at all.


what you mean is an issue i regard for some time now as well, netiher graphics nor sound gives you any decision-related information. i do not easily see what class i am encountering (of course it is not hidden, but it could be far more obvious) and from the sounds i only partially hear what abilitiesmy opponent chooses to use.


graphics and sound in swtor have no expedience for pvp.

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24 straight bags of nothing but centurion coms has led me to cancel my subscription to tor. I am valor rank 57 and see no end to this never ending grind.


I truly enjoy pvp but there is no reward for it in this game and with the roll system in place for rewards I see no point in continuing with my subscription.


from their lack of customer service and their lack of vision for pvp rewarding as well as countless other issues within the game I am just done.


got 4 bags today, Illum dailies and every bag had coms, making 24 straight. I dont mind a grind, what i mind is a grind with no end and with the current roll system, there is no end.


the end comes on the 20th when my subscription ends though.. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel..


Try suing the local lottery when you don't win.... :p Bet you still buy tickets....

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its not that I am not getting what i want, i could have lived with getting a duplicate token of something, but 24 straight..


then last night doing Vault one chest wouldnt allow anyone to loot their items, just stuck. We got another canned response of how the issue has been forwarded to another team and they closed our tickets. How about showing up in game and granting the loot that was awarded?


GM's have the power to certain things in the game that would make customers happy, granting loot that was earned but stuck is one of them.


there just seems to be a total lack of concern for their customer base in general. all they see is the 14.99 per month per player.. very short sighted on their end and I am done with it. I was looking forward to patch 1.1 but they couldnt even get that right and now it is delayed.

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Yea, this system is so unfair isnt it.

Second day after I got valor rank 60 I opened my two bags after daily.

First I see the OH, then I see the MH?


After this I have not recieved a single item for 4 days !!




Sure, I know the system currently sucks because of the lottery, on the other hand every game has always been like this. Remember PvE'ing back in Vanilla WoW on my mage, wanting the Mageblade, took me 14 runs before it dropped, which is a total of 14 weeks I might add if you did not know.


This is a grind, a luckbased grind sure, but aslong as you keep playing it sure as hell is easier then what most MMO's have had when it comes to gaining items.

Edited by Ghingis
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Try suing the local lottery when you don't win.... :p Bet you still buy tickets....


I dont play the lottery... I know my odds there.. here I understand there is a chance to get an item. but 24 bags with nothing is not a chance its a joke.


hey you want to keep giving them 14.99 per month to frustrate you and give you second rate customer service, go ahead.. I am just not willing to do it any more.

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So, to confirm, it IS that you're not getting what you want?


no its a broken system.. from poor implementation of pvp, pve, raiding, looting, and then you throw in the craptastic customer service they offer.


so let me spell it out again.. BROKEN SYSTEM.. the 24 straight bag of nothing was the final straw. it could have been another canned response from them regarding a issue with something else that caused this. Just so happened it was the 24 straight bag of centurion coms..


for those who keep saying its because i didnt get what i want, i am only missing the boots from the champion set. would have liked to finish it off.. but oh well!! back to playing COD.

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24 straight bags of nothing but centurion coms has led me to cancel my subscription to tor. I am valor rank 57 and see no end to this never ending grind.


I truly enjoy pvp but there is no reward for it in this game and with the roll system in place for rewards I see no point in continuing with my subscription.


from their lack of customer service and their lack of vision for pvp rewarding as well as countless other issues within the game I am just done.


got 4 bags today, Illum dailies and every bag had coms, making 24 straight. I dont mind a grind, what i mind is a grind with no end and with the current roll system, there is no end.


the end comes on the 20th when my subscription ends though.. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel..


What a crybaby.


I guess you feel you worked really hard for those illum bags as well ?.


Did you even read the patchnotes for 1.1 ?.


I dont beleive for a second that you are valor rank 57 and cry about champion gear, if you were 57 you would be pretty decked out in most parts - and you opening 24 bags in a row with nothing is not really possible to beleive either.


dry your eyes, and stop making "i quit" drama posts.


anyways, can i has your stuff ?

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