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Jedi knights Vs Troopers (commando)


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sooooooo....i have a lvl 40 Jedi Guardian , a lvl 33 Jedi sentinel and a lvl 12 Commando.


funny....i can out dps my Sentinel and outlive my guardian without even trying that hard on a lvl 12 commando...



what do i see as a little missballance....here we go:


Jedi guardian can take a lot of punishment in a tank spec , yet he cannot dish out anywhere close to even "decent" amount of DMG unless he goes Focus.


Jedi sentinel can burn down 1 target pritty fast unless the opponent activates protections straight of. that will make him mitigate all the brust of DoT's the sentinel will place and for 15 seconds he will leave the sentinel with 2 wet noodles not capable of much damage. and the survive ability is ****! yes u get "guarded by the force" , 4 seconds invisibility with 100% damage reduction and the basic shield. but honestly , its not keeping us alive too well...



Commando - overall higher survive ability than a Guardian , shield , heals and ofc Range combined with heavy armor. overall same damage as a Jedi sentinel when it comes to the end of the warzone. on lvl 12 i do somewhere around 150k damage , i can save allies with my ****** little heal , giving my friends 1.5-2k health a tick or 3k+ when crit.

Commando basic attack that cost n ammo "hammering shot" does around 1k damage. somwthing like 500 +200+150 +?? , my basic 3 ammo cost attacks that i can spam almost non stop are doing somewhere around 1-1.8k damage , my AoE with 1 minute cooldown does about 5k + damage A TARGET in the area!!!! and ofc , its all on a distance of 30 meeters......



am sorry , but it feels abit unfair.... Guardian should survive longer , ALOT longer than the trooper , because Guardians are not a support role as the commandos are... Guards are not 30 metters away from actions , they ARE the action. they are in front lines , going toe to toe with the enemie and take 80% of the overall damage of the battlefield.


Sentinels are a Berserk type of character hes right there, with the guardian ramming the enemies like a mad bull at a 0 distance. its no logical that a battlemedic can do more DPS than him... or the Operative can actualy 3 shoot people every 10 seconds AND stay invisible for as long as they want... if Oper can 3 shoot people than am sorry..... sentinels should be able to do the same , maybe not 3 shots , but in same 3.5Seconds time frame....





Ive been playing AoC for sometime and this is what i think they both have in common-





Guardian - Conqueror (1 on 1 capable , battlefield controll , but overall cant survive for **** out competitive anough damage)


Sentinels - herald of xotly , high damage , shi surviveabilty and too easy to counter)


Commando - bear shaman , DPS + heals , this class was and stayed the most powerfull and victory bringing class in the game.


Vanguard - Dark templar , decent tanking and cute competitive DPS.


Sages - Templars of Set - high DPS and high healing abilities on a range. barely beatible.


Operatives - Assassins , Very Overpowered damage , and even with the light armor almost impossible to beat.


Gunslinger - DUH! Archers..... nuff said


Assassins - somewhere like a Guardian , long stick , wide attacks , good surviveability and high damage.... abit to much of all...



Just a thought.......... :)

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I have no problem with my Jedi Guardian in PVP I top kills a lot and don't get killed a lot at all. might just be the way you are playing it.


Despite what you may be able to accomplish stacking powerups, with several healers, and in a premade against pugs, JK/SW are really kind of weak compared to the other classes.

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Protip: Guardians are a support class, Gunnies are just straight ranged DPS.


Thus, your argument is null.


All of my Republic comrades who thought they were going to wtfpwn with their tank have had to deal with the bitter taste of truth I and others have been saying since beta: Gunnies are where it's at. They may not have the survivability of the Guardians and Vanguards nor the DPS of stealthers or DPS sages, but they dish awesome DPS and don't melt like a snowflake.


Republic side is so saturated with support classes who think they're the next Rambo, it's a joke.

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Lvl 50 Gunnery (Grav round) Commando here, missing only champion gloves.


I can tell you, you are right, we are a perfect example of good, ranged DPS. But we have a crappy stun, and if anyone gets into melee range we're pretty much dead - it's why we keep our foes in the distance.


We get a crappy 25% damage mitigation bubble, and you should be able to interrupt our grav rounds. If not, either level up and get your interrupt, or learn to use it.


We have 1 AoE that takes 2/3 of the cast bar to even do damage (2 seconds, you can and will move out of the Republic AoE-logo if you're smart in that time) with a 1 minute cooldown. It does around 5k kinetic, yes. If you're rooted, snared and we catch you, we deserve the damage. If you just stay there, die and yell "Nerf BH/Trooper", please close the door on your way out.


Now, I understand this is a comparative post and not a "nerf BH/Trooper" post, but you're just not playing your sentinel or guardian right. If you expect to go into melee range 1v1 as a Guardian doing awesome damage and getting out with 90%+ health you're doing it wrong. We can't do this as Commandos/Mercenaries, so I just think you haven't thought about strategy much in warzones and expect everyone to hand your their health on a silver platter.

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I think you've just gotten used to playing an underdog class or two and then you play one that's actually functional and immediately think it's OP.


Hint: Try ANY range and playing a sentinel/guardian will feel like garbage.


Unless you are decked out and know how to play a sentinel VERY well (this includes bringing friends to support you) you're going to have very little fun on a sentinel.


And guardians do too little damage tank specced.

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Lvl 50 Gunnery (Grav round) Commando here, missing only champion gloves.


I can tell you, you are right, we are a perfect example of good, ranged DPS. But we have a crappy stun, and if anyone gets into melee range we're pretty much dead - it's why we keep our foes in the distance.


We get a crappy 25% damage mitigation bubble, and you should be able to interrupt our grav rounds. If not, either level up and get your interrupt, or learn to use it.


We have 1 AoE that takes 2/3 of the cast bar to even do damage (2 seconds, you can and will move out of the Republic AoE-logo if you're smart in that time) with a 1 minute cooldown. It does around 5k kinetic, yes. If you're rooted, snared and we catch you, we deserve the damage. If you just stay there, die and yell "Nerf BH/Trooper", please close the door on your way out.


Now, I understand this is a comparative post and not a "nerf BH/Trooper" post, but you're just not playing your sentinel or guardian right. If you expect to go into melee range 1v1 as a Guardian doing awesome damage and getting out with 90%+ health you're doing it wrong. We can't do this as Commandos/Mercenaries, so I just think you haven't thought about strategy much in warzones and expect everyone to hand your their health on a silver platter.


I Agree with Ur Post there a 100%. i have NO TROUBLE killing BH's or ANYTHING else on my sentinel... please, i am just saying that for ME , after playing a guard and a sentinel , Commander seem to be a diff level of Gameplay. for ME its easier compared to the other 2.... 1 on 1 i can burn them down pritty fast.... But when it comes to effectiveness on the battlefield.. i find a commando alot more usefull due to all the cards he has in the sleeve.


Heals , DPS , AOE , RANGE VS sentinel who is just head-on DPS.


this is a little video of my Sentinel gameplay - not best quality or prefomance.


36 Kills - 0 deaths and around 180k DMG....had a very good team there.

Edited by Seraffim
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Sentinel's are fine. Commandos and Bounty Hunters are fine. Just interrupt their Tracer Missile/Grav Round and destroy them.


Typically this is true, but with the weird ability delay, it sometimes takes up to 2 seconds for the interrupt to actually go off.

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I dont want to sound like a jerk, but is it that hard to turn on the spell check of your web browser?


I know a lot of people use the forums to vent, but some of us them to communicate to the Devs in hopes things will change.


If you ever had a job or went to college, you know proposals with awful spelling (pritty=Pretty for example) like this just get thrown in the trash or over looked.

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nobody cares if he is 50 or not. He found a misbalance. Stop bieng an elitist.


It's not really elitist. Since the majority of gameplay exerience for most players is going to be on geared level 50 players, class balance really needs to be focused on those characters. The amount of time spent leveling is too small in the overall picture of the course of a game like this to be the center of class balancing.

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I dont want to sound like a jerk, but is it that hard to turn on the spell check of your web browser?


I know a lot of people use the forums to vent, but some of us them to communicate to the Devs in hopes things will change.


If you ever had a job or went to college, you know proposals with awful spelling (pritty=Pretty for example) like this just get thrown in the trash or over looked.



sorry brother , English is not my native language, and am not typing a doctorate in here.


i ken olso taip lik dis nd n1 will giv a fuk.


Or i can type you the same thing in both Russian and Hebrew without mistakes...

Am not taking any offence in this but please consider the fact people might know more than one language, and no one will actually bother to run a spell check on a MMO forum post as long as it is readable.

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nobody cares if he is 50 or not. He found a misbalance. Stop bieng an elitist.


Thank you there.


But again, to those who keep refusing to understand.


in my Opinion this " miss balance " is not because one class has a bigger di... *AHAM* DPS.

than another.


am talking MOSTLY about the abilities versatility among the classes.


like i said , i dont care for Oper's 3 shooting me... but why a higher DPS+ ranged abilities/same-armor class HAS a free stealth , and Sentinels dont , even tho they are also melee and do aot less DPS....



Or why Commando is capible of doing so much damage AND heal AND do it on a 30 metter distance at same time , while again - Sentinels dont have a Safe Gap closer nor the distance nor the surviveability.



all i am saying is that some classes been given more tools and gadgets than others , and it makes me feel very bad for liking my Underdog class so much.......

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It's tough being melee, I won't deny that. Besides my 50 combat medic, I have a Sent in his mid 20s.


Your Guardian is a tank and has his tanking defenses that Commandos don't have. In no way should a tank ever dish out as much DPS as a DPSer.


As far as Sents, and their Sith counterparts, I do think their damage could be increased or make them less squishy. Not both.


Commando heals are not that great if you're not a doc. Unperked, they are pretty costly and don't heal for much, considering also their long activation time. Commando defenses are easily on par with your Sent's, except Troopers do wear heavy armor. But like I already stated, Sents could use a little buff love, but not too much.


TBH, I think Shadows are the ones out of balance.

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ohh wow man, Shadows are on a Diff level. they are not OP, no.


But OHH MY FKING GOD!! who gives an Off-Tank a self-heal , High damage AND stealth. and dont get me started on the Ranged abilities......



Sentinels should be given a Stealth. it will balance sht out alot. even with their so-so/mid-high damage. if Sentinels will get Stealth they will be able to get close to the enemies unnoticed and it will boost up their survivability alot.


Plus Stealth suits their play style after all , sentinels are a hit-and-run type of class. they are speedy and lethal , problem is that they dont get their chance due to squishines and lack of support abilities ( do i make sence there? i am having a hard time to put my thoughts on the paper).


As to Trooper heals i agree they are costy and everything, but if not specced into they can heal up to 3k a Crit.


Notice am not talking about 1 on 1 abilities.




Commandos = Some heals that team can use + damage + AOE + heavy armour to keep them alive.

Shadows = invisible unless they engage some-one. they can Guard, Range DPS, take quite abit of punishment AND got some self heals.


Sentinel = bashing his head against a wall and cant do much unless paired with a tank or a healer.


Guardian= Survive an atomic blast but the damage is not nought even for a tank. i mean rly....1.5k Strongest crit? LAME ( and i hate focus) Guardian IS A TANK!!!!

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ohh wow man, Shadows are on a Diff level. they are not OP, no.


But OHH MY FKING GOD!! who gives an Off-Tank a self-heal , High damage AND stealth. and dont get me started on the Ranged abilities......



Sentinels should be given a Stealth. it will balance sht out alot. even with their so-so/mid-high damage. if Sentinels will get Stealth they will be able to get close to the enemies unnoticed and it will boost up their survivability alot.


Plus Stealth suits their play style after all , sentinels are a hit-and-run type of class. they are speedy and lethal , problem is that they dont get their chance due to squishines and lack of support abilities ( do i make sence there? i am having a hard time to put my thoughts on the paper).


As to Trooper heals i agree they are costy and everything, but if not specced into they can heal up to 3k a Crit.


Notice am not talking about 1 on 1 abilities.




Commandos = Some heals that team can use + damage + AOE + heavy armour to keep them alive.

Shadows = invisible unless they engage some-one. they can Guard, Range DPS, take quite abit of punishment AND got some self heals.


Sentinel = bashing his head against a wall and cant do much unless paired with a tank or a healer.


Guardian= Survive an atomic blast but the damage is not nought even for a tank. i mean rly....1.5k Strongest crit? LAME ( and i hate focus) Guardian IS A TANK!!!!

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