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What keeps you playing this game?


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It makes total sense for people to keep playing a game that they dont enjoy and go to the forums just because they paid. I mean, its not like there is a trillion other things to do or thousands of other games. Nah I totally get that :rolleyes:


Anyway I was smart enough not to play the game to death in the first few weeks and I play because SWTOR is one of the best games I ever played.

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just a filler till tera or gw2 comes out


IIRC Tera started servers consolidation in Japan..... and gw2...oh I really really want to see gw2 forums, they gonna explode with all the trolls and wowkiddies... this forum will look tame in comparison

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IIRC Tera started servers consolidation in Japan..... and gw2...oh I really really want to see gw2 forums, they gonna explode with all the trolls and wowkiddies... this forum will look tame in comparison


Sadly I doubt it, at least they are not copying a game that was made 7 years ago.

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And I like that it doesn't feel like a mumorpurger much - it's more like a nice roleplaying game you just happen to play with other people around.


A very telling statement, especially from a proponent of the game. I agree with this sentiment, though my response is quite the opposite. I didn't buy the game under the pretense that it was a nice SPRPG with coop elements unfortunately (nor am I happy at how accurate that statement is).

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What keeps you playing this game?

Nothing, just cancelled my sub. The story quests were fun enough(sadly that's the closest thing we're ever gonna get to KOTOR3), but after that it's just a boring flashpoint/operation farmfest. I'm probably gonna try The Secret World if its gameplay lives up to its amazing setting. GW2 also looks insanely fun.

Edited by Sauronych
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Why do I keep playing? The story and the voice over are big motivators for me. I find the crafting system to be pretty enjoyable as well (though I wish it wasn't undermined by the commendation system). The combat is great fun as well. I sort of want to see the end game operations, but I'm only level 39 and keep rolling alts so it will be awhile til that happens.


Don't get me wrong though, I have some gripes about the game. I just crashed to desktop, for example.

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Immersion, its Star Wars, trying out the different classes, experimenting with the talents trees in PvP, enjoying the stories, the visuals, the sound, the armor sets, looking forward to future patches, and I'd rather play it than "anything" else atm.


Also my daily lunch time read through the SWtor General Discussion makes me chuckle a lot.

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Actually the fun not having everything handed to me :)


I enjoy it all soloing questing grouping in this game


Do it have bugs?


Ofc it has

Do it have potential ?


Ofc it has :)


And gotta say i havent had this much fun since WOW Vanilla/TBC

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What keeps you playing this game?


Nothing. Boring and buggy as hell and I'm not even 50. If that wasn't for Star Wars skin I wouldn't be playing that crap for more than 5 minutes. Forums are way more entertaining, watching same bunch of desperate biodrones swarming every thread and copy pasting their "go back to Pandaland" line is amusing.

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Cause it is better than the others in market. Nothing more...


That is pretty much it for me right now. Please don't get me wrong, I am enjoying SWTOR regardless of a total lack of UI customization, buggy combat responsiveness and population imbalances. But the truth is a lack of competition is probably why I will stick around for the immediate future. Played WoW for a few years, quit because it got old. Played Rift for a bit but it was too much like WoW. Coming from Aion, which is on it's last leg in NA. So the lack of serious competition is working towards BWs favor and buying them time to address their issues.

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Actually the fun not having everything handed to me :)


Really?? That's crazy because one of my main complaints is how much everything is handed to you. I mean my companions wear tionese and centurion and it's not like I even really try to farm it for them. Epics just fall from the sky in this game.


I bet anybody who has ever raided in this game has looked in their inventory at least once and found an epic they didn't even realize they had gotten.


I have never ever in any MMO leveled or geared this fast and easy, and I didn't remotely try to level or gear myself. It just. . . happened.

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A very telling statement, especially from a proponent of the game. I agree with this sentiment, though my response is quite the opposite. I didn't buy the game under the pretense that it was a nice SPRPG with coop elements unfortunately (nor am I happy at how accurate that statement is).


I more or less bought TOR under that assumption, personally. Loved KoTOR, was looking forward to playing more content in the Old Republic universe.

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My guild of IRL friends is the only thing making me consider still playing, and nothing else.


The class story element was good while leveling, but not good enough for me to want to put up with the grind of all the non-class quests again with an alt.


PvE end game is boring or buggy.


Daily missions are a boring grind, and some of them are broken anyway.


The graphics are OK, but the performance optimization is pretty bad.


PvP is fun with friends, until you factor in ability lag/unresponsiveness, TERRIBLE lottery reward system, and glitches not giving credit towards the daily/weekly for warzone victories.


The fact that BioWare feels like it's better to ship out more new content instead of fixing bugs in current content.


My sub runs out on the 19th. I wanted more reasons to try a 2nd month, so I said a couple days ago, "ok, if I get a piece of gear from a Champion bag, I'll just use that as a sign that I should resub." 10 bags later...no items. Not looking good!

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