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What keeps you playing this game?


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@urko: What are you looking for?

Ranking the "living MMOs" in terms of graphics:

1. Rift



4. WOW

Eve could be mixed in between 2 and 3. Honestly, the graphics are just find for an MMO. Its about performance, gameplay, features, mechanics, and keeping people engaged. Not about Battlefield 3 graphics.


What keeps me playing? They dont need to "keep me playing". I'll probably still be playing this game for a long long time. It is great, and the SWTOR launch is by far 100x better than WoW, than Rift...They did a good job. Less than one month, they are already pumping out a minor content patch? Pure win.


Good job Bioware.

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The fact that Rome wasn't built in a day ;)


SWG lasted 7 years, look how bad that landed - No mounts for half a year! The first speeder didn't hit half a year (maybe more) after that. And more bugs than you could imagine.


Time will tell i guess.

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I played most days starting from early access day 1. Reached 50 the first week even with all of the holiday obligations. Was out of town another 5-6 day. Still I've done most of the endgame content on normal and hard modes (not nightmare), most of the battlemaster grind, have several alts. . .


. . .and haven't been remotely motivated to log on for the past 3 days. I want to want to play the game, but its just too. . . shallow, in so many ways.


The only reason I'm not contemplating unsubbing is that I play one alt with a RL friend and I'll keep playing just to play with him.


TL;DR very little.

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1. because I enjoy it

2. its better then the other mmo's I play (Rift, WoW, LotrO)

3. I love Star wars

4. the lore and story is fantastic

5. I have a reason to lvl alts to see different sotrys

6. I am hoping they devlop the space combat into somthing like Jump to light speed in the future)

7. my guild is cool and fun to be in

8. I give games more then 1 month before i nerdrage about them

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I just unsubscribed..


... Why? I'll tell you why:


1) PvP is stale. The only way to get gear is by doing dailies / grinding WZ. I can't see the delayed patch changing it enough to make me subscribe. Oh, not to mention that half the time winning a warzone doesn't even count towards your quest objectives.


2) There's nothing this MMO has that other MMOs don't. Having played several others I need something different to keep me entertained. Maybe it's just that I'm over MMOs, I don't know.


Two rather significant defects, in my opinion. It might not be enough of a defect to stop you from playing, and if that's the case I hope you to continue to enjoy it.


Edit: This persons post above me sums it up pretty well:

TL;DR very little.
Edited by crazycantab
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@urko: What are you looking for?

Ranking the "living MMOs" in terms of graphics:

1. Rift



4. WOW


Not that it matters much but I would put LOTRO (hi-rez client) at the top of that list. I guess rift is kinda arguable but it looks way better than SWTOR, not even close to arguable (I really don't think rift is arguable either). The lighting/shadows in LOTRO is the best in any MMO hands down, the textures on 16x AF blow away anything on that list too. The environments are incredible to boot. I haven't played LOTRO in many months, but I still use screenshots from that game as my 2 desktop wallpapers cause they are so beautiful.


You are entitled to your opinion of course, but I think it's pretty rose-colored in this case.

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Not that it matters much but I would put LOTRO (hi-rez client) at the top of that list. I guess rift is kinda arguable but it looks way better than SWTOR, not even close to arguable (I really don't think rift is arguable either). The lighting/shadows in LOTRO is the best in any MMO hands down, the textures on 16x AF blow away anything on that list too. The environments are incredible to boot. I haven't played LOTRO in many months, but I still use screenshots from that game as my 2 desktop wallpapers cause they are so beautiful.


You are entitled to your opinion of course, but I think it's pretty rose-colored in this case.


not to mention the water effects are the best I've seen in any game fullstop

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I love Star Wars, enjoyed KOTOR a lot and had really a lot of fun playing Mass Effect and Dragon Age. I enjoy this game thoroughly because of how similar it is to the aforementioned, plus it's STAR WARS. And there's still so much to see - my first 2 chars are only level 25 / 26 by now and still in act 1 of their respective class story. I want to play all of the class stories, so given my current speed I'll be busy doing just that for another year or so.


Also I'm playing with my brother and a couple of friends, and not only is that already a great deal of fun, but also the community is really great, compared to the other mmog I used to play. I do especially like the fact that you can at times even read the general chat. Alright, there's the occasional LFM or LFG, but most of the people seem to enjoy typing coherent sentences all the time.


And I like that it doesn't feel like a mumorpurger much - it's more like a nice roleplaying game you just happen to play with other people around.

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