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Swtor's Secret Space Project Speculation


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That doesn't mean free flight. Could be still rails but giving you the option to sit on a turret while your companion pilots your ship (sounds familiar?. 1 word: KOTOR). Besides, my experience with what devs says about their projects and what players expects never is the same.


Said that, I must stress that free flight is the only thing worthy to be considered a significant gameplay change, not just space gameplay "expand". With huge staff reduction in development teams and all the issues with the game they must address, and considerering that ifree flight means rework the whole space up from the ground (no way to patch JTL code, or any other bizarre idea like that, into the game, forget that), I don't see BW rebuilding space in any way. Whatever they'll do will be worked on top (expand) of what already exists because is the easiest and cheapest path, thus will be rails.


Another reason why we won't see any significant change in rail space is because it was a strategic decission. They had time enough to implement free flight space but it was clear from early development stages of SWTOR that space wouldn't be free flight.


I'd love to see free flight in SWTOR. I'm sure would be a blast even if it is mouse contrlol flight (I love Freelancer). But I'm realistic and I don't have reasons to think that wie will have free flight not even in 2 years.




I'm not entirely convinced it will be free flight either.


However at this point if they don't come up with something that at least equals JTL then it will probably be viewed as a disapointment. They got away (to a degree) with the space "mini-game" for Live, but if they really want to grow SWTOR then whatever comes next has to be significantly better. At least equallying JTL or being completely innovative in a new way, not just updating Star Fox further.

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More than likely it will have the so called Multiplayer Twist they used in the past....I.E. group up with friends all in the same ship each person on there own turret. Probably could do Guild ships this way too as they are basically bigger ships with a lot more guns. Though you could probably even break it down even further to micromanage things. For example take the standard 4 man group composition. Have 2 people running the side mounted guns, 1 person avoiding things, & the other person taking over damage control. However would probably be better for everyone to be on their on turret.


Basically could have story mode Flash Points in space this way. Guess it really depends on the setup I reckon.



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space the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship bioware. It's 5 year lo mission to separate us from our money, to exploit its players with strange new money sinks, to seek out new ways of frustration, to boldly take gamers to where they have never gone before.


You will need this new special attachment to play the new improved space combat game.



best post ever!!

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In terms of a space combat related PVP gamemode, i think they should just rip Battlefront 2's space combat RIGHT out and plonk it into a PVP match.


  • Start off on faction ship (Either Republic or Empire obviously) and get in a ship and start dogfighting in OFF RAILS combat.
  • Head toward enemy ship and land in docking bay, jumping out and heading to the ship's defences (Shields etc)
  • After depleting enemy shields you work with your team to sabotage the hyperspace engine.
  • After the objective above has been completed you can place charges on the main engine and blow the ship sky high.


Bare in mind that this kind of gamemode would need around 30-40 player PVP game.


ok im not a pvp fan(hate it actually) and even i think thats a pretty good idea.

Edited by demonmana
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It will be something mind blowing. I guarantee it! :D YOULL SEE!!


Yeah, just like Ilum was right?! Whatever it is, I think the hype surrounding it will grossly exceed whatever is implemented.

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ok im not a pvp fan(hate it actually) and even i think thats a pretty good idea.


PvP in MMORPGs is a weird sort of math project and key mapping effort.


Space/air combat, is more a simulation. It is a truer, purer form of PvP combat. You really do need legit skills, not just button mashing nonsense. It requires a different kind of thinking, which is among the reasons why the younger set tends to hate it, even with a system is entirely decent.


I'll point to the differences in fans of World of Tanks vs. World of Warplanes (in beta.) The kids who love MMOs, love tanks, hate planes.

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My two cents- Space could substitute for a lot of wanted items.


Player housing, screw having planets with user made towns and super laggy cities (ala SWG), give US a variety of ships that are different sizes, shapes, colors, and can differ in stats. Inside give US different rooms with furniture/decoration options (maybe introduce a crew skill for that?).


Mini games, forget card games/swoop races (for now) give US random areas in space to explore (asteroids fields, random space stations, ect...). I think even just flying alone "off-rail" would be enough "fluff" for a while.


PVP, no infiltrating enemyships and disabling them (isn't that what the voidstar PVP almost is?) let it be space PVP! Shooting enemys down?; or up however u look at it. You could even have air space over ilum as a "dogfight" open PVP zone.


A side note too is for added "realism" I fully enjoyed in SWG making sure u didn't leave your ship on another planet. No flying into tat, taking a shuttle to hoth and magically your ship is there! Should only be a legacy unlock or exclusive to smugglers/agents since they can call there ship for a flyby :p .



Also if we have a ship with more than one turret allow us to bring a buddy along for double the damage.

Edited by CulinaryChemi
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My two cents- Space could substitute for a lot of wanted items.


Player housing, screw having planets with user made towns and super laggy cities (ala SWG), give US a variety of ships that are different sizes, shapes, colors, and can differ in stats. Inside give US different rooms with furniture/decoration options (maybe introduce a crew skill for that?).


Mini games, forget card games/swoop races (for now) give US random areas in space to explore (asteroids fields, random space stations, ect...). I think even just flying alone "off-rail" would be enough "fluff" for a while.


PVP, no infiltrating enemyships and disabling them (isn't that what the voidstar PVP almost is?) let it be space PVP! Shooting enemys down?; or up however u look at it. You could even have air space over ilum as a "dogfight" open PVP zone.


A side note too is for added "realism" I fully enjoyed in SWG making sure u didn't leave your ship on another planet. No flying into tat, taking a shuttle to hoth and magically your ship is there! Should only be a legacy unlock or exclusive to smugglers/agents since they can call there ship for a flyby :p .



Also if we have a ship with more than one turret allow us to bring a buddy along for double the damage.


this is exactly what I want form this space project :L

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I speculate it will produce a combination of yawning and raging, because too many people will expect it to be a combination of EVE and SWG JTL.


They could have just told us what it is.


Rather than have 6+ months of silence and speculation, with a few vague teasers.

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This thread again?!

Despite very busy threads of people saying how the single player rail game doesn't fit an MMORPG since before release. Despite complaints from the outset at how disappointing the space game turned out to be - even with low expectations set after hearing it was a tube shooter. Despite months of begging for details about what they hope to do with the space game, they remain suspiciously silent.


If it's staying on rails the short term fix would have other players able to control turrets and spin them around to face out to the side or rear of the craft while the pilot concentrates on piloting. Long term it has to come off the rails though.

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I would love a system close to SWG or XWA. My favorite thing about the Star Wars universe is the dog fighting/space battles. I'd specifically like to be in a fighter, instead of the Corvettes, Freighters, etc.


Even if it's not as good as what SWG had, I'd be happy with something similar to the "Rogue Squadron" series if it works better in a multiplayer mode.

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JTL but better, with SWTOR graphics, pretty please, thank you! :D


I would like to have the ship customizing and crafting aspects of JTL with the flight speed and mechanics of SWBFII. Add to that the spiffiness of SWTOR graphics and... Well... I may never set for on the ground again. :)

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In terms of a space combat related PVP gamemode, i think they should just rip Battlefront 2's space combat RIGHT out and plonk it into a PVP match.


  • Start off on faction ship (Either Republic or Empire obviously) and get in a ship and start dogfighting in OFF RAILS combat.
  • Head toward enemy ship and land in docking bay, jumping out and heading to the ship's defences (Shields etc)
  • After depleting enemy shields you work with your team to sabotage the hyperspace engine.
  • After the objective above has been completed you can place charges on the main engine and blow the ship sky high.


Bare in mind that this kind of gamemode would need around 30-40 player PVP game.


I would never unsub if they added something like this!

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seriously why has there been no news bout this yet, its been half an year and they still haven't told us anything D:


There was supposed to be some coming "soon" a while ago........... but it's still not "soon", I guess. :(

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Considering that they laid off half the staff in Austin you can be assured that this project was canned too.


That would have been a issue if it was not for the fact that it was a team at Bioware Edmonton that made the rail game and with Mass Effect 3 finished they were probably put back onto swtor's space game.

Edited by Chronium
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