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Swtor's Secret Space Project Speculation


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A massive revamp of space to do an off rails space simulator is not likely.


I would gladly like to be proven wrong, but I doubt that i am incorrect.


Why would they do a space revamp?


People are not unsubbing for space and the amount of people that would come back because of it will be irrelevent because players numbers will be high after F2P.


While it would be awesome to us, this game is focused on the business transaction more than game play.

They will make tons of money from vanity items from the online store now.


I dont see the beneft of such a feature from the financial aspect. It would be exciting for the current players but we already pay for less, and i dont see it affecting sub numbers enough to make the cost or effort worth it.

Edited by kirorx
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A massive revamp of space to do an off rails space simulator is not likely.


I would gladly like to be proven wrong, but I doubt that i am incorrect.


Why would they do a space revamp?


People are not unsubbing for space and the amount of people that would come back because of it will be irrelevent because players numbers will be high after F2P.


While it would be awesome to us, this game is focused on the business transaction more than game play.

They will make tons of money from vanity items from the online store now.


I dont see the beneft of such a feature from the financial aspect. It would be exciting for the current players but we already pay for less, and i dont see it affecting sub numbers enough to make the cost or effort worth it.


I think it will attract alot of new players, or returning players. Just because it isn't mentioned as one of the factors why people left, imo it still a huge downside of this game and another reason why people left. It's just outshined by the amount of bugs and endgame content where people whined about.

But come one..you had a Star Wars MMO before this one which had open space. I mean how can you as a developer of a huge Star Wars MMO not include space? Wait... lets just add a railshooter space thing so that people will have an option to play in space! Ye great idea..not.


And if you really think that it's a great idea to focus on business transactions for silly vanity items instead of REAL content (Like open space), then this game is lost. How much i hate to admit that, i still like the game and i will continue to play. But if the developers think pomping out content in terms of vanity items is the way to go, then the game will sink even further.

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A massive revamp of space to do an off rails space simulator is not likely.


I would gladly like to be proven wrong, but I doubt that i am incorrect.


Why would they do a space revamp?


People are not unsubbing for space and the amount of people that would come back because of it will be irrelevent because players numbers will be high after F2P.


While it would be awesome to us, this game is focused on the business transaction more than game play.

They will make tons of money from vanity items from the online store now.


I dont see the beneft of such a feature from the financial aspect. It would be exciting for the current players but we already pay for less, and i dont see it affecting sub numbers enough to make the cost or effort worth it.


I do think you are pretty much on the money ... I'm still in denial though. I figure next iteration will be a Facebook app.

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I don't know what it might be but I think Bioware are being foolish hinted that something is happening and not saying what. It gives people a chance to speculate that it will be great and then when it turns out to be less than expected people will feel short changed.


I think you hit the nail on the head. People get hyped up and their fantastic imaginations start to run wild. Sometimes I wonder if the community should take some of the blame because they come up with some truely awesome ideas without any hard facts as to whether or not it is even possible with this engine. But as you said Bioware allows these unfettered imaginations/speculations to go unchecked by only revealing a very very very small glimpse into what they are adding to the space content.


Little info + Players Imagination = Dissappointment :(

----> this is not always true but I see it happen alot

Edited by stockra
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I think you hit the nail on the head. People get hyped up and their fantastic imaginations start to run wild. Sometimes I wonder if the community should take some of the blame because they come up with some truely awesome ideas without any hard facts as to whether or not it is even possible with this engine. But as you said Bioware allows these unfettered imaginations/speculations to go unchecked by only revealing a very very very small glimpse into what they are adding to the space content.


Little info + Players Imagination = Dissappointment :(

----> this is not always true but I see it happen alot




They should have just come out with whatever the SSSP is.


If it's a JTL expansion then wonderful.


If it's 8 more missions then at least we'd know. :)

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Unless they remake it to the effect of space combat in Battlefront 2 this will be viewed as a waste of time and resources when they could be making other areas of the game that are severely lacking better. In fact, I find find the very idea that they announced this change taking place offensive since I still get stuck multiple times trying to walk from point A to B.
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It's such a super huge mega secret that the people working on it forgot it existed.


I sometimes wonder if there are more lines in this thread then there are lines of code written for a "Super Secret Space" project.


Sure, I wish there was one. I want it to happen. However, this game has taught me to expect the worst and receive even less, so I'm trying to be realistic.

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They should have just come out with whatever the SSSP is.


If it's a JTL expansion then wonderful.


If it's 8 more missions then at least we'd know. :)


i think it will be in between there. IE free flying space combat but in a warzone type scenerio.

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Unless they remake it to the effect of space combat in Battlefront 2 this will be viewed as a waste of time and resources when they could be making other areas of the game that are severely lacking better. In fact, I find find the very idea that they announced this change taking place offensive since I still get stuck multiple times trying to walk from point A to B.



True, but space done well is something that will be amazing.

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Hey Forum,


Firstly let me direct your attention to this link.




"We also have a special project going on right now that will expand space gameplay in a significant way..."


What do you guys think this 'Special Project' will turn out to be?...personally i think it might be some sort of pvp based OFF RAILS space combat.


Please understand that this thread is for pure speculation and nothing here will be confirmed unless posted by a developer.


Let the speculation begin...



(Just putting this up to my main post since it's my 'big' idea.


In terms of a space combat related PVP gamemode, i think they should just rip Battlefront 2's space combat RIGHT out and plonk it into a PVP match.


Start off on faction ship (Either Republic or Empire obviously) and get in a ship and start dogfighting in OFF RAILS combat.

1. Head toward enemy ship and land in docking bay, jumping out and heading to the ship's defences (Shields etc)

2. After depleting enemy shields you work with your team to sabotage the hyperspace engine.

3. After the objective above has been completed you can place charges on the main engine and blow the ship sky high.


Bare in mind that this kind of gamemode would need around 30-40 player PVP game.


Its dead jim.

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Direct drop to planet is also another plausible option I admit ;)


Actually freeroaming would cost nearly nothing to Bioware : they already have all the assets, the coordinates, and the ship gameplay. All they would have to do is to create a bunch of mission hubs like Jump to Lightspeed, except you wouldn't be forced to trigger them from the ground.


Hell, they even already have all the targets in all the existing ships and fregates/destroyers (shield generator, command center, turrets, etc) necessary for full-scale space battle strategies (like group battles, squadron Red shooting shield gens, blue shooting turrets, green unloading ground missions into the ship, etc).

All they have to do is turn off the rails ;)


edit : the problem with Escape Pod dropping to random planet zones is that it's not necessary. Planets are not huge enough for them to implement what would just be taxi-skipping, monthes before such an extension. Plus, why would it be called "Escape" Pod ? ;)


But why direct drop to a planet with an escape pod??? Why abandon ship??? Makes no sense considering all of these ships can land on the planet anyway...

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Something along the lines of that classical game Elite. Thousands of planets, all with random names. Moving cargo around, occasional fights with various enemies. And docking the space station requires you to match movement and rotation, by hand :)
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Its dead jim.


I've never understood these ideas where people have you running all over the ship to disable systems like the hyperdrive or the shields if you're just going to blow up the ship anyway.


Why do you even have to land on the thing if you're going to blow it up? You can do that just as well from space. Probably more easily, actually.

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Something along the lines of that classical game Elite. Thousands of planets, all with random names. Moving cargo around, occasional fights with various enemies. And docking the space station requires you to match movement and rotation, by hand :)


There was a reason the autopilot was the best upgrade you could get. :D

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Of course it's PVP. Erikson said as much in a recent interview with Darth Hater, I think it was...

Not in so many words, but he gave us a "clue", something to the effect of there not being much point revamping space missions for players if "no one else could see it" .


Trust me, it's happening. It's a hugely misguided allocation of resources, if you ask me, but it's coming.

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Of course it's PVP. Erikson said as much in a recent interview with Darth Hater, I think it was...

Not in so many words, but he gave us a "clue", something to the effect of there not being much point revamping space missions for players if "no one else could see it" .


Trust me, it's happening. It's a hugely misguided allocation of resources, if you ask me, but it's coming.


Again though, one of the few things that could offset the huge negative PR of going F2P would be to annouce a JTL style expansion.


And EA PR departments don't miss a trick........ which leads to less them optimistic conclusions.

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JTL? I'm not familiar with that acronym...


Bioware has a lot riding on this space thing, so I would 't worry too much about them fumbling it this time around. The problem is that there are a huge number of other things they should have focused on before PVP in space, and in doing so they've once again shown to be desperately trying to appease the community, a sure tell sign of weakness for a developer.


If they would have stopped to think for two seconds they would have realized the reason ppl are all up in arms about the current space game isn't because it's somehow intrinsically flawed (OMG it's on rails!), but because it's the ONLY (mini) game in town.


Integrating Pazaak into the game would have been a much less costly, more time efficient solution to the problem.

Edited by mourasantos
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