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Poor Republic Players Have to Stare at this in their own fleet!


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bioware: Bringing a new level of laziness to mmos


Just FYI, this isn't the first MMO that has done this. Many MMOs in the past have used a stock environment to use as reflections.


I do find it humorous that the stock environment for the fleet is the Empire fleet, though.


However, as a Republic player, I really can't find myself to care about this. Seems like something silly to cry about, honestly.

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I noticed that too. I wasn't even surprised. I'd actually be far more surprised if it WASN'T a shoddy quick job.


Because that's what it is. A shoddy, quick, cheap programming job.



Edit: But what game DOESN'T have this in some form? Seen three rocks in oblivion. The rest were the same. Lets picket Bethesda over it.

Edited by Kaverf
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Well, if you want to see the outside of the flee:


- Que up for battlegrounds


- Stand on the railing that keeps you from falling to your death in the center of your fleet ship


- When you get the invite, jump and click the button to join the battleground


- When the battleground is over you'll be at the bottom of the ship


- Use the /stuck command and find yourself floating in space next to a dead body, looking at the fleet and you get a notice that you're in an Imperial quest area. That's right, the Repubic fleet is an Imperial quest area.


I'm not sure what the body is about, really, but it's sort of cool. :D

Edited by Teufelpanzer
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Oh, look, one more proof the devs created the empire content 1st and the republic ended up with scraps and cost cuts with the deadline approaching.


I certainly didn't see this coming. Nope.

Edited by Chomag
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Six pages strong.

Stop staring at the floors (and droid's heads) at fleet. Play the game.

"A feature, not a bug it is." ~Yoda


Yea people, play the game without looking at things and we will all be fine.

Hey Noblis can I have a BioWare sticker? Or a ballpen?

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If anyone still has doubts about Bioware's position about the Imperial vs. republic just watch the three cinimatics that are on the game's character selection.


Without a doubt two make the Sith side look awesome.


Even the one that is suppose to "show case" the republic has them getting their butts handed to them. It ends with the quote "every battle there are fewer of us left to wage the fight" (hope I got it right).


So there you have it BW's plan for SWTOR clearly put forth in game video cinemas.

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Ah, that might explain why the fleets are so chunky laggy sucky.


Both sides use the same instance, by any chance, and the grafics are superimposed?



Sounds to me like one of those ideas. You know, fantastic while you're drunk.




they do probarbly use the same reflection map tho.

And that is most likely just a leftover from development that they forgot to do (as in they made the imperial one first and then forgot to change the reflection map when they made the republic one)

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If anyone still has doubts about Bioware's position about the Imperial vs. republic just watch the three cinimatics that are on the game's character selection.


Without a doubt two make the Sith side look awesome.


Even the one that is suppose to "show case" the republic has them getting their butts handed to them. It ends with the quote "every battle there are fewer of us left to wage the fight" (hope I got it right).


So there you have it BW's plan for SWTOR clearly put forth in game video cinemas.


Oh just stop it...


no game designer in their right mind would ever make one side more attractive then the other on purpose...


The problem here is rather that most people think the "evil" side looks cooler. Its bloody hard to get todays demographics to like the jedi in general since theyre hardly "go-getters" to begin with and add to that the fact that they all look like monks in brown robes its not hard to see why people would pick the "bad boys" with black leather and evil looking masks...

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We just placed holo-images of the Imperial standard on the floors of our station so we could grind it beneath our boots on a regular basis. Nothing like stamping on an imperial banner to brighten your day.


Yes.. it was all carefully planned by the Jedi council themselves.

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Wow... just seriously wow Bioware. I officially hate you. It doesn't help all our mirrored classes favor the empire, or that the Republic fleet looks like somebody took a huge **** and smeared it all over the walls and floors. But this?


I quit.

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i have no idea where the reflections anywhere come from but they dont come from the surrounding world.


go around a corner and look at the reflection on the ground. it should shou the wall of the corner but instead you get something from the distance behind the blind corner. or like in this case, the lazy designers joke.

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Wow... just seriously wow Bioware. I officially hate you. It doesn't help all our mirrored classes favor the empire, or that the Republic fleet looks like somebody took a huge **** and smeared it all over the walls and floors. But this?


I quit.


Bioware and EA do not have a customer support team. The Developers are not listening to any of our complaints. We are entirely ignored. We just have to deal with it, or unsubscribe.


Your signature tells me you do not know what the dev tracker is.



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I'm apparently easy to please, becasue I'm just impressed there are reflections off droid heads. Hopefully, they'll get this info and fix it. However, I did find it a bit sad how similar the two fleets are. I would have liked them to have unique structure and shape.
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Ok.. http://i.imgur.com/9Mkaa.jpg


Look at the droid. If you can seriously look at that droid's helmet and say that you can barely tell that the reflection on it is in fact not the Republic Fleet interior and architecture, but the Emperial, then in my opinion you should have your eyes checked.


If you use these kind of advanced reflections that basicly work like a full fledged mirror, you just can't copy paste the cubemap for those reflections to an area identical in size and shape, but completely different in colour and design. Brown and yellow is not black and red. I can't really put it any more simple than that.


This must only affect those that play looking down at the top of droids heads.

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