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How do you feel about Swtor


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Pretty much agree with most points.


Just waiting on GW2 and or D3 release announcements now.


Don't get me wrong, the game is a decent all in all. It's just really bland in the end and the engine just is not good enough for this genre. It also don't help that BW is a total closed shop and they rarely if ever even talk to us.


Guess I am spoiled from other MMO devs who really want to retain customers.


Oh well.



But I do give them credit: this has to be the best single player MMO I have ever played. Story is exceptionally good! But after 50, it disappears and it ends up being just another run the mill gear grind game and it doesn't even do that terribly well. :(

Edited by fixit
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it made me appreciate WOW more and thus made me resubscribe my WOW sub


good for you !!! and even better for us !!! please, please go back to grinding the SAME 4 hour button mashing runs every two weeknights with 19 other people over and over in the next 6 months !!!

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I feel like an idiot falling for all the hype. I really wanted to enjoy this game, hence why i bought the collectors edition, but I'm not enjoying myself. I'll probably be back in 6 - 12 months and give it another shot IF they add content worth coming back to.
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good for you !!! and even better for us !!! please, please go back to grinding the SAME 4 hour button mashing runs every two weeknights with 19 other people over and over in the next 6 months !!!


And thats different from this how? This is the same, you get a group, mash buttons, get loot, as long as your abilities actually work...

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The more I think about upcoming games like Tera and GW2 the more I think about unsibbing :( Man I wanted to commit to a Star Wars MMO for longer then any other MMO I played (usually after 3-6 months i get bored and move on) Trying to talk myself into holding off till march cause I know once I unsub I RARELY come back
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Just stopped playing after a while, lost intrest pretty fast (lvl 45).


I don't know whats the worst, the people bashing the game or the people who claim it's a perfect game without any issues, bashing on every form of criticism...


And performance issues are a fact, like my computer starts making industrial fan sounds when playing SWTOR with high (=medium ??) settings while i can play alot of bigger and better looking games without it.

Seriously, my comp sound like it's gonna take off into the sky one day...

Edited by Elgierro
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And thats different from this how? This is the same, you get a group, mash buttons, get loot, as long as your abilities actually work...


of course, skipping the entire grand epic storyline, huge crafting system that falls in between level 1, and what you speak of.


really - if you have rushed into 'endgame', its your problem. i have got only 1 char up to level 37 yet, and i havent done any flashpoint. nor do i care about it.

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And thats different from this how? This is the same, you get a group, mash buttons, get loot, as long as your abilities actually work...


Enako is obviously a trolling fanboy who will defend the game to the death because they cant honestly take a look at it. I am a huge star wars fanboy ,HUGE , but now that the "o.O yay Star Wars" shiny has worn off I am seeing how lacking it is.

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Enako is obviously a trolling fanboy who will defend the game to the death because they cant honestly take a look at it. I am a huge star wars fanboy ,HUGE , but now that the "o.O yay Star Wars" shiny has worn off I am seeing how lacking it is.


sure ! i have to be a fanboy.


i cannot be someone who has been gaming since 1981, played every groundbreaking game when it was out, been on every important mmo launch/early access, practically done everything from participating in starcraft ladders to 40 man raids .............


surely, one has to be a fanboy.


'star wars shiny' -> the 'star wars shiny' on kotor 1, kotor 2 has not worn off yet. do you even know what these are ? no. you dont.


so just keep your comments to yourself until you acquire a greater life experience in gaming.

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of course, skipping the entire grand epic storyline, huge crafting system that falls in between level 1, and what you speak of.


really - if you have rushed into 'endgame', its your problem. i have got only 1 char up to level 37 yet, and i havent done any flashpoint. nor do i care about it.


I have not got a character to 24 yet, I tried each class to 20 messed about in PvP to see which direction I want to head in and what class I want to be for the long term (I never played the Beta) I was planning on starting my first character in the next few days. Need to see how server populations are after the first month quitters quit. But most MMOs are the same at end game, you get a group usually with your guild to avoid loot issues. Raid on Days X, Y and Z, Press buttons 1-= in a repetitive manner to maximise your output, get loot and do it all again the next day. Its part of the genre and whether its WoW, SWTOR or whatever the basis is the same

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First off, I've been advised not to read the forums (this appears to be a really good idea after reading a few of these posts)


Second, I like the game.


That's it? Maybe I should expand on that last statement:


I play with my family and have had a great time with the four person heroic/flashpoint missions.


The cut scenes for the quests (though they slow down play) are entertaining.


Some aspects of the game are new and dynamic which sets SWTOR apart from the others.


Will I be going back to RIFT or WOW (or pine for SWG)?

No, I'm happy here.


Thanks for your attention. Have a great time with the game!

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you get a group usually with your guild to avoid loot issues. Raid on Days X, Y and Z, Press buttons 1-= in a repetitive manner to maximise your output, get loot and do it all again the next day. Its part of the genre and whether its WoW, SWTOR or whatever the basis is the same


it isnt 'part of the genre'. its only so in the minds of the wow/everquest conditioned crowd.


it is what it is - wow/eq type loot grinding.


it does not 'define' genre, it is not 'part' of the genre. it is just a SUB genre.


there are many mmo games out there, ranging from doofus to second life. compared to the investment put into the game and the money goes around in the game, second life tramples wow. if they had a megacorp like vivendi behind them, the revenue going around in between PLAYERs' hands in second life would rival massive megacorporations.


so, there are A LOT Of different mmos. its not just 'wow/eq' clones. its just that you people have always played such games, and think mmo means these. NO.

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LMFAO see that up there to the left? Thats my REAL name. You can find some information on the internet and find out ive been around the block a few times. Now go hide behind your anonymity and @#$% off. Bad game is bad. and thanks for convincing me to cancel my sub. Truely curious so see what tor's numbers are tomorrow :(
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You must have lost your mind some where. I played Rift from beta and played for almost year after, its graphics are not better than this games, its the epitomy of cartoony, the armor looks like crap as well. WoW always had horrible graphics in my book that why me and alot of my guild wont play it, its horrible looking. Talk about a broken piece of crap game rift, has major class unbalances, broken/and or boring story lines and crap raid quests. Plus they got hacked serveral times and peoples accounts got stolen including friends of mine. So no Rift isnt good or even close to being as good as this game.


This game is new still and Bioware is working on adding fixes and new content, you trollers from Rift Wow etc etc who are trying to turn people against this game you are oblivious to a good MMO any ways so your opinion is crap. Its obvious alot of you posting are either fan boys worried about losing your guildies to this game or your working for said MMO's trying to bolster animosity for this game . Give it up most mature MMO players like me know that new games take time to work out the bugs. So go troll some where else we DONT want to hear your opinion.


I agree, this game would have been heads and tails better than every other game... 7 years ago. By today's standards, not only graphically, but feature-wise. This game is just not up to par. It's a fairly decent single player RPG, but it can't compete in the MMO world.

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Ive read alot of these posts, and have been playing mmos for over half of my life.


With that being said I would like to comment on some of the things people have been saying. One gentleman said he would rank this game a 6. Really, I mean maybe in 1987 but this is 2012 graphics far exceed anything this game has to offer.


The cut scenes, they are cool I guess. I mean after first it was like yeah this is awesome. But then it becomes so repetitive that you end up just space baring through everything all together. So the interest there is short live.


The pvp. PVP the warzones are completely awesome, in my opinion its the most fun thing in the game. However, the character animation studder, the cc, and the afkers ruin this whole experience.


But, meh I leveled to 50 anyway with all of these issues.


I got to 50 started doing hardmodes. And while i can do them with my guild, no average player will ever be able to complete one in a pug, its just not going to happen. Each boss has mechanics that take some coordination, and without it you hit the rage time and everyone goes splat anyway.


Agro in this game is in my opinion lacking. I play with an extremely good tank, but even with guard I can pull off him if I choose to. Sometimes if I don't choose to.


Someone also said this game isn't better than rift. Ok please explain why its not?


Rift has a soul system, it has good graphics, it has a responsive team on the forums, the only thing it doesn't have is a cut scene that you have to wait on everyone to get through in an instance, and honestly I think I could do without those RP scenes.


Remember in WoW when you first killed the Lich King you were like oh man yeye, then you saw the video. After the first time how many people just exited out of the video or afked during the video.


Is this game fun, sure it is.


Is it the next big thing, not to most veteran mmo players.

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