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Need Tech Help - Computer won't turn back on.


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I bought this computer recently.




It has been running the game great since I got it a few weeks ago. However, last night I thought I smelled something weird. It smelled like something was burning, or melting. Then suddenly, my computer just shut down, and will not turn back on.


I had no idea what happen, and tried to search it up. The only thing I have found is that the power supply probably overheated and melted, or blew itself out?


The fans, nor anything else will even attempt to turn on when I hit the power button.


This would probably mean that the power supply just went out, not that my Motherboard, or CPU melted, right? Thanks to anyone who replies.

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Known issue with SWTOR - it's overheating our CPUs/GPUs.


You should try replacing your PSU - hopefully that's all that died.


The cause is the hero engine. Posting info on what it's doing below -


SWTOR is thrashing our harddrives by trying to load a ton of textures all at once (most noticeable in high population areas like fleet and warzones) -


Actually, Brad Wardell did, it was caused by the game attempting to render to many polygons simultaneously for ships (something along the lines of several hundred billions of polygons per second)...


...High end cards have features that CAN and ARE accidently taken beyond their limits by bad coding on the side of developers. I pointed out that it only occurs on the higher end, because the common excuse is "don't occur for me, and I'm only on a [low end card], which should overheat more, right?". And thusly, there is a reason that low end cards don't overheat, and high end ones do, but to an average person that seems illogical. Hence the explanation.


This is pretty much what SWTOR is doing when we enter areas like fleet, and warzones - it's thrashing our harddrives; trying to pull large amounts of texture data all at once from our harddrives. This has been confirmed by Stephen Reid.


Appearance of paging due to thrashing when trying to pull large amounts of high-res texture data at once, per Mr. Reid




The problem is in the coding of SWTOR, and it's causing our faster rigs some damage by making them work too hard just because they can.

Edited by lollie
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You know something is just wrong when my old computer can handle the game "fine" but modern ones are melting. Oh... the irony.


<edit> If your hardware can't run at 100% something is wrong with it, most likely very poor cooling. Wouldn't be a shocker to know you OC'ed the CPU/RAM/GFX as well.

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Thanks for the reply. I just brought that page up, I will read it in just a moment. So are you saying it might be that my CPU blew out then, instead of my Power Supply?


Hopefully not, hopefully your computer shut down in time and it's just the PSU that melted. Your motherboard could be in danger though if temps got really high before your computer was able to shut down, so check that too.

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If your hardware can't run at 100% something is wrong with it, most likely very poor cooling


The problem is SWTOR can ramp the heat up really quickly - faster than anything I've ever seen. Something is very wrong with this engine.


This fast heat increase is something a standard cooling system wouldn't be able to stop once it got to a certain point - it's fast, I've seen it.

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The problem is SWTOR can ramp the heat up really quickly - faster than anything I've ever seen. Something is very wrong with this engine.


This fast heat increase is something a standard cooling system wouldn't be able to stop once it got to a certain point - it's fast, I've seen it.


SWTOR does not run in ring 0 or ring 1. It cannot push a GPU or CPU beyond what it would normally go up to or slow the fans down. It does not kill computers, bad cooling kills computers.

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Short story: the game has a tendency to fry high-end systems and is generally causing severe problems for alot of players ("alot" being defined as more than just the rare freak occurrence - any 'biodrone' defending Bioware in this matter is ignorant of the problem and without fundamental empathy). In all honesty I'm sorry to hear about your potential burn-out of your rig, but sadly the game can cause this and does it on a far more regular basis than any other game I've seen in years.


It's a shame but I'd advise anyone against investing in SWTOR if they intend to play it on a laptop or high-end rig; the potential costs far outweighs the potential destruction the game can cause.

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Capping framerate with either 'enable vsync' in the graphics options or capping framerate with a gpu monitoring tool will most likely stop the worst of the heat issues. It reduced GPU temperature by 5-10c for me, but I wasn't running that hot in the first place. Good luck!
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Capping framerate with either 'enable vsync' in the graphics options or capping framerate with a gpu monitoring tool will most likely stop the worst of the heat issues. It reduced GPU temperature by 5-10c for me, but I wasn't running that hot in the first place. Good luck!


This will help a little yes. I used Dxtory to limit my fps (it's nicer than using VSync).

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Capping framerate with either 'enable vsync' in the graphics options or capping framerate with a gpu monitoring tool will most likely stop the worst of the heat issues. It reduced GPU temperature by 5-10c for me, but I wasn't running that hot in the first place. Good luck!


Even the best rigs only run this engine at 70-90fps anyway, the kind of thing you guys are talking about would have to be in the hundreds. Like for instance if I load up half life 2 I average 230fps unless I enable v-sync.

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Even the best rigs only run this engine at 70-90fps anyway


I was happily getting 90fps to 110fps (with 70fps - 120fps outliers) before the Jan 6th patch of doom. I limited my fps to 80fps using an outside app to help cope with this fail patch on a fail engine, where no problem existed for me before that patch.

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Even the best rigs only run this engine at 70-90fps anyway, the kind of thing you guys are talking about would have to be in the hundreds. Like for instance if I load up half life 2 I average 230fps unless I enable v-sync.

Hundreds of fps isn't quite right - the game itself caps at about 110 fps as far as I can tell, and I'm sitting at 100+ outside fleet which drops to 50ish - but going from 110 fps to 60-80 is not a small deal.

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