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For all the people who are re-subcribing


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However, the overall negative vibe I've been feeling from the forums is quite the opposite of what I've been feeling ingame.


This, this, and this. A million times this. This at 2x10 to the 18th power (and massive nerd points if you know what that is).


I play every day and I run into people all over who want help, need help, have fun and just really enjoy the game.


Then I come to the forums and run into people who want to whine, need to complain, grind axes and make sure everyone knows they don't enjoy the game.


For anyone reading this that's not a subscriber yet:


Don't base your opinion of the game on what any of these mouthbreathers say. Don't base it on what I say. Either try it yourself or bug a friend to let you try it, if you're on the fence about buying it. Make up your own mind.

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You are actually wrong my friend.


Unsubscribed; Proof.




SWTOR isn't installed anymore; Proof.





So it's safe to say you are wrong on all counts.



Wow... I was unaware that you = most people.


I wouldn't go as far as to say most, as the guy you quoted did, but there are plenty of people who lie about canceling.


I'll remember your name though, just to check if you're lying too. ;)

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Don't base your opinion of the game on what any of these mouthbreathers say. Don't base it on what I say. Either try it yourself or bug a friend to let you try it, if you're on the fence about buying it. Make up your own mind.


Which is why I got as many of my friends into the mass beta that I could. They all loved it, and only a few of them haven't bought the game yet cause of money issues (broke college students). A free demo within the next few weeks would be a definitive PR boost to counter all the forum hate.

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I have my doubts about how many of the complainers will actually quit but, it would be for the best. Who wants a game filled with people who complain more than they play. That being said, I'll happily mock the ones who get overdramatic about their whining starting this weekend.


It was fairly easy to understand what would and wouldn't be in the game prior to pre-release. If you have had played it post release for over a month and are still here, you need to accept the game's design. Actual bugs (not features you dislike or wish they added) and promised features still undelivered being the only real exceptions.

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And you obviously have some highly intelligent opinions of the game that everyone needs to hear. We are saying goodbye to the trolls on these forums and you know who they are. Not everyone who enjoys a game is a mindless fanboy.


Just saying.


99% of this community is one or the other. The other 1% who have an open mind and try to rationalise the issues are flamed or shot down by either the whiners or the fan boys. The 2 arent any different, they both troll and have closed minds. Their opinions are the only thing that matters.


Dont believe, do some reading.

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99% of this community is one or the other. The other 1% who have an open mind and try to rationalise the issues are flamed or shot down by either the whiners or the fan boys. The 2 arent any different, they both troll and have closed minds. Their opinions are the only thing that matters.


Dont believe, do some reading.


Where can I read about your made-up statistics?

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I'm okay with constructive criticism and intelligent/rational feedback. However, the overall negative vibe I've been feeling from the forums is quite the opposite of what I've been feeling ingame. Maybe it's because I'm on a populated server, playing in an active guild, DOING things and having fun for what the game is...who knows.


Sometimes, I feel as though I could avoid 99.9% of the crap on these forums if there were only Server forum sections (other than avoiding the forums completely of course >.<). Then, I wouldn't have to deal with (AS MANY) cry babies from whatever crappy place they came from. Not to mention all of the trolls wouldn't be grouped up into one big general section. Meh. Wishful thinking. :)


Hehehe, this :D


What whiners think they sound like



This doesn't go for the people who actually post constructive criticism about the game though.

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99% of this community is one or the other. The other 1% who have an open mind and try to rationalise the issues are flamed or shot down by either the whiners or the fan boys. The 2 arent any different, they both troll and have closed minds. Their opinions are the only thing that matters.


Dont believe, do some reading.


But when and i am sorry to take the maturity card here :eek: and that is disregarding age btw


When most post that complains do just show an insane amount of self entitlement /special snowflake syndrome calling small bugs gamebreaking and that pink fluffy unicorns aint avaible in this game.

I would call that crowd the 1 %


critisism is always good and i dont say the game have bugs but on this game i gotta say it does really show how spoiled and instant gratified complex some players have become

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