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Would Mace Windu be considered a "Dark Jedi"?


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Title says it all.

If not than are there any other examples of such?


No, Mace was not a Dark Jedi.


He had learned to master his emotions and turn them into a weapon.


Straighter examples of Dark Jedi would be Exar Kun pre-Dxun, Ulic Qel-Droma while infiltrating the Kranth, Quinlan Voss, A'sharad Hett, Anakin Skywalker.

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Tricky one, this.


'Dark Jedi' is usually a name for any force-user who uses a lightsaber and has fallen to the Dark Side - but is not a Sith.


Windu was a Jedi Master. He was a Jedi Master that was closer to the Dark Side than usual, but he didn't use the Dark Side and he never fell to the Dark Side. So, he was always a Jedi.


The awkward things about the examples given above (except for Quinlan Vos, I think) is that they all became Sith, so it's unclear if they qualify as 'dark Jedi'.

Edited by smartalectwo
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Tricky one, this.


'Dark Jedi' is usually a name for any force-user who uses a lightsaber and has fallen to the Dark Side - but is not a Sith.


Windu was a Jedi Master. He was a Jedi Master that was closer to the Dark Side than usual, but he didn't use the Dark Side and he never fell to the Dark Side. So, he was always a Jedi.


The awkward things about the examples given above (except for Quinlan Vos, I think) is that they all became Sith, so it's unclear if they qualify as 'dark Jedi'.


It's a slippery slope. Almost all of them became Sith at some point, but Quinlan did not, he went off on his own to raise a family.


Ulic had to be stripped from the Force in order to begin his path to redemption, killing his brother Cay was where he drew the line and spent the rest of his life in exile.


We all know the story of Anakin though, we all know he got redeemed in the end as well, even if his redemption lasted a shorter time than Ulic's.

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It's a slippery slope. Almost all of them became Sith at some point, but Quinlan did not, he went off on his own to raise a family.


Ulic had to be stripped from the Force in order to begin his path to redemption, killing his brother Cay was where he drew the line and spent the rest of his life in exile.


We all know the story of Anakin though, we all know he got redeemed in the end as well, even if his redemption lasted a shorter time than Ulic's.




ohh interesting I had forgetten about Anakin. So pretty much him pre-Vader to a degree at least

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ohh interesting I had forgetten about Anakin. So pretty much him pre-Vader to a degree at least


Aye, I'd say just about anything you see of Anakin in episode 3 before the showdown between Palps and Windu would classify him as a Dark Jedi (even though he was far, far less whiny than he was in Ep 2, and actually showed the ability to think rationally in the beginning of the movie)

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Im sorry...I laughed at the title...



Im going to hell arent I?


(I would say he was..."close" as he created Juyo, a rather radical and dangerous form because you used your emotions which could be bad...but he was a master and could control himself easier.)

Edited by Bobinator
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Im sorry...I laughed at the title...



Im going to hell arent I?


(I would say he was..."close" as he created Juyo, a rather radical and dangerous form because you used your emotions which could be bad...but he was a master and could control himself easier.)


He created and used Vapaad, not Juyo. A style that requires you to allow yourself to enjoy the fight in short, Mace was the only Jedi who managed to practice the style without falling.


EDIT: Fun fact that has nothing to do with this, Mace Windu wields a purple saber because purple is Samuel L. Jackson's favourite colour and he specifically asked George Lucas for it. So we can thank Sam himself for those sweet purple sabers.

Edited by Krusedullfaen
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^ Yes I heard that about the lightsaber as well. Thanks Mr Jackson!


And without starting another thread, can someone tell me why the republic has a cyan saber instead of purple? Who used a cyan saber in any of the movies or extended universe I would like to know

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Title says it all.

If not than are there any other examples of such?


Dark Jedi does not mean a jedi that is a bit darker and has more emotions, it means a dark side force user that does not follow the cult of the sith.


The common misconception is that Sith is a broad term for all dark side force users, the sith are a specfic cult of dark side force users.

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He was pretty close to falling. He'd decided to commit treason and circumvent the laws of the Republic by assaulting the Supreme Chancellor and--if necessary--seizing control of the Senate itself. Due process, Windu says? What's that? If Skywalker hadn't stopped Windu, it's likely Windu would have killed Palpatine outright because he simply couldn't be bothered to do things right. That sort of shoddy moral justification is exactly what leads people astray.


Palpatine would have won either way. If he were killed by Windu, the Jedi would have simply become the very thing they were trying to fight.

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He was pretty close to falling. He'd decided to commit treason and circumvent the laws of the Republic by assaulting the Supreme Chancellor and--if necessary--seizing control of the Senate itself. Due process, Windu says? What's that? If Skywalker hadn't stopped Windu, it's likely Windu would have killed Palpatine outright because he simply couldn't be bothered to do things right. That sort of shoddy moral justification is exactly what leads people astray.


Palpatine would have won either way. If he were killed by Windu, the Jedi would have simply become the very thing they were trying to fight.


Dammit, now I want to see an alternative universe where Windu kills Palpatine and convinces Anakin to help him gain control of the Republic.

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Dammit, now I want to see an alternative universe where Windu kills Palpatine and convinces Anakin to help him gain control of the Republic.


Now that would have been an interesting "what if" movie (or book or whatever). Dammit, I can't ever think I will shake this from my head now :(

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Possibly but probably not the "Dark Lord" that Palp was. But who knows, maybe Mace would have known the severity of what he had done and the only way to show Anakin the light would be to turn himself (Mace) in.


I don't really think there would be any real consequences. The guy was a Sith Lord, nobody has seemed to care about due process when it comes to Sith before, why would they now?

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Im sorry...I laughed at the title...



Im going to hell arent I?


(I would say he was..."close" as he created Juyo, a rather radical and dangerous form because you used your emotions which could be bad...but he was a master and could control himself easier.)


hohohoho, i didn't even see that

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I don't really think there would be any real consequences. The guy was a Sith Lord, nobody has seemed to care about due process when it comes to Sith before, why would they now?


Hmm I see what you mean. Oh well :)


Mace has been one of my favorite masters for a long time, just sad I would have to go Empire to use the same saber crystal color.

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You could play a Light side Sith.


I might just do that after I get this Jedi Knight up. I've played empire my past few characters into mid 20s (trying to understand each class a little better) and I want to take a break from the same linear planets and questing areas. Republic is still new to me.


But beggars cant be choosers and I can respect BW enough not to complain too much about their choices. Lightsabers look amazing in this game to me anyways and that should be enough.


Random question though and this was bugging me. I know lightsabers cant be used underwater because theyre electrical, but what if you turn on the saber out of water and dip a portion of the blade in water? Does the blade stop where it touches the water and just boil it? Or would the blade continue in as far as it goes because its so hot?

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I might just do that after I get this Jedi Knight up. I've played empire my past few characters into mid 20s (trying to understand each class a little better) and I want to take a break from the same linear planets and questing areas. Republic is still new to me.


But beggars cant be choosers and I can respect BW enough not to complain too much about their choices. Lightsabers look amazing in this game to me anyways and that should be enough.


Random question though and this was bugging me. I know lightsabers cant be used underwater because theyre electrical, but what if you turn on the saber out of water and dip a portion of the blade in water? Does the blade stop where it touches the water and just boil it? Or would the blade continue in as far as it goes because its so hot?


I'm pretty sure they work underwater, I remember watching an episode of the animated Clone Wars, not the CG, with Kit Fisto leading a counterattack against Separatist forces. He had his lightsaber ignited underwater on the Nautolan homeworld.

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