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No patch on 1/17/2011


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I want to say I'm thankful that Bioware delayed the patch, in order to get it right, and I commend them for their honesty on the subject.


Being a veteran of both AoC and STO, I have seen first hand what occurs when developers push out a bad patch, only to spend weeks and months trying to fix the patch on live, putting all other new content and fixes on the back burner.


Way to go Bioware! Keep up the good work, and the level of quality that you are obviously committed to.


As for the petulant children on here throwing tantrums and cursing Bioware's name for delaying the patch, my advice would be to grow up. Or at the very least, go load up Age of Conan and tell me how great it is to rush out patches when they aren't ready. AoC's last patch has brought their servers to a grinding halt for over a month now. Be thankful that Bioware thinks more of it's customers than that.


I'm 100% fine with the patch being delayed for quality reasons, that is not my issue. And it appears you have an issue with patches having bugs. but what about the current state of bugs in the game now? are you ok with that? is that acceptable to you? Or are you one of the those that dont get affected by it, so therefore you don't care? cause thats the 2 camps,

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I'm 100% fine with the patch being delayed for quality reasons, that is not my issue. And it appears you have an issue with patches having bugs. but what about the current state of bugs in the game now? are you ok with that? is that acceptable to you? Or are you one of the those that dont get affected by it, so therefore you don't care? cause thats the 2 camps,


I have not encountered much in the way of bugs, this is true.


Does that mean I think everything is "just fine, nothing to see here, move along"? No.


Bug fixes are important, and I recognize that they need to be addressed in a timely fashion.


However, rushing out a patch that is meant to fix bugs, but could easily produce new bugs or create other new problems, is not the answer.


If we have to wait an additional week or even two in order to get these fixes, I'm okay with that. This game is about a month old. I don't expect Bioware to have every issue addressed in such a short time. The fact that they are aggressively pursuing the bugs and working to not only quash them, but also to continue moving forward with new content at the same time, tells me that Bioware is on the right track, and I'm more than happy to give them some leeway for the time being.


These people that are screaming bloody murder, or insinuating conspiracy theories and generally trolling in regards to the patch delay, are a joke. 1 month in, and all I've seen is whining, complaining, ************ and moaning.


For those who are suffering from real issues and bugs, I have compassion for their state of affairs, and I hope their issues can be resolved soon. But most of these haters are not suffering from bugs. They are hating for hate's sake, in order to get attention and troll. Nothing more.

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I'm 100% fine with the patch being delayed for quality reasons, that is not my issue. And it appears you have an issue with patches having bugs. but what about the current state of bugs in the game now? are you ok with that? is that acceptable to you? Or are you one of the those that dont get affected by it, so therefore you don't care? cause thats the 2 camps,


The two camps are


1) Accept whats on the table and continue

2) Un-sub


Ultimately the game is here and live

Yes it still has bugs

Yes the game patch is delayed

YES the bugs seem so unsurmountable and unbelievably obvious..


Bottom line

The game is here regardless of if it is too early.


The two camps are.


1)Accept whats on the table continue to play



I get there are bugs tons but


Refer to my above statement

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I have not encountered much in the way of bugs, this is true.


Does that mean I think everything is "just fine, nothing to see here, move along"? No.


Bug fixes are important, and I recognize that they need to be addressed in a timely fashion.


However, rushing out a patch that is meant to fix bugs, but could easily produce new bugs or create other new problems, is not the answer.


If we have to wait an additional week or even two in order to get these fixes, I'm okay with that. This game is about a month old. I don't expect Bioware to have every issue addressed in such a short time. The fact that they are aggressively pursuing the bugs and working to not only quash them, but also to continue moving forward with new content at the same time, tells me that Bioware is on the right track, and I'm more than happy to give them some leeway for the time being.


These people that are screaming bloody murder, or insinuating conspiracy theories and generally trolling in regards to the patch delay, are a joke. 1 month in, and all I've seen is whining, complaining, ************ and moaning.


For those who are suffering from real issues and bugs, I have compassion for their state of affairs, and I hope their issues can be resolved soon. But most of these haters are not suffering from bugs. They are hating for hate's sake, in order to get attention and troll. Nothing more.


Actually the patch was mostly content hardly addressing any major bugs that have been discussed for months at all.

Edited by Gunryu
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I'm 100% fine with the patch being delayed for quality reasons, that is not my issue. And it appears you have an issue with patches having bugs. but what about the current state of bugs in the game now? are you ok with that? is that acceptable to you? Or are you one of the those that dont get affected by it, so therefore you don't care? cause thats the 2 camps,


Right now I'm trying to get into WZ. Can't get in for an hour and a half. Simple like that. You queue, u get popup, u agree to enter, u get kicked out to char screen. Hour and a half.


Not only WZ are broken cause of brackets and expertise issues, they also unaccessable for me 90% of the time.


But yeah, new content is so fking important to delay all the fixes.

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Actually the patch was mostly content hardly addressing any major bugs that have been discussed for months at all.




I tend to disagree.


Bug fixes in Patch 1.1:


1. The cooldown indicator on hotbars no longer causes all ability icons to appear grayed out (unusable). Now, when an ability is on cooldown, it will not be grayed out if its activation conditions (like resource costs or range) are met.


2. Using character rotation keys no longer breaks a character out of cover.


3. Force Stasis: This ability is now correctly an instant ability when both Stasis Mastery and the 2-piece PvP set bonus are present.


4. Plasma Brand: This ability’s tooltip now properly reflects the damage it does. Its damage has not been adjusted.


5. Force Choke: This ability is now correctly an instant ability when both Force Grip and the 2-piece PvP set bonus are present.


6. Jaesa Willsaam - Fixed a bug that could block marriage dialogue options with this companion.


7. Companion abilities that have been disabled by the player no longer toggle back on when the companion is re-summoned.


8. Corrected an issue that caused the indicator that a companion wants to talk to you to disappear.


9. Companions no longer need to be re-summoned after selling trash items if the player mounts a vehicle after dispatching them.


10. Traveling from a Contested Area to a Contested Region now causes companions to be unsummoned correctly.


11. All mod type item modification schematics have been removed from the Artifice trainer. These schematics were invalid, and could not be used if purchased.


12. Maelstrom Prison - X-37 Oppressor Droid’s grapple can no longer be resisted, ensuring the fight mechanic behaves as intended.


13. Colicoid War Game - This Flashpoint’s mission now correctly leads the players into the Flashpoint.


14. The Red Reaper - The Red Reaper mission now updates correctly for the entire group when the mission is obtained on the Imperial or Republic Fleets.


15. Directive 7 - Corrected an issue that caused Interrogator to sometimes spawn far more cyborgs than intended. The fight is now more manageable.


16. The False Emperor - Corrected an issue that caused Jindo Krey to randomly target players with his blaster attack. He now focuses those attacks on his primary target, making him “tankable” as intended.


17. Several tanking relics that had the incorrect stats have been corrected.


18. Removing a modification from an item and then re-inserting it no longer causes that modification to be lost upon area transitions.


19. Battlemaster Bags now correctly contain Battlemaster Commendations.


20. A Dangerous Auction: The step “Travel to Hutta” now updates if the player travels there via the Imperial Fleet.


21. Death Marks: This mission now advances in the Star Cluster Casino regardless of player decisions regarding Yjal on Balmorra.


22. Enclave Raid: This mission no longer becomes blocked if players complete the task “Defeat Tarisian Enclave Masters” before completing “Recover Tarisian Artifacts.”


23. Hutt Hospitality: The conversation with Ambassador Rove now takes into account the outcome of a decision regarding Grub.


24. The Mandalorian Killer: Kellian Jarro and Thendys Noori now correctly spawn during this mission.


25. The Sacred Flame: Blank dialogue options no longer display during this mission’s conversations.


26. Back Alley: Players now receive credit for defending the point with the turret.


27. Lab Work: Choosing the dark side option in this mission no longer causes this mission to stop advancing.


28. Prison Breaking: Rist Slayers, Stalkers, Torturers, and Prison Guards now respawn correctly.

Rescue Operation: This mission now progresses normally if the player is defeated on the step “Use Your Personal Holocom” when fleeing the base.


29. Scorched Earth: The mission objective NPC in this mission no longer spawns as friendly and unattackable in some instances.


30. Shattering: Mission progression no longer becomes blocked if the player returns to the med center after being defeated in combat.


31. The Shadow Fist: Mission progression no longer becomes blocked if the player closes the loot window on the step “Recover the Stealth Field Generator.”


32. Thwarting House Thul: Thul Mercenaries, Thul Sharpshooters, and Thul Colonels now respawn


33. Fixed a bug that could cause specific NPCs to appear miniature-sized in conversations.


34. Players using the French and German clients can now obtain daily PvE missions.


35. Fixed a bug that would not grant proper credit to the first player to interact with a mission loot chest.


36. Players will now receive proper Valor and mission credit when defeating another player.


37. Space Combat - Armor Upgrade 2 now has the correct armor value.


38. Opening the Inventory Panel with the button on the Menu Bar now always correctly displays the reverse engineering button.


39. Inviting a new player to a guild no longer causes the member list to display incorrectly.


40. Corrected an issue with older ATI cards that could cause the game to render as a black screen.


41. Falls on the Republic and Imperial Fleets that should lead to death now properly do so.


42. Players who die on the Fleets now respawn at the appropriate med center.


43. Corrected an issue that could cause the game to crash during area transitions.


44. Fixed a bug that could cause players to fall through the world during or after a conversation or cinematic.




44 Bug fixes. If you ask me, that's a significant haul. Granted, there are other bugs to deal with, and some major bugs will still remain, but these are issues none the less, and they are being addressed.


44 bug fixes, compare to how much "new content"? 1 additional flashpoint?


Yeah, I really don't agree with your assessment.

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I tend to disagree.


Bug fixes in Patch 1.1:

44 bug fixes, compare to how much "new content"? 1 additional flashpoint?


Yeah, I really don't agree with your assessment.


The resty is snipped for space but you forgot to add that the Kira issue is to be resolved for ALL players that were affected prior to Dec 27th

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Many of the items on that list should have been hotfixed in as they were available. Some of them are class quest bugs FFS that don;t allow the story to progress. That is not something you postpone or wait to add with a content patch.


Again, customer service and support in this game is the worst I have seen.

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The pvp brackets should have been its own fix put in couple weeks ago. Don't be mindless sheep people we need to demand that best out of Bioware. This game sold millions of copies. They have tons of money right now. If they need to hire more people they should do it. They need to be getting the stuff fixed that needs to be fixed ASAP. We have every right to be demanding we are paying for this game. Edited by Kwll
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Many of the items on that list should have been hotfixed in as they were available. Some of them are class quest bugs FFS that don;t allow the story to progress. That is not something you postpone or wait to add with a content patch.


Again, customer service and support in this game is the worst I have seen.


People will always find a way to complain. FACT




1) Accept what's on the table and continue

2) Un-sub


That's it

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People will always find a way to complain. FACT




1) Accept what's on the table and continue

2) Un-sub


That's it


So it's acceptable that people cannot progress their STORY in a STORY BASED MMO? Gotcha. Blind fanboi response. keep defending the terrible service. Maybe in your next post you can post something other than the same response. Better yet, I can just ignore your stupidity so i don;t have to see it again.

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Runnin' out of days bioware. If this patch isn't out and useful before the end of the "free" month expect to lose a large chunk of players.


for truth.


Some of us were just sticking round long enough to see if BW could deliver a decent bug fix patch.


Instead we get delay after delay for lol zombie apocalyse patch rather than the MAJOR bug fix patch that is needed. Time has run out.

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So it's acceptable that people cannot progress their STORY in a STORY BASED MMO? Gotcha. Blind fanboi response. keep defending the terrible service. Maybe in your next post you can post something other than the same response. Better yet, I can just ignore your stupidity so i don;t have to see it again.



The fact that you immidiatley assume I am a fanboi or for that matter use "fanboi" in any of your responses amuses me.

Not to mention your blind assumption that because my post is ultimately the truth you then assume i'm a blind fanboi and think it's acceptable that they have so many bugs in game.


NOT to mention you immidiately assume my response is stupid because I do not share your opinion.


FOR those idiotic enough to agree with this person let me break it down for you.




I am simply stating as with everything what is happening here is beyond peoples control


The two options I have listed which so bluntly have been labled as "fanboism" ARE under peoples control

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Releasing the patch before the 20th was just not going to happen. It was just a carrot.


You'll experience the update and possibly a lot of bug fixes... *if* you subscribe. Blizzard has done it for such a long time not a shocker to see BW doing the same.

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Releasing the patch before the 20th was just not going to happen. It was just a carrot.


You'll experience the update and possibly a lot of bug fixes... *if* you subscribe. Blizzard has done it for such a long time not a shocker to see BW doing the same.


Must be why the patch is coming tonight.


Oops... looks like all the silly conspiracy theories spouted in this thread has been debunked. I'm eager to hear the excuses some people will pull for their illogical and irrational reaction. :rolleyes:

Edited by Abriael
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You can remove the tinfoil hats now. Or continue to freak out because they're "NOT GIVING US ENOUGH TIME TO SEE IF THE PATCH ADDRESSES MY CONCERNS OMGGGGZ".


I tend to assume it will be the latter....but oh well.




Hello everyone, we wanted to let you know that we have rescheduled weekly maintenance for eight hours on January 18th, 2012 from 2AM CST (12AM PST/3AM EST/8AM GMT/9AM CET) until 10AM CST (8AM PST/11AM EST/4PM GMT/5PM CET). This downtime is in preparation for our first major game update, Rise of the Rakghouls! All game servers and SWTOR.com will be offline during this period. This maintenance is expected to take no more than eight hours, but could be extended.


Game Update 1.1, Rise of the Rakghouls, is the first of what will be many regularly-scheduled content updates for the game. With this update, expect a vast expansion to the Karagga’s Palace Operation, a brand new Flashpoint called “Kaon Under Siege”, and many more changes!


For more information, check out our Game Update 1.1 news article.


As a reminder, we are still aiming to limit our scheduled maintenance period to once a week, on Tuesdays, but we had to delay this week's maintenance due to some issues found on the Public Test Server that required extra testing. Our goal is still to ensure that the weekly maintenance period to takes place in an off-peak time for both North American and European players. We are also aiming to inform players of the precise duration of any weekly maintenance period at least 24 hours before the maintenance begins.


For our new players, this weekly maintenance is done in order to make general improvements and to check performance of the game so that we can continue to provide a consistent, quality experience. Quite often (but not always) after a maintenance period there will a patch to download. Please be sure to update your launcher after any maintenance period.



Scheduled Maintenance


Date: Wednesday, January 18th, 2012




All game servers and SWTOR.com will be offline during this period. This maintenance is expected to take no more than eight hours.


Thank you for your patience as we maintain service for Star Wars™: The Old Republic™.

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Must be why the patch is coming tonight.


Oops... looks like all the silly conspiracy theories spouted in this thread has been debunked. I'm eager to hear the excuses some people will pull for their illogical and irrational reaction. :rolleyes:


Can you link the information please so the conspiricy therorists can ****?


EDIT: SOmeone already did good

Edited by Spyderwraith
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