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No patch on 1/17/2011


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so they closed my thread and force me to post in this one...since they cant tell that my point was different then just "hey no patch tommorrow" ill have to spell it out here AGAIN for them (pulls out crayons)


so...no patch tomorrow (or tonight for aussie/nz)


why not still do maintainence and just implement the patch during NEXT weeks weekly maintainence....



oceanic regions already lose 1 day a week for downtimes (which is fine coz we causl raiders anyway) but EVERY week you have screwed us over with sporatic patching.....




EA/BW are the laughing stock of the MMO community...never has ANY company in an MMO i have tested been this much of a cluster f**k.


get organised people or sell the rigts to someone who atleast has half a clue what they are doing


Lucas Arts can sell the IP but they can't give the actual source coding for SWTOR to anyone.

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One thing people don't think about is that BW probably postponed at the last minute because they tried their hardest to fix more bugs on time but couldn't.


Put that in your self-entitled pipe and smoke it.



It was supposed to be released last week also.

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If you have run out of things to do already, then you skipped a wack of content. Go back and play it till 1.1 comes out. It's not a big deal. Rather wait till BW is ready and not rush content. Keep up the good work BW.


NOONE in this thread says the content is lacking, some state endgame is a bit lacking. But majority just want the bugs fixed, then I don't mind rerolling 8 times and do that content over and over until a true endgame kicks in.

Edited by Waxmask
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All you whiners cannot be pleased, weren't you the same crowd that have been pissing and moaning that SWTOR was released too soon? Now that BW has caught what appears to be serious bugs on the PTR, you are actually complaining they'd chose to stop a flawed patch and fix it before it gets released?


You folks are insufferable.

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Heeeeeeeeeeeey guess what, that's the same crap you guys say to us who are experiencing things in THIS game "It never happened to me, get a better PC lawl wow fanboi!" shoes on the other foot huh lol


**Edit** yeah, great fixes on those unharvetable nodes, I have experienced quite a few even some invisible ones!


I have never said that.


Thank you for your edit. Now it shows you know nothing about anything involving games.

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I have never said that.


Thank you for your edit. Now it shows you know nothing about anything involving games.



Nope don't know anything, not at all, only been playing MMOs since UO which I doubt I could say for you as well, when an MMO company says something was fixed it should be FIXED.

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All you whiners cannot be pleased, weren't you the same crowd that have been pissing and moaning that SWTOR was released too soon? Now that BW has caught what appears to be serious bugs on the PTR, you are actually complaining they'd chose to stop a flawed patch and fix it before it gets released?


You folks are insufferable.


Still trying to find said bug on PTR forums where it was found apparently. Also the fact it was found outside of their officer hours when many of them weren't there is quite telling too.

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The 20th can't come soon enough....


There is so many people in this thread that need tin-foil hats it's just not funny do you people really think Bioware sits around with nothing better to do then worry about what your doing with your life and if your gonna threaten to quit or unsub just because the patch wasn't ready on time.....


The patch was delayed probably for a day or two but if it isn't till after the 20th oh well guess you don't get to play it unless you stay subbed too bad so sad.


I don't think the rest of will miss you considering we have no idea who you are or were for that matter....


And as for the people saying if the patch isn't done by the 20th there gonna lose all these subs well considering atm they probably have more subs then every other MMO but WOW I don't think there gonna miss ya they will still be raking it in......

Edited by Kittypryde
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Still trying to find said bug on PTR forums where it was found apparently. Also the fact it was found outside of their officer hours when many of them weren't there is quite telling too.


rofl office hours during the launch of a major MMO. That's funny that you think software programers keep regular hours.

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Testers on the PTR find issues and bugs with the patch, you people are whining that Bioware chooses to hold off on the patch to fix them? Would you all rather they rush the patch and complain about the bugs? You'll get to play the bugged patch but thats good right?


Complaining because they chose to listen to the PTR players is crazy.

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Nope don't know anything, not at all, only been playing MMOs since UO which I doubt I could say for you as well, when an MMO company says something was fixed it should be FIXED.


Playing games? Yes.


Developing games? Nope.


From a UO player id expect more from you.

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All you whiners cannot be pleased, weren't you the same crowd that have been pissing and moaning that SWTOR was released too soon? Now that BW has caught what appears to be serious bugs on the PTR, you are actually complaining they'd chose to stop a flawed patch and fix it before it gets released?


You folks are insufferable.


Ughhh for the hunderth time....it's bugs from the new content. WE ARE WAITING SINCE BETA ON BUG FIXES! Now go make lunch for your kids....

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My theory on how the most recent gathering of execs went over at BW:


Bawssman: "So we're good to go on 1.1, right? Anyone have anything ready we can toss into the patch?"


Guy 1: "nope."


Guy 2: "Should be good to go."


Head Dev: "As underwhelming as the patch is considering the state of the game, we think it'll satisfy the needs of a pretty large part of the player base."


Bawssman: "Well, whatever keeps them paying."


Bawssman's secretary: "Um, sir? Most people's free 30 days of game time ends a couple days after the scheduled release date for the current patch, giving them a generous window in which to cancel before they're charged if they don't appreciate the new content."




Bawssman: *expletive*


Bawssman's Secretary: "Very good sir, we'll pass the word to postpone."


Bawssman (with sweat upon the brow): "Good boy."


And if Bioware pushed it out and more bugs arose from it the narrative here would be "GG Bioware maybe you should take some time to make sure your game works!??!?!?"

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Ive run mmo's for 15 years and this is a great game.... However dam the bugs are really horrid. Come on Bioware pls the SAME BUG'S THAT WERE IN FIRST BETA BUILDS......REALLY.?!?


This is not a single player game. It's a MMO!!!


You got this Bware you got this :confused:

Edited by Kailbane
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The 20th can't come soon enough....


There is so many people in this thread that need tin-foil hats it's just not funny do you people really think Bioware sits around with nothing better to do then worry about what your doing with your life and if your gonna unsub every other day cause you don't get your way I mean pls.....


I should hope they care they are losing customers that are actually willing to tell them what's wrong rather than sit there with their heads in the ground going "LALALALALA Bioware you did so great game is perfect don't change anything lalalalala"


Not to mention customers who just quit silently not even even saying anything, but yeah they don't care they are losing money nope not at all.

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They said "because we care about quality testing"! Oh my hahah..i could fill this page with lol's and it wouldn't properly express how funny that is.


By this logic their game would not have released in its current state. They still have major bugs from the first beta weekend.

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Still trying to find said bug on PTR forums where it was found apparently. Also the fact it was found outside of their officer hours when many of them weren't there is quite telling too.


BW has conceded they are not ready for 1.1, who cares what specific bug it was!!!????


And we know jack crap about what is really happening behind the scenes, it's pointless to speculate. As a career software engineer I am very satisfied somebody stopped the train before it came off the tracks.


God knows SWTOR has lots of bugs, BW exercising some discipline in the name of quality assurance is something we should all celebrate.

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I should hope they care they are losing customers that are actually willing to tell them what's wrong rather than sit there with their heads in the ground going "LALALALALA Bioware you did so great game is perfect don't change anything lalalalala"


Not to mention customers who just quit silently not even even saying anything, but yeah they don't care they are losing money nope not at all.


Did I say nothing was wrong with the game?

Where in my post did you read that from Miss Cleo...


No i said, that people threaten to quit over everything it doesn't matter what Bioware does people are not gonna be happy....


And there is way too many people on here with tin-foil hats this isn't Bioware out to get you maybe you think it is but it's not....

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