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Advice on groups for new mmo player?


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So Im somewhat new to these types of games and so far have spent very little time grouping for anything. Im level 32 and have been in a group 3 or 4 times but only when invited.


Any advice for a new new player other than "if you dont know how to group, then this game is not for you." So far that has been the response ive been getting. I just dont get it because you gotta start somewhere. Not everyone has been playing mmos forever. You would think the vets would welcome new players in order to grow the community.


Anyways Ive tried using the LFG for different flashpoints, but have had bad luck so far.

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only "need" on items that you (the player character) can use. Do not need for companions unless EVERYBODY IN PARTY AGREES ON THAT FIRST.


Or you will be seeing grief.


Other then that. stick with the group and use good tactics. No freelance aggroing or charging into battle without others being ready.


Have fun. My main is same level. Maybe see ya around

Edited by tcalusine
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I'd like to help too, it sounds like you are asking for advice for forming a group? Or for understanding how grouping works in an MMO? The later is a longer answer. But the first one, honestly, you have to take some risks, and try to talk to some people around you. Don't ask for "help" per se, just ask if anybody wants to group for quests or some heroics. Like in life, you need to start trying to make some friends. Try a guild, a great way to get to know the community, be honest that you are new and I bet a ton will volunteer to help. When you are in fleet, post a bit in General that you are looking for helpful guild.


Just like to forums, ignore the jerks. You will encounter MANY, it just is a reality, respond politely, resist the urge to descend to their level.

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Hello there, Optiklown, welcome to the community!


At the top of this forum, you'll notice several stickies that should have information you're looking for! Please take note of Goshee's Guide: Newcomers and spoe's Flashpoints - A Guide for New Players to get started.


Additionally, New Player Help has a wonderful community - don't be afraid to ask any questions you don't find answers for! Since the community here is very helpful, not all guides have been stickied. You may find other helpful community threads by looking at the New Players Fleet Pass: A Directory of Resources sticky.


Hope that helps!

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So Im somewhat new to these types of games and so far have spent very little time grouping for anything. Im level 32 and have been in a group 3 or 4 times but only when invited.


Any advice for a new new player other than "if you dont know how to group, then this game is not for you." So far that has been the response ive been getting. I just dont get it because you gotta start somewhere. Not everyone has been playing mmos forever. You would think the vets would welcome new players in order to grow the community.


Anyways Ive tried using the LFG for different flashpoints, but have had bad luck so far.


That guide mentioned above is a bit overwhelming to read, so here's a few basics that I hope will help:


Firstly, never randomly invite a player to join your group. This is considered very rude and is usually declined. If you see someone near to your level and hanging around a quest zone you want help with, send them a /whisper and ask them, politely, if they would like to join you, before inviting them. To invite a player, just type /invite <playername> or right-click on their name in chat, or their portrait and select 'Invite to group' from the context menu.


Once in a group, try to be patient if people are organizing themselves before the quest. This can often take 5-10 minutes as the others get to the mission area, or try to organize their inventories for the quest. It's not always the case, but it can happen. Impatient group members are usually frowned upon.


If you are creating a group yourself, be sure to take the initiative when people are asking where to meet, etc. As leader, it is your job to keep things on track. If you can't handle that kind of pressure, offer the leadership to another member of the group.


If you are invited to a group, always be mindful that the leader is in charge of organizing the mission. This is not narcissistic, it's essential to good group function, and is usually rewarded with fluid gameplay and direction, as well as successful fights.


Never just steam into a fight, no matter how tough you think you are. Always wait for the group to be ready before an opening attack and be very mindful of your role in it. Tanks ALWAYS open the assault, followed by crowd control if designated and then DPS. Any deviation from this can cause huge problems with agro for the entire group and can often lead to wipeouts. Also, remain focused - Don't be chatting away to guild members when a group quest is running. It's too easy to miss things that might be important.


When it comes to loot, try to remain calm if you like the look of something being rolled for. Need Before Greed (NBG) is the general direction people expect with loot rolls. And that doesn't mean "I need that for my other character", it applies ONLY for your current character. In some (rare) cases, rolling for your 'Primary' companion can be acceptable - BUT this MUST be agreed upon before questing and it usually only applies for small groups that use their companions to play the more difficult heroic missions (this is, however, a controversial subject). Generally though, it's common practice to simply take a deep breath and either roll for greed, or pass altogether, if you don't actually need it for your player class. Rolling need for items that are of no use to you can get you kicked from a group and make you very unpopular. Take time to examine the items, carefully, before rolling.


In closing; A good group isn't hard to find, but it can take a while to get organized. Be patient and polite when setting one up or joining one. Once in a group, be friendly, attentive and patient. Remember your role as a combatant.


Above all, enjoy yourself :D

Edited by Herbaceous
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One important thing is to understand what cc (crowd control) means and how to use it right, if others in the group want to use it.


CC is any ability that is meant to keep the target in sleep/stunned/immobilized or some such thing for a period of time which for long cc abilities is 60 seconds. Any of these 60 second cc abilities will end prematurely if you do any damage to that target, so whenever cc is used you must only attack the targets that are not under cc and not use any aoe (area of effect) damage abilities so as to not to brake cc.

If you constantly brake cc, the other people may get very frustrated with you.

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One important thing is to understand what cc (crowd control) means and how to use it right, if others in the group want to use it.


CC is any ability that is meant to keep the target in sleep/stunned/immobilized or some such thing for a period of time which for long cc abilities is 60 seconds. Any of these 60 second cc abilities will end prematurely if you do any damage to that target, so whenever cc is used you must only attack the targets that are not under cc and not use any aoe (area of effect) damage abilities so as to not to brake cc.

If you constantly brake cc, the other people may get very frustrated with you.


A very good and essential point that I forgot to elaboerate on. I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to edit my other topic with this info. PM me if you object please EternalNight :)

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1. Until you learn the ropes, stick with your real life friends. If that's not an option, then go out of your way to be extra friendly to others. The Star Wars ip has brought in an entire new player base; trust me, your not the only one struggling with terminology, etc.


2. Learn the terminology


3. Avoid leading a group, until your confident with the mechanics.


4. If you don't know what your supposed to do... ASK!


5. When searching for a group, be sure to state your lvl and role (dps, healz, tank)


6.Do NOT need for companion gear


7. Lastly, and most importantly... don't stand in the fire :)


The mmo crowd can be quite nasty at times. Don't let one person's insults crush your spirits, and cause you to avoid groups. Ignore them, and try again!

Edited by Gamon
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Any advice for a new new player other than "if you dont know how to group, then this game is not for you." So far that has been the response ive been getting.


BTW if you're going to ask advice, it may not allways be a good idea to ask in game (if that is what you did before), but that depends on what type of problem you have and what kind of answer it needs.


The chat function in game is only good for typing 1 line of text at a time. If that is all that is needed to answer your question, you usually do get helpful answers there too.


If however explaining something to you may require more than 1 line of text, then other players may not be willing to even start doing it.

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You do not need to group in order to complete this game.


I skipped about 75% of the flashpoints (group required). did very few Group Heroics. Played diligently for four weeks doing Space/PVP Dailys and doing public PVP and i made 50 no problem.


The game is Solo friendly. and group friendly.


But if you can find a friendly guild willing to help you out things will be much better. Flashpoints are a lot of fun. and you'll always get good gear from them. so you're missing out in that without groups.


You shouldn't come across any players that are too stingy about grouping anyways. You can't really wipe out on instances. theres hardly any penalties for dying. IF you find a group/someone thats being OCD about your class or being new to the game... they need to chill the f out. SWTOR is by far the easiest MMORPG to play.

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4. If you don't know what your supposed to do... ASK!


This would be my advice as well. Actually the most important one.


Make sure you are reasonably up to speed on what you should know (e.g. what skills you have and what they do, if people have to tell you how your class works it's not going to go well).


Aside from that ask if you are unsure about something. Most people are helpful and would tell you what happens and what you should do rather then fail because you didn't know.


In some groups people even go so far as to ask if everyone knows how a certain boss works etc. and if someone doesn't explain.



And the only thing that's going to make you better is by doing it. Ask for groups and join groups. You will probably pick up a few names for your friends list and get added for some, so getting groups together will get easier in the long term.



As for the need vs. greed thing, in case of doubt roll greed or pass. No item is good enough worth ruining your reputation (And by the time where the really good stuff drops you will know what you NEED).

Attributes and armortype are what to go for. If you are a Guardian you wear heavy armor, but that doesn't mean a piece of heavy armor with Aim is for you (It isn't).

Know what you need and check if it is an improvement over what you have (Taking the Guardian example; just because it is heavy armor and has Strength on it doesn't make it need. Other may need it or would be happy to get it via greed for their companions).

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1. Until you learn the ropes, stick with your real life friends. If that's not an option, then go out of your way to be extra friendly to others. The Star Wars ip has brought in an entire new player base; trust me, your not the only one struggling with terminology, etc.


This is the reason I was looking forward to this game so much. I knew there would be tons of star wars fans wanting to try this game. Allowing me to be on the same level as far as mmo experience goes. Thanks for all the help.:)

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haven't read thru all the responses but just wanted to add. You really have to embrace grouping in mmos. At first you may be intimidated by it and not want to mess up but sooner or later ya gotta just suck it up and do it! You'll find your whole game playing experience much better and more fun. Also at least for me i love teaming with less experienced players who pull all kinds of crap randomly/mess up cc and all that. Makes things more interesting and keeps everyone on their toes lol. I like to think of pulls like Bill O'Reilly runs a show - "F it, i'll pull it.. and we'll DO IT LIVE!!!" - you'll be all the better for it if you survive ;) Edited by Jybwee
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