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I congratulate you Bioware.


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I have never and I mean NEVER, got this attached to a pet/companion ect as I have now.


I have just done the asteroid mission for Jedi sentinel and been to see the Jedi council ect.


I can actually say I feel connected to Kira, Its good story telling and it feels nice to know my choices actually made a difference. Also loving the story arc so far.


Now I just hope you fix the same sex relationship thing and you'll hear nothing but praise from me and a fair few others I would think.


Anyone else feel the same about there char/companion story arc.

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Iresso was the stock "pile of gray sludge" Bioware character for the Consular. The level-headed, mature, and older veteran soldier who's also your most boring squadmate. It's a pity the other members of your crew aren't options. Female Cons got shafted, in my opinion.


I rolled male so I got the "naive minx" option. I've got that .jpg somewhere...

Edited by Zakaan
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I can't even bring myself to talk to Iresso, he starts out hitting on you way to early. 's like "I don't even know you mate, why are you acting like we have something going?!"


However, I really think there is something creepy about going for your padawan. In both Kira and Nadia's case, they seem like they're 12 or something, its crossing some boundaries with'em!

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I can't even bring myself to talk to Iresso, he starts out hitting on you way to early. 's like "I don't even know you mate, why are you acting like we have something going?!"


However, I really think there is something creepy about going for your padawan. In both Kira and Nadia's case, they seem like they're 12 or something, its crossing some boundaries with'em!


I spend half my time telling my guildies the same whenever Nadia's brought up. I'm pretty young and she still seems like just a kid to me. The fact that she's my supposed to be my student makes things even weirder.

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I can't even bring myself to talk to Iresso, he starts out hitting on you way to early. 's like "I don't even know you mate, why are you acting like we have something going?!"


However, I really think there is something creepy about going for your padawan. In both Kira and Nadia's case, they seem like they're 12 or something, its crossing some boundaries with'em!


In SW universe the age of consent is as low as you want it.

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I can't even bring myself to talk to Iresso, he starts out hitting on you way too early. 's like "I don't even know you, mate, why are you acting like we have something going?!"


However, I really think there is something creepy about going for your padawan. In both Kira and Nadia's case, they seem like they're 12 or something, its crossing some boundaries with 'em!


Agreed on both counts. For female Knights, pretty much everything Doc says from word one should have a [flirt] tag in front of it, but it's more because that's how he relates to women in general than because he's suddenly decided that you're in a serious relationship right away.


I (in-character as my hetero female knight) feel protective in a best-friendly way toward Kira. I'm not clear exactly on whether she's supposed to be my Padawan. I know she's got a pre-existing mentorship with Bela *******, but, at least for the purpose of the current mission, she's my direct report. I think if I was to contemplate a same-gender relationship, the complications inherent in that would make it feel really creepy/abusive.

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I dunno, I always felt more like a Substitute teacher for Kira with the Togruta chick being her actual master. Plus its not like Kira is a new padawan either, she'd been at it a while. Less of an issue there then say if it was like an Anakin/Ahsoka match up.
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However, I really think there is something creepy about going for your padawan. In both Kira and Nadia's case, they seem like they're 12 or something, its crossing some boundaries with'em!


Have you actually played a JK at all? Kira is clearly supposed to have completed the majority of her padawanship at the time you meet her(which is where the JK is suppsoed to be at the same time). The JK just happens to get promoted to Knight before she does. And the romance doesn't really get going until after she is no longer your padawan.


Nadia on the other hand....I haven't played through it myself but it certainly seems to have some issues from what I know of it. >.>

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