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You took too long with Warzone Brackets


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That is a bit like arguing that when paying to enter a "nightclub" they serve drinks that are horrible and make you vomit....did anyone FORCE you to drink in the nightclub?


People had legitimate expectations of PvP, not only through common MMORPGs but through Biowares OWN GAME. It invites you to play at level 10.


Just as you have a legitimate expectation when going to a nightclub to have a drink once inside.


To invite you to do something, which you paid for, and then treat you like rubbish by allowing a system to remain in place for this long that is detrimental to you as a consumer is definitely worth complaining about.


Your argument is full of fail.

Meh. I had fun at lvl 10 in WZ's. It's a convenient way to level and get some decent gear/fill in spots. As a stealth player, I could pick my targets/timing a little bit. They since reduced the rewards for losing, taking the motivation down a little notch, but not killing it entirely.


I could hang out on the space station all evening and burn through five or so levels early on, if I didn't feel like collecting random frog legs for a random NPC. Obviously, some folks will find "options" to be strange and threatening.


Still got two levels to 50 Imp side. Going to make a Republic next and find out what all the wailing and gnashing of teeth is about...unless the new brackets fixed it, in which case...lol I guess people will find something new and more exciting to be "outraged" over.

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People had legitimate expectations of PvP, not only through common MMORPGs but through Biowares OWN GAME. It invites you to play at level 10.


To invite you to do something, which you paid for, and then treat you like rubbish by allowing a system to remain in place for this long that is detrimental to you as a consumer is definitely worth complaining about.


Based on PvP in any MMO, who in their right mind would expect to walk into a PvP zone under-geared, under-leveled, essentially completely unprepared, and expect to miraculously perform on par with players that possess higher level toons who have better gear? That has to be the most unreasonable expectation I have ever heard for someone playing an MMO.


My point still stands. You may have had a legitimate and individual expectation for PvP. But once you discovered the reality of PvP did not meet your expectation, it was your choice to continue playing PvP in spite of the reality you discovered. BW didn't force you to PvP in WZs. BW didn't treat you poorly.


You discovered PvP didn't meet your expectations, yet you continued to subject yourself to gameplay and conditions that were not to your liking. Sorry bud, but that's a you problem, not a BW problem.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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Hi, I still like this game despite its flaws. With that said, I noticed some interesting things after the patch.


1. Battlegrounds are more even. We have prolonged fights. Its not like it used to be, establish contact with enemy, 15 seconds later, someone is dead. Fights go on longer. This is how it is supposed to be. Patch +1.


2. Battlegrounds take longer to queue. No big deal. Patch +0.


3. Huttball came up less, none were blowouts. Patch +1.


4. I saw one of the pvp farmer guild members talking in /local that he was going to unsubscribe. Not sure why. I have inspected this guilds members before, they are wearing full set of purple pvp gear and 50 valor. What's funny is that they also have the barest social level. I guess its just not fun anymore when you have all the pvp gear, no social skills, and you can't roll stomp lowbies anymore while talking about how great you are. Patch +1.


5. Crew mats stack. Patch +1.


Rock on



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